YAY! The foreclosure on our block finally sold!!!
The garage door collapsed just over a week ago, leaving the home open. It was owned by a couple who run a small hotel on the beach, and used this for 'evac' purposes. They rented for a few months to the same couple from Montreal every year. They could not buy it, so they bought a small condo nearby, and will continue to drive by and say 'hello'.
A really great guy, who rented one of the nicest homes on the block, came over to tell us, he likes living in our neighborhood, he likes all the people and the friends he's made, it feels like home. So, he just bought the foreclosure, right across the street from where he has rented for two years! First thing, a new garage door to lock the place up! He got it for 105K and needs a total overhaul, which we neighbors are so happy to see the work begin!
Right now, everything else here is 180K - 235K, so we're doing alright.
Just had to share the good news, as it's been an eyesore for over 20 yrs. while the owners actually lived on the beach island.