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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsUpdate Regarding RushIsRot
Posted by his son earlier this morning:
This is Tom, Newton's son. My father passed this morning at 5:05 AM. I wanted to thank everyone for their well wishes. You all kept my father entertained to the very end. He was on Facebook until late Sunday night, then just got very tired and went to sleep. He woke up a few times but was less and less coherent until he finally went to sleep around 10:30 AM on Monday. He never woke back up and passed quietly just like he wanted. One of the last things I remember him saying was "Let me see what eulogies my friends wrote" as he smiled, grabbed his computer and logged on to his account...His online accounts on Facebook and on DU were his lifelines to the outside world and you were all his family. Thank you.
He will be greatly missed.
Firebrand Gary
(5,044 posts)democrank
(11,250 posts).
(225,884 posts)He will certainly be missed here, but it means a lot to know that he thought of us, too. Thank you so much for letting us know...
(41,692 posts)May he pass into the next world and live another great life.
(32,206 posts)The world was a better place because he was here. We should all be so lucky to have such a peaceful passing
to whatever comes next.
(2,593 posts)My condolences to his family.
(73,719 posts)riderinthestorm
(23,272 posts)Maeve
(43,083 posts)Just hope someone will take care of his "Rotten Cat". Go in peace, a chara.
(8,267 posts)He will not be caught. He gave Newton his allegiance, on his own terms.
He's a beautiful orange tabby. I'll be watching out for him.
(43,083 posts)And having been friended by many cats in my life, when I said "his cat" I did not mean to imply ownership. Thanks for keeping an eye out for him.
We tell folks our cat is the owner of the house, but we're on the deed for legal purposes only.
(8,267 posts)And, Newton changed RC's name to BeelzeeBoehner, to honor his devilish ways.
(My cats have always "owned" me...)
(72,790 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)rurallib
(63,338 posts)We hope he left some wonderful memories with you all.
marble falls
(62,717 posts)MissDeeds
(7,499 posts)yellerpup
(12,263 posts)So sorry for your loss.
(38,701 posts)Good thoughts
(137,805 posts)ghostsinthemachine
(3,569 posts)Glad that he had a good passing. He will be missed.
(17,499 posts)...
(11,617 posts)MuseRider
(34,424 posts)Bossy Monkey
(15,863 posts)dembotoz
(16,922 posts)barbtries
(30,056 posts)MrMickeysMom
(20,453 posts)Tom... For Your Dad... May your heart be healed as his memory lives on here forever...
(156,461 posts)octoberlib
(14,971 posts)malthaussen
(17,817 posts)As he put it, time for the dirtnap, now. At least he managed to be late for his own funeral.
-- Mal
(118,031 posts)polly7
(20,582 posts)R.I.P. Newton, RushIsRot.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)Glad to hear he passed somewhat in peace and once again thank you for the updates
take care
(68,918 posts)There are never any words.
gelatinous cube
(50 posts)ohheckyeah
(9,314 posts)TBF
(34,870 posts)your dad will be missed, Tom.
(48,657 posts)Let's hear it, kids!
(9,463 posts)malaise
(279,625 posts)No words
(24,959 posts)Mira
(22,491 posts)and happy we were able to brighten his life and he allowed us to be friends
(9,175 posts)IdaBriggs
(10,559 posts)Deepest condolences and much appreciation for remembering the other lives touched by your loss.
(9,958 posts)bbgrunt
(5,281 posts)Tsiyu
(18,186 posts)Thank you for taking a moment to share the sad news.
(2,887 posts)KT2000
(21,031 posts)It is so hard to lose your father so I wish you peace Tom. Rest in peace Newton.
(25,816 posts)Condolences Tom....
His last post was to wish SCE a speedy recovery.
(14,626 posts)Peace and strength to your family.
(1,048 posts)Terribly sorry for your loss! I hope your father is at peace.
(23,115 posts)RushIsRot. May his family find peace and comfort in the good memories left behind
(10,336 posts)Amaril
(1,267 posts)RIP RIR
(17,196 posts)femmocrat
(28,394 posts)And his many friends here at DU.
(26,117 posts)Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)And so will Rotten Cat.
(5,141 posts)Your dad will be missed by many people.
Rest In Peace, Newton.
(29,117 posts)liberalnarb
(4,532 posts)Have they put him in the In Memoriam page yet?
Dems to Win
(2,161 posts)Terra Alta
(5,158 posts)But I always enjoyed his FB posts. He will be missed.
(8,175 posts)I am so glad he was coherent in his last days and even hours, so that he could appreciate all the love and support coming from his friends and family. It's a good way to go, if you have to go. And hopefully he was not in pain and was OK with the end of his Mom really struggled with that and it made it harder.
Take care and accept my most sincere condolences.
RIP Newton!
(6,096 posts)Coventina
(28,060 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)retrowire
(10,345 posts)Go onward stranger. I never knew ye, but to be this popular, you must have been something else! Wish I'd met ya.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)Comfort to you, Tom and all of Newton's family.
(160,802 posts)mahina
(19,211 posts)Peace to you and your family.
Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)NanceGreggs
(27,835 posts)I will miss our late-night "chats" on FB more than I can say.
I will never forget your wit, your warmth, your sage advice, and your kindness throughout the years.
(2,300 posts)JimDandy
(7,318 posts)nolabear
(43,333 posts)montana_hazeleyes
(3,424 posts)2naSalit
(94,199 posts)Initech
(102,854 posts)Squinch
(53,502 posts)pacalo
(24,738 posts)My heartfelt condolences to his son Tom.
(53,521 posts)CrispyQ
(38,758 posts)glinda
(14,807 posts)nadinbrzezinski
(154,021 posts)Iwillnevergiveup
(9,298 posts)so much for letting us know of your father's passing. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Also, to Newton's friends who I'm sure were many.
(40,656 posts)myrna minx
(22,772 posts)May your father rest in peace.
Granny M
(1,395 posts)area51
(12,214 posts)eridani
(51,907 posts)spooky3
(36,622 posts)Cooley Hurd
(26,877 posts)Your voice here will be missed.
(44,397 posts)JI7
(91,063 posts)thoughts to his family and friends
(152,684 posts)I will miss his wit, his photos, his sense of humor...
Safe passage, dear Newton...