Girl registering 'only Romney' voters, tied to firm dumped by RNC over fraud
Source: FOX 31
DENVER The Colorado Republican Party has terminated its contract with a firm hired to run voter registration and get-out-the-vote operations here after allegations of fraud, FOX31 Denver has confirmed.
The Colorado Republican Party takes any threat to the voting process very seriously, said state GOP spokesman Justin Miller. Following an alleged incident by an employee of Strategic Allied Consultants outside of Colorado we terminated our relationship.
Already this year, the RNC has funneled more than $3.1 million to Strategic Allied Consulting, a company just formed in June by Nathan Sproul, an Arizona voting consultant who has run other firms that have been accused of dumping registration forms filled out by Democrats and other improprieties aimed at helping Republican candidates.
And FOX31 Denver has confirmed that the young woman seen registering voters outside a Colorado Springs grocery store in a YouTube video, in which she admits to trying to only register voters who support Mitt Romney, was indeed a contract employee of Sprouls company.
Im actually trying to register people for a particular party, the girl tells a woman in the video, which has been viewed more than 417,000 times. Because were out here in support of Romney, actually.
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this is HUGH!
(5,861 posts)iamthebandfanman
(8,127 posts)BSUbluNorange
(78 posts)It's too bad she had no idea what was really going on here and I hope this teaches her a valuable lesson about Republicans and their politics!
(156,936 posts)it is obvious she is no villain and has no clue that her actions are criminal
(2,681 posts)BSUbluNorange
(78 posts)What are the legal issues behind what she was doing for the firm and how do you think she could file a case against them.
(156,936 posts)BSUbluNorange
(78 posts)I still think it's a little sketchy with the fact that the head dude at the El Paso Country Clerks Office is also Mormon. I wish I could know whether or not this girl is in his ward. If they weren't even close to each other then maybe I wouldn't expect the worst...
(17,064 posts)sdfernando
(5,235 posts)Civics classes should have educated her so she would know that it was illegal....oh, yeah, that's right....Civics isn't taught in school anymore. Sorry my bad.
(11,031 posts)She pulled off a real attitude when she was confronted with what she was doing. I have no patience for fools.
The Republican Party draws in way to many ignorant fools and they may have to learn the hard way the consequences of their actions.
I only watched it once, but didn't she use bleeped profanity at the end as well? She's not innocent.
(345 posts)Just out of high school and totally clueless. Just doing (and saying) the things her daddy tells her.
(27,670 posts)Ooops. Unsurprisingly, there were questions for County Clerk and Recorder Wayne Williams, who just happens to be a Republican and according to his official bio at the El Paso County, Colorado website, an active member of the Chapel Hills Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where he currently serves in the Bishopric.
And the young woman also just happens to be a Mormon. She is wearing a Mormon CTR ring, a type of ring given to children at baptism (CTR means choose the right):
Riiiiiighhht. Either Williams is lying or the girl is lying to the people she approaches. Somebody needs to be investigated because you can bet she just didnt end up out there on her own. She is working with, or for somebody. And it turned out she was. On Monday, the El Paso County GOP admitted to the Boston Globe that she worked for the Republican National Committees local victory office.
The question now is, if she was working for the RNCs victory office, why did she say she was working for the county clerk?
Good question.
Worker: Hi mam.
Woman: Hi.
Worker: I am polling people but would you vote for Romney or Obama?
Woman:Well wait, I thought you were registering voters a minute ago?
Worker:I am. I am.
Woman:Ok. And who are you registering? All voters?
Worker:Well I am actually trying to register people for a particular party because, were out here in support of Romney, actually. I am.
Woman: And whos paying you for this?
Worker: Oh, um, let me see were working for the County Clerks office.
Woman: Okay you cannot come out here and register one party, lady, are you working for the County Clerks office? I got it all on tape. Youre working for the County Clerks Office?
Worker: I believe so, yes.
Woman: And youre only registering Republicans?
Worker: Nope.
Woman: You said, were only registering Romney people.
Worker: Well, were trying to, to be honest.
Woman: And youre working for Countys Office? Whats your name?
Worker: Mam my name is *beep*
Woman: Thanks *beep*. Thats all I need, honey bunch.
(31,407 posts)out the guy who invented YouTube.
(2,391 posts)Without YouTube, Willard would be doing much better.
myrna minx
(22,772 posts)Dash87
(3,220 posts)This proves that the Republicans are doing dirty tricks, but I also couldn't stand how the person taking the video was bullying that girl. Why can't people just be nice about it?
If she really thought was she was doing was wrong, she wouldn't have just blurted it out right away as a matter of fact (and on video). I can't stand this, because her face is all over the news, but the Republican tools that sent her out do not have their faces all over the news.
(14,549 posts)And she tries to block the camera.
She didn't blurt it out right away and she lied when she finally answered.
The person who took the video stopped voter fraud.
(3,220 posts)who was probably uncomfortable that someone was video taping her. You could tell she didn't think it was wrong at first, but then started to try and lie (with the "no we're registering everyone" comment) when the camera operator told that she shouldn't be doing that. Someone with intent of voter fraud would be more combative, less confused, and try to lie earlier.
I found it weird too that she didn't know who she worked for, though. This needs to be investigated more thoroughly, with that comment alone leading me to believe that there's some really dirty stuff going on there. Maybe they told her not to admit who she works for? It's odd.
What I'm against, though, is the people who sent her out continuing to sit in comfort while she takes all the flak.
(62,077 posts)to lead the videographer to Sproul, who should be in jail.
(95,337 posts)She was not bullied and pretty good chance she knew what she was doing. She said so in the video.
(3,300 posts)KurtNYC
(14,549 posts)Raster
(20,999 posts)....really wanting to register voters who voted the way her master's wanted. She wasn't bullying.
(3,220 posts)That's why I found the reaction so out-of-line. What 99% of my problem is, though, is that she's the bottom of the barrel when it comes to these shady groups, yet she's the one that's going to get dog piled. The group that sent her out will probably try to throw her under the bus, claiming that that's not why she was out there, and she alone chose to only register Romney voters (total bs).
Rather than attacking the group, the camera operator attacks her, like she even cares? It just seems pointless and rude.
(11,031 posts)catch the big fish. If what she did was illegal, locate her and make a plea deal to catch someone higher up in the food chain. Maybe she will learn a lesson in the process.
(6,187 posts)"I didn't know it was wrong to 'borrow' from the register. I've always put it back on payday before?"
I don't think so.
So why should she get a pass on her participation in a fraud/theft where there's a WHOLE LOT FUCKING MORE THAN JUST THE DAY'S TAKINGS on the line?
As another has pointed out, if she wants to do the right thing, all she has to do is name some names and become a witness for the prossecution. She'd immediately be the hero of everyone now villifying her actions.
However, I'll lay London to a housebrick that she'll do right by her church instead and take the fall. After all for her it's a small fine. For one of the Deacons/Elders (particularly one inserted into the process as an electoral official) it would/should/could be serious jail time.
(17,131 posts)Otherwise, I'd be spending 10 to life in the crowbar hotel.
we can do it
(12,690 posts)it doesn't matter if she knew she was doing wrong, she was and she spilled the beans. I wish the poor girl no ill will, only the assholes who hired her, probably because she was young.
Cal Carpenter
(4,959 posts)as anyone vaguely aware of election-related laws would be, coming upon a situation like that. But they did a great job at keeping their cool with the young woman. Of course she was flustered and uncomfortable, and I do feel sorry for her (what a horrible 15 minutes of fame this is).
I know what would be running through my mind had I stumbled upon this and had my camera on: "HOLY SHIT YOU"VE GOT TO BE KIDDING DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING AND HOW FUCKED UP THIS IS? OMGZZWTF!!11!!! OH SHIT I HAVE THIS ON FILM THIS IS NUTZZZ SCANDAL SCANDAL!!!"
If I kept my cool as long as the person with the camera did, and the worst I did was say "honeybunch" I would be pretty proud, LOL.
(95,337 posts)This bullshit has been going on for over a decade by the biggest bully - Nathan Sproul.
In the past he had his folks registered the democrats and then pitch their registrations in the garbage at the end of the day.
And he puts young, good-looking kids out there so it looks 'honest' and we have feelings of 'empathy' towards them. Who would think such a cute girl would be committing campaign fraud.
The only bully is Nathan Sproul who should be behind bars for voter fraud. He gets busted all he does is close up shop, move to another state and starts a new company and then we have this bullshit all over again.
It's annoying that Nathan Sproul can continue to commit voter fraud while honest groups like ACORN get hosed by our government over a fake video.
She was outside a grocery store. If she was truly being bullied all she had to do is scream one time and she would have been saved. Grocery stories usually have security people near buy and I'm sure plenty of store patrons would have rushed to her rescue. She knew she was part of the voter fraud and I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for her.
(63,325 posts)davidpdx
(22,000 posts)If the woman taking the video had not pursued this, it would have never gotten covered in the news. It didn't appear she touched the girl, nor did she swear at her from what I could hear. Yes, she was a bit aggressive in her questioning, but this was happening in a public place and was for the purpose of (supposedly) trying to help people register. As a citizen we have a right to question this kind of crap.
Clearly she's taking a bigger fall than she deserves, but the people running the company and the Republican Party are to blame for that. They are the ones who duped her into doing it. I agree, I'd love to see the people behind this harassed (and I mean really harassed like picketing in front of their houses), but nothing will happen to any of them.
(63,325 posts)The employee may not have realized that she was doing something wrong, but she was taking money to interfere with the right to vote. Personally, I thought that the person taking the video was kind.
(23,673 posts)Garion_55
(1,921 posts)hope she didnt get into too much trouble. she probably had no clue what she was doing was wrong.
(78 posts)AAO
(3,300 posts)She looked 18 to me, and I thought she was pretty damn cute myself, and I'm much, MUCH, older than 15.
(12,272 posts)And while I believe the girl is quite attractive, she is LDS and had some idea of what she was doing. Maybe she didn't know it was illegal, but the way she started fudging and placating when confronted, I am betting she knew it wasn't quite proper.
(3,300 posts)LynneSin
(95,337 posts)He gets these kids that have 'Girl Next Door' or 'Good Christian Guy' looks and has them out there doing this shit. These kids are usually church going kids thinking they are doing the lord's work and Sproul hopes that these kids good looks and 'honest' faces will keep people from questioning their motives.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)a Safeway,Union Shop,notice were the twit is soliciting. Entry area,were the store managers,know this store and they take there customer care to the max. Surprised when the video popped,spotted the ring and q&A this person was doing. Can you say LAWSUIT!!
Isn't this company associated with Rove Brothers companies? This what goes on when our AG sits on his ass and takes care of his buds at Coving&Burling. Sixty more days of this ass and he's gone. This fuck has disserved our Presidenhat at from day one. What a coward.
(14,807 posts)AAO
(3,300 posts)maxrandb
(15,736 posts)and is wearing a Mormon CTR ring. Apparently, the County Clerk in this area is also LDS.
Bernardo de La Paz
(50,278 posts)newspeak
(4,847 posts)in the state of nevada they destroyed democratic registrations. a judge ruled that those who had registered, could not re-register to vote. it was too late, the damage was done, and they barely got a hand slap. I believe they also worked oregon.
how american is it to spout bullshite about freeing other countries, spreading democracy; when your own shite stinks? voter suppression, voter intimidation, phone jamming, lies, corruption, and especially accusing others of what you're doing bigtime; I think we're already a "banana republic", but the people just don't get it yet.
(62,077 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(50,278 posts)Demoiselle
(6,787 posts)I think it's truly creepy, sure, and governmental bodies shouldn't be registering in a partisan manner... but it doesn't matter how you're registered on Election Day. You can vote however you want to.
Just a thought.
(6,787 posts)SaveAmerica
(5,342 posts)LynneSin
(95,337 posts)I've heard Nathan Sproul's name now for over a decade.
This is how Sproul works - he forms a company that register voters and makes a few million off the local GOP start party and does it until he gets busted. He dissolves the company and just forms a new one and moves to another state.
And you just think it's coincidence that it's a pretty girl. That's his trick too - figuring that no one would question the honesty of a pretty 'Girl Next Door' out there doing her civic duty registering voters.
There are no accidents. GOP knows if they can get a few good months, hell a few good weeks out of a Nathan Sproul company they know there could be hundreds or even thousands of Democrats who thought they registered but their registrations somehow mysteriously disappeared.
(2,681 posts)progree
(11,449 posts)Republicans on Thursday fired a vendor suspected of submitting 108 questionable new voter registrations in Florida's Palm Beach County, ground zero for disputed ballots in 2000's presidential race.
The Republican Party of Florida used Virginia-based Strategic Allied Consulting to help register and turnout voters in Florida... The Florida state party had paid the firm more than $1.3 million so far, and the Republican National Committee used the group for almost $3 million of work in Nevada, North Carolina, Colorado and Virginia.
"We have zero tolerance for any threat to the integrity of elections. When we were informed of an alleged incident we immediately cut all ties to the company," RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer said.
"Strategic has a zero-tolerance policy for breaking the law," said Fred Petti, a company attorney. "Accordingly, once we learned of the irregularities in Palm Beach County, we were able to trace all questionable cards to one individual and immediately terminated our working relationship with the individual in question.
I love the last paragraph - always blame it on one or two errant individuals. Just like Honey Bunch in Colorado
(16,254 posts)Do I have this right? When he was hired, he was told to change the name of his company so it couldn't be traced to his old company, but he didn't.
I think there was a post on it yesterday or Wednesday.
How's that money going for you, Repugs?
(16,254 posts)The Republican Party of Florida used Virginia-based Strategic Allied Consulting to help register and turnout voters in Florida, one of a shrinking handful of states President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are contesting. The Florida state party had paid the firm more than $1.3 million so far, and the Republican National Committee used the group for almost $3 million of work in Nevada, North Carolina, Colorado and Virginia.
Something should be done on this like they did with Acorn.
(2,681 posts)trailmonkee
(2,681 posts)Kteachums
(331 posts)farmbo
(3,136 posts)....Racketteer Influenced & Corrupt Organization statute violation against all the moneymen. Interstate conspiracy to commit felony election fraud, using the Internet, phones and mail. And the Mastermind, Sproul, appears to have been involved in the same conduct in prior election cycles. Witnesses-- like that poor, deer-in-the-headlights girl outside the Safeway-- will start singing as the investigation heats up.
Indictments should be a piece of cake.
McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)Watergate, here we go again.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)warrprayer
(4,734 posts)Jane Eyre
(1,808 posts)This August 31 ad was pulled soon after the Honey Bunch video went viral, and the alliance with Sproul's firms was revealed.
Note the wording of the ad: "identify conservative and Republican voters and ask them to register to vote. " That is illegal in NC where voter registration is strictly non-partisan.
Voter Registration Coordinator (Charlotte)
Date: 2012-08-31, 12:52PM EDT
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Support the GOP and get paid!
Are you interested in a job that will make a difference in the upcoming election? Do you have the drive to change American politics? Penmac Staffing Services has immediate openings for temporary workers as Voter Registration Coordinators for the upcoming election. Salary is $12 per hour with a flexible schedule; either part time or full time with Saturday hours required.
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