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Sarah Harrison joins other Edward Snowden files 'exiles' in BerlinUK journalist's lawyers advise against returning home after working with NSA whistleblower, says statement on WikiLeaks
Philip Oltermann in Berlin - The Guardian
Wednesday 6 November 2013 14.45 EST

UK WikiLeaks journalist Sarah Harrison with Edward Snowden in Moscow in October. Photograph: Sunshine Press/Getty Images
Sarah Harrison, the British journalist and WikiLeaks staffer who has been working with Edward Snowden since his arrival in Moscow, has left Russia and joined the growing band of net activists stranded in Berlin.
A statement released on the WikiLeaks website, attributed to Harrison, states that she arrived in Germany on Saturday and has been advised by her lawyers that it is "not safe to return home" to the UK.
Harrison joins a growing group of journalists and activists who were involved in the publication of Snowden's files and are now living in the German capital "in effective exile", including Laura Poitras and Jacob Applebaum.
The statement, which is also quoted on Spiegel website, accused the US and UK governments of using "aggressive tactics" against journalists who have reported on unethical surveillance practices.
"It should be fanciful to suggest that national security journalism which has the purpose of producing honest government or enforcing basic privacy rights should be called 'terrorism', but that is how the UK is choosing to interpret this law."

(14,486 posts)it's not a very safe time to be a journalist these days...
Ava Gadro
(36 posts)Hell, I haven't felt safe in a long time and I'm just a dummy at her keyboard posting on a forum. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a professional journalist.
(32,324 posts)Terrorists, how soon before those of us who write Letters to the Editor, or who praise them on internet sites like this one, will find themselves assigned that nefarious status?
I clearly remember when Glenn Greenwald was part of the lawsuit protesting one section of the NDDA, and Obama said in response, something to the effect, "You, Glenn, would not be targeted under that provision."
And less than three years later, Greenwald's partner is refused entrance to Great Britain, sent back to Rio de Janero, and officially sanctioned as a "terrorist." And this due to the fact that Snowden is considered a top terrorist, and anyone carrying files gleaned from Snowden is in that same boat.
(39,909 posts)Welcome to the New American Century, pawns!
(161,488 posts)er.....OK just wait, they will be along shortly with another meme
(22,541 posts)The Police State has become even more craven on Airstrip One.
(57,936 posts)I really needed to read those wise words today. I find the massive stupidity and propaganda rather depressing at times. So we are spending how many billions on the NSA snoops but the internet is still full of viruses and trojan horses. Could barely get mine on today. What is the NSA doing with all that money?
(22,541 posts)WillyT
(72,631 posts)

(72,631 posts)
(26,467 posts)WillyT
(72,631 posts)THAT is aiding and abetting ???
So... Woodward and Bernstein should have been jailed for Watergate?
The New York Times Editors should have been jailed over The Pentagon Papers?
Do you even understand what it means to BE American?
And finally... do you salute yourself in the mirror before you shave and brush you teeth?
(26,467 posts)world ain't perfect.
and you can kiss my ass with your lame insults.
(72,631 posts)Are you saying that the things we've been taught for generations are... BULLSHIT ???
And if that's true...what do we tell the children?
(39,909 posts)---musician, philosopher, prophet Frank Zappa, [/font]
They don't even bother to hide it anymore.
Many Italians went along with Mussolini & Fascism gladly,
and many Germans cheered the emergence of Security/WAR State in Germany.
Many Americans are going along with this one here in America today.
Now, some are even starting to jeer and taunt those of us who oppose this.
Too BAD! You should have said something sooner, dumbass!!!
(72,631 posts)
(4,944 posts)Just who is terrorizing whom?
(22,541 posts)Maybe they did. Maybe they'll say that now that she's said that publicly. After all, she pays them.
Just because she says they said that doesn't mean it's actually true that it isn't safe to return home. For any reason whatsoever. Personally or professionally.
But y'all go ahead and have a conniption fit just because a journalist who makes money selling articles, and the more publicity the better about those articles, decides to make an unprovable statement.
(72,631 posts)And yeah... I Know GB does not have a 1st Amendment.
(22,541 posts)I have no idea whether what she said is true or not. She said her attorneys advised her not to return to the UK. OK...
(72,631 posts)
(22,541 posts)Has nothing to do with the first amendment of the U.S.constitution and now you're lashing out from embarrassment. It has nothing to do with our government at all. Nothing to do with anything since there is no proof of her claim. And even if her attorneys back her up now, she pays them, so they would, wouldn't they?
What? She can never return home? Ever, as long as she lives? Because she innocently "interviewed" someone? Yeah, right. She might be questioned. Sure. So publish her piece, then go home empty handed, get questioned, and go on with her life. That's what journalists do. But never go home? Oh just fucking bullshit.
(26,467 posts)seveneyes
(4,631 posts)In these case where journalists are stuck in a foreign country for extended periods, where do they stay, eat and acquire money when they can't do their jobs? Is there some trust fund for these outcasts? Aside from the ridiculous heavy handedness of the creeps acting out against these people, these question always surface when I hear of such foolishness.