Romney picks Paul Ryan as vice presidential running mate
Source: nbcnews
Mitt Romney's campaign has announced that the presumptive GOP nominee has chosen House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate. The two candidates will appear together at a campaign event in Norfolk, VA Saturday morning.
The announcement will be in front of the U.S.S. Wisconsin -- which just happens to be Ryan's home state.
The Romney campaign billed the ticket "America's comeback team" in the release announcing the decision, saying that Ryan "has worked tirelessly leading the effort to reign in federal spending and increase accountability to taxpayers."
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My first thoughts are varied:
Scared because it does energize the Republican base, judging from comments on cspan. Scared because that scary guy would get into the W.H. if Romney wins.
OTOH, what does it say that the No. 2 guy on the ticket is the one that the other side really wants to be No. 1 on the ticket? Kinda makes my heart bleed for poor Romney. No one wants HIM. But they might vote for his running mate.
On the third hand, does a VP pick really matter that much? I don't think so.
On the fourth hand, ANOTHER Republican ticket with two good lookin' wealthy white guys? Seriously?
(7,044 posts)Or go "Forward" with a Democratic Administration?
(135,425 posts)Stupid pick on a really stupid day. He's lost half the weekend talk time...unless he doesn't WANT people talking about the guy...???
(37,648 posts)has a chance to get out, their way? I don't know. Usually the weekend is when you break bad news, not good news.
(135,425 posts)Makes no frigging sense!
(14,829 posts)Saturday?
They DESPERATELY need to get a few news cycles.
Why not hold off until Monday?
(135,425 posts)this idiot for a long while--some gasbag in the GOP sewer had to blab!
(15,139 posts)the majority of voters in other time zones are still asleep. WTF?
(14,829 posts)they might as well have done it at midnight ...
Martin Eden
(13,189 posts)He says we're living in one of her novels right now.
(135,425 posts)It's priceless!
(30,947 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)cyberpj
(10,794 posts)initial attacks from weeknight progressive and liberal political shows. That was my first thought anyway.
(1,418 posts)Paul Ryan is the exact arsehole Obama/Biden have been hoping for.
He's hideous.. more so than even Rmoney himself.
This is perfect- because we've already seen people in our nation- who actually
have a moral compass, attack and deride Ryan's budget meat cleaver which
(hopes) to decimate the social safety net. Really? are ALL repugs in congress on
board with this?
so now Obama's job just got much easier... we citizens who actually have a soul/heart
are going to smack Ryan's absurd "budget" down severely.
it's a win for Obama.
(37,648 posts)But will it shift the focus from Romney's Bain past and tax returns, to all about Ryan and his budget?
But hopefully Ryan will energize the Democrats AND the seniors, who are reliable voters. Ryan wants to end Medicare! The golden egg, to seniors, including my far right Dad.
BUT...I think Ryan's plan would leave Medicare as it is for those over a certain age, so they'd be safe.
(1,418 posts)the wealthy class wants Obama off the Bain meme anyway.
this is better, WAY better.
Ryan looks and acts like an arrogant bully. he's hideous; I'm serious.
yes, this ignites the Dem base-- like nothing else would-- when Rmoney/Ryan
start waving that cruel budget around in the air, watch what happens.
severe smackdown.
oh sure, the usual cold hearted bastard reich wing will make lots of noise.
but the wave of protest against this crap will be massive.
(14,829 posts)Romney just put ALL their cards on the table and this election just got FOR REAL.
Time for the people of this country to wake the fuck up and pay attention to the republican vision.
(1,418 posts)Rmoney thinks he can make hay w/ the deficit/debt hysteria.. that's one reason
he picked meat cleaver-wielding Ryan.
he's wrong. the economy stinks... you can't take the meat cleaver to the social
safety net-- all while of course leaving the obscenely bloated military budget--
and other sacred cows untouched.
ain't gonna fly with the "regular" people. forget it
(37,648 posts)ewagner
(18,967 posts)even the Catholic Church is attacking Ryan's budget plan?
We've wanted to run against Ryan's plan anyway...
(18,967 posts)Exactly what century are these guys living in?
(13 posts)I've seen it before
(1,418 posts)in spite of the serious problems the Catholic church has.. they have a lot of people
in the trenches really helping the poor.. and God bless em for that.
so they are very aware of our poverty problem.. and that taking the meat cleaver
approach to the social safety net is totally the wrong thing to do.
let's hope they continue to push back against this obv cruelty
(6,863 posts)Iggy said: "This is perfect- because we've already seen people in our nation- who actually
have a moral compass, attack and deride Ryan's budget meat cleaver which
(hopes) to decimate the social safety net. Really? are ALL repugs in congress on
board with this? "
When you get a busload of angry nuns driving all over America expressly to protest your budget, you have got some political liabilities!
I took the meaning of their tour to be; "Mr. Ryan, your budget plan is against much of what Jesus stood for."
There wasn't much "I got mine and screw you" in the teachings of Jesus.
-90% jimmy
(6,999 posts)waiting to be spent in negative ads and promotional ads for Rmoney...And yes it would seem like an easy win for the Obama ticket but remember Walker was elected twice..something Democrats did not expect and perhaps thought the recall would have been an easy victory too.
(15,262 posts)Obama reacted to the Ryan budget as follows:
"a plan that claims to reduce the deficit by spending a trillion dollars on tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires"
This is going to be a very easy sell: "Save Social Security, Vote Democratic."
(3,544 posts)This should pretty much do it for Rmoney. If people think Rmoney is going to pick up more voters by selecting a candidate that supports trashing Medicare, think again. I can't wait to see the numbers drop.
(1,418 posts)willard may have just lost FL with this move.
he's dumb as a fencepost.
(45,629 posts)It's now an ideological fight about the role of government and taxes.
Mitt you are such a loser. You could have had any number of respected
moderates, and you choose the flamethrower.
Mitt? Mutt.
McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)The press tried so hard to ignore Paul Ryan's two attempts to murder Medicare. The Wa Po even tried to sell the Big Lie that Obama wanted to chainsaw massacre the program. Now, Death to Medicare is going to be the official GOP policy. Hope they choke on it.
(3,544 posts)This should be the final nail in the coffin.
(2,921 posts)You know, finally cut off the middemen that decides between if you need this life-saving transplant, or the stockholders need extra cash..
It's time.
Way past time.
(8,694 posts)of USS Wisconsin with the big Romney banner hanging down looks like when W did his "Mission Accomplished".
(437 posts)plan to destroy Medicare as we know it and replace it with a coupon system?"
(437 posts)Romneycare has been an absolute failure in Mass. Do you agree with him?"
(437 posts)have denounced your VP Medicare plan as cruel to "poor and vulnerable persons".Why do you have a war on religion, Gov Romney ??"
(176,435 posts)At age 65, Rmoney is Medicare-eligible. I now wonder if he signed up.
(2,529 posts)Although I think he has a medical plan as part of his governor's pension, although a lot of public employees health benefits are sometimes augmented by Medicare as a secondary when they reach 65, such as my husband's Tricare. I don't know how old his kids are, but I'm betting if they're 26 or under, he's got them on ACA.
(176,435 posts)so I imagine that his kids are still grade school age.
(437 posts)with Naral and wants to criminalize abortions? How many years should a women be imprisoned for getting an abortion ?"
(437 posts)to eviscerate Medicare and Medicaid for people while giving even more tax cuts for the rich. Are the rich really suffering ?"
(37,648 posts)OR they can elect to buy a private plan. But if they go with the regular Medicare, it will probably cost them more, because the govt will only give a certain amt of subsidy for either.
But the catch is: There's not exactly a long list of ins. cos. lining up to insure senior citizens. That's why Medicare was started to begin with! Seniors couldn't afford the cost of ins. Ins. cos. don't want to insure them....they cost an arm and a leg in claims. So ins. cos. charge whopper premiums, if you are a senior and want ins.
Ryan's plan doesn't recognize that fact.
(437 posts)More money for private insurance and screw the old people.
(45,629 posts)Everyone wants to know.
The budget guy, the numbers man, will he or won't he?
(6,863 posts)Last edited Sat Aug 11, 2012, 09:15 AM - Edit history (2)
The more I learn about Romney the more I dont like him. Hes made a fortune screwing American taxpayers out of his fair share via elite-only-loopholes. I find it utterly amazing that this man, a walking version of every morally corrupted rot thats making life worse for the majority of humanity, is the Republican nominee!
I welcome the discussion of how Romney ran his businesses and all the details of his personal wealth. For example, he has built his IRA up to $20-100 million? An individual can only contribute $5,000 per year! The IRA plan was conceived to help fund retirements, not to allow the wealthy another tax shelter.
This campaign will force blanket coverage of all the tricks the wealthy use to make their slice of the pie bigger at the expense of the bottom 99%. All of America will get a daily education from all media about the galling greed of the monied elite that have purchased our Democracy. (I contend in the present moment America is a plutocracy. We are no longer a democracy. We barely were for good portions of our history, anyway)
The right gets really offended about welfare queens. Those that game the social safety nets that are perhaps undeserving of taxpayer help. That does happen, unfortunately, and I have a personal real life proof for that, but the magnitude of Romneys lust for as much CORPORATE WELFARE as his looopholeologists can provide to him should be utterly repellant to any critically thinking American.. Whats comforting is there is a certain segment of the wealthy that understand PROGRESSIVE TAXATION and how going back to higher tax rates for the wealthy allowed a shared prosperity. They would prefer higher taxes for the good of society.
Its about good citizenship. I hope all Americans that remember their High School Civics classes understand the underlying principals of our democracy and their responsibilities to contribute to it via informed participation. Such participation is necessary, especially for this election, for it is truly our last and only chance to prevent America from becoming an utter PLUTOCRACY. The Middle Ages with I-pads. We must show the entitled elites they cannot buy every single piece of our Democracy!
-90% jimmy
(4,547 posts)Amazing, isn't it?
(37,648 posts)Cool!
(53,521 posts)Evasporque
(2,133 posts)Attack dog, brown nosing Ryan...will pretty much remove any chance the GOP has for the women's votes....this is another move forced by the wealthy far right...the Ads will be super easy to make....and are backed up. Ryan did propose a lot of extreme shit.
Ryan called in his marker....he did a lot of favors as a new Rep. and did the dirty job of attacking medicare and social security to maintain the far right compliance....well with victory a distant dream and Obama showing strong in several key states...the GOP already threw in the towel...they gave Ryan the nod and paid him back...his place in history will be set with this run.
We'll see how he does in a national campaign...far away from the safe haven of his VERY conservative SE wisconsin district...wisconsin's Bible Belt of crazies and White Super Obama haters.
On Edit: Added more...
(6,999 posts)the Repukes are formally introducing Ryan so Republicans "get to know him" so it sets him up for 2016..realizing their hopes of winning 2012 is over..
(26,766 posts)because so far Ryan seems to have have his head firmly lodged up his ass and is unable to grasp some concepts like "compassion" or "empathy".
(6,999 posts)now have a track record of doing stupid things and promoting Ryan for 2016 I think would be in line with their goal/s
(9,356 posts)I was wondering the same thing.
(37,533 posts)I think he looks like a cartoon character.
But I concur with the rest of your thoughts!
(26,766 posts)mwooldri
(10,345 posts)Sarah Palin could be clearly seen for what she is. I don't agree with her views, and I don't think she is *that* batshit crazy conservative.
Paul Ryan on the other hand has some better points than Sarah - like he demonstrates a higher level of intellect, is more cohesive with his message and actually knows what it is.
There are worse points. His policies *are* batshit crazy. If Sarah Palin is an extreme conservative, then Paul Ryan is a hardcore conservative - bordering beyond conservative and into the realms of parts of fascism, especially corporatism.
As for being telegenic, Sarah beats Paul on this point.
So my opinion is that Mr. Ryan is a perfect pick for the Republican party, but a better pick for Democrats.
(306 posts)RebelOne
(30,947 posts)Romney is 65, and Ryan is 42.
(10,175 posts)The Munsters are protected by the Lords of Kolob, Beware!
Kolob is also the inspiration for the fictional planet Kobol within the Battlestar Galactica universe, created by Glen A. Larson, a Mormon.
(9,356 posts)The Paul Ryan budget plan is very unpopular in America. Putting Ryan on the ticket makes it very clear what type of budget the Romney team will put forward.
(26,766 posts)chelsea0011
(10,115 posts)we can get back to what's important? The Ryan pick finished second to the horse?
(6,999 posts)remember this..Paul Ryan's college education was paid for(in part) with Social Security benefits. He began receiving them at age 15..and now as congressman he wants to destroy the program
Big Tent
(85 posts)I still think that the Democrats should demand Romney's Tax returns and in addition to those Tax returns demand Ryan's returns. This pick was made out of desperation. The attack ads on the Ryan medicare plan should come, but really ramp those up after labor day when the senior citizens start paying attention. The Bain Capitol attacks are still working.
Rosa Luxemburg
(28,627 posts)He won't save the Captain
(1,189 posts)what's the dress down message from mitthood and anyn rand/ryan
(159 posts)Rosa Luxemburg
(28,627 posts)wordpix
(18,652 posts)and how is it legal Rmoney gets a $77K tax deduction for his dancing horse, and why is it legal for him to spend his entire life avoiding taxes?
(27,315 posts)Mosaic
(1,451 posts)4 More Years!
(4,547 posts)Here is a copy of voting record and positions of Paul Ryan:
(1,979 posts)Can Romney do anything right? Introduces Ryan as the next President of the US.
(6,310 posts)...and thought, he really didn't say that, did he? Then I thought, this is Mitt-stake talking. Yes he did.
Response to peaches2003 (Reply #57)
Post removed
Guy Whitey Corngood
(26,691 posts)B Calm
(28,762 posts)you came from, try posting this and see how long it stays on the board!
Mitt Romney's abortion business made him 50 million!
You can't make this stuff up because nobody would believe you!
Guy Whitey Corngood
(26,691 posts)alfredo
(60,121 posts)Jamaal510
(10,893 posts)alfredo
(60,121 posts)humbled_opinion
(4,423 posts)We are going to hear how these are the only two that can fix the social safety net programs and if we leave Obama in for another four the debt will double again and destroy the economy for good, it is going to be a campaign to convince America that our National debt and the deficits mean the end of America...
(14,244 posts)?w=680
(14,244 posts)Moments later Romney puts his arm on Ryan's shoulder and quips: "Sometimes I'm known to make a mistake!"
THis is SO unfair to comedy writers...there's so little left for them to create!!
(466 posts)their job for free.
(18,652 posts)Coyotl
(15,262 posts)Good luck getting the nomination in 2016 Paul.
You saw how Palin got impaled
(42,239 posts).
(4,558 posts)Especially in Florida.
True, Romeny just increased his chances of taking Wisconsin, but unless President Obama's campaign gets very lazy, there should be no way Romney can take Florida now with this choice.
Progressive dog
(7,189 posts)He reminds her of howdy doody.
(1,979 posts)Remember when Bush showed up at a debate with an ear piece and clearly a box taped to his back under his shirt so that he could be told the answers to the questions from someone behind the curtain? That's what Romney needs. He can't string 2 coherent words together in a row.
Major Hogwash
(17,656 posts)Man, someone should tell Romney to learn to tread water, because he just grabbed an anchor to try and stay afloat in this campaign.
No more talk about Bain?
Hardly, that's all we're going to talk about!!!
Joe Scarbrow's head just exploded this morning.
He so wanted Chris Christy.
Poor Joe, now he has to switch talking out of the other side of his mouth and say that he thinks this is a good pick.
(60,011 posts)Have you noticed how "reign in " is being used for "rein in" so much?
Then again, that could have been a freudian slip...
(30,947 posts)wordpix
(18,652 posts)Not a mistake, just Rmoney's group being the 1%-ers they are
sofa king
(10,857 posts)What will the insiders say?
How will it go down with independents and undecideds?
And Republican voters?
(4,187 posts)This election cycle will ruin both Romney and Ryan's political careers.
Ryan is taking one for the team...probably promised some job with the Koch brothers
after everything is all said and done.
Get Out The Vote
(18,652 posts)Last edited Sat Aug 11, 2012, 12:18 PM - Edit history (1)
WTF has he done except put out the 1%'s Economic Manifesto?
(53,521 posts)I don't want him anywhere near the White House.
(283 posts)The GOP just proved my point. They are the Party of No.
No anything progressive.
(18,652 posts)the country---Rmoney talking about Ryan.
Rmoney needs someone w/"vision and direction" because he has neither except to help out his 1% fellow plutocrats.
(344 posts)Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
The selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as Romney's choice for vice president makes it very clear that the Republican Party has completely caved in to the extreme right-wing Tea Party. Ryan, the author of the Republican House budget, would make devastating cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and education while giving even more tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. The Romney-Ryan ticket is waging war against the middle class and must be defeated."
(10,479 posts)arranged way ahead of time--same as GW Bush and Dick Cheney--that the actual president would be Ryan because he is at least coherent? And obviously meaner. I am beginning to think I am paranoid.
"Just because you are paranoid, that doesn't mean people are not out to get you." --some jive comedian somewhere
(45,629 posts)the GOP convention dumps Romney in favor of Ryan?