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It turns out that voter fraud is tough to get away with, so Republicans should relax. That is, unless they are the people trying to vote twice.
A registered Republican was arrested by the FBI on Friday for trying to vote twice in Henderson, Nevada. Roxanne Rubin tried to vote twice at two different polling locations. At the second location, they checked her name in the database and her name came up as having already voted. Ms. Rubin tried to claim their database was wrong, and that she hadnt voted. But they werent buying it.

An investigation ensued and she was arrested at the casino where she works on Friday. Voter fraud is a felony. Its always been a crime, this is nothing new. Republicans should know this, since they have billboards around the country warning voters about the fact that voter fraud is a felony.

Due to concerted efforts by Republicans to intimidate and disenfranchise voters, the UN will be monitoring our election closely and the DOJ has been dispatched to several states. Of course, if Republicans really cared about voter fraud, they might think twice before voting for Mitt Romney, who claimed to be living in his sons basement in January of 2010 so that he could register and vote in the Massachusetts special election to replace Senator Ted Kennedy. Romney did buy a townhouse in the state in July of that year, after the special election. However, it is alleged that he was actually living in California at the time of the election and therefore did not meet the residency requirements of Massachusetts.
Republicans are being hoisted on their ACORN petard this election cycle. Schadenfreude anyone? James OKeefe, where ever you are, thank you.
Watch Republican 'moran' being frog marched out in cuffs.

(41,694 posts)Segami
(14,923 posts)on secret affairs or using prostitution services.
Hypocrisy at is best!
(17,505 posts)... that, if Conservatives are outraged by something.... it's something they themselves are doing.
liberal N proud
(61,021 posts)But once again, it is the republicans committing the crime.
When are we going to get protection from the election officials? That is where the real crimes are committed.
(53,661 posts)These offices are often ignored within states and municipalities, on non-presidential voting years at times, sometimes near the end of long ballot. That's our job, to keep track of these state and local elections that allow the GOP to pull these tricks.
The John Husted of Ohio who has fought to disenfranchise voters, like those of other states, was ELECTED. The judges and AGs of the states, are likewise elected and their decisions will determine the outcome, along with the gerrymandering done by state legislatures that some people are uninformed about.
In many states, the voters ignore less exciting races that imperil the democratic process within them, with a "Meh, they're all a bunch of crooks, why bother?" Which only ensures that we will be ruled by kleptocrats.
Just my humble opinion.
(8,008 posts)vote fraud does exist in our country. And it is always committed by them.
(23,142 posts)Only thing better would be to shout that at her as she's being arrested.
(72,631 posts)

(594 posts)Why is this not on fox?
B Calm
(28,762 posts)to look in a mirror. .
(25,415 posts)it's killing me.
(280,504 posts)Throw away the key
(121,133 posts)in Henderson on Oct. 29, then trying to vote again at a polling site in Las Vegas on the same day.
Miller said poll workers questioned Rubin when they found her name in a database that showed she had already cast a ballot, but she denied having voted and insisted she be allowed to vote.
The election workers did not allow Rubin to vote and reported the incident to the Clark County registrar, who notified the secretary of state ...
Woman arrested in Nevada for alleged voter fraud
By The Associated Press
Sunday, November 4, 2012
(77,097 posts)
(36,437 posts)She's been hearing, basically since 2008, that voter fraud is rampant and easy. Indeed, she thought it was so easy that she could just go to one voting location, vote there, then go to another, and vote there.
Think about that. That's how easy she thought it was.
Where would she get such an idea? Well, from right wing radio and Fox News, of course. She's been so snowed by their ridiculous claims that she really thought people were double voting at different locations, easy as pie. So she was gonna get even, by Gawd.
Of course, nobody does this. In another article, Nevada law enforcement noted that this was the first time in 15 years they had somebody try this. It never fucking happens. But to the listeners of Limbaugh and Fox and Friends, it happens all the time.
She really believed it was that easy, or she would not have done it. Now she'll lose her job, have a felony record in a state where a felony record makes it pretty hard to find work, and she didn't even manage to vote twice. So, she'll get to compare her experience of reality with the world that is constructed out of whole cloth by right wing bloviators. I don't think she'll like what she finds.
(3,944 posts)Segami
(14,923 posts)
(43,203 posts)I love it when they get caught.

(159 posts)What a glorious perp walk photo !!!!
(2,866 posts)chuckstevens
(1,201 posts)I heard registered Democratic voters are being arrested for tying to vote ONCE!

(20,317 posts)Fox would still be talking about it 5 years from now.
As it is, I expect it will hardly be reported at all.
(30,404 posts)What bothers me is Rmoney's son is tied to 2 Voter Suppression Companies and he still walks free among us ~ not a peep as far as I know .
A Simple Game
(9,214 posts)If so why? Do they have an all inclusive electronic database in Nevada?
Where I vote in New York we have a book that includes your name and you have to sign it. I doubt that my name appears in any other voting district books.
(4,373 posts)and can vote at any of the early voting locations in town, so they all have comprehensive databases. I don't know how far that extends - if, for example I could early vote anywhere in the state - but I can go to any number of locations...though only once, as this not-too-bright woman discovered
A Simple Game
(9,214 posts)underpants
(188,326 posts)I stinking KNEW IT!!
(30,058 posts)I think it is time to disqualify republican candidates, especially the likes of Todd Akin and for all who vote republican will not be able to vote in the next four years of elections. Then we can get intelligent candidates and voters to get this country on the right track. lol
Bette Noir
(3,581 posts)but a paid election worker got caught filling in ballots for Republicans.
What the local website noted, which Think Progress doesn't, is that Oregon's state government is tied between Democrats and Republicans, so fraud involving just a few hundred votes in one county could tip the scales entirely.
(20,776 posts)do the perp walk. Still waiting for this..
(23,944 posts)Let's hope it's the first of many.
(1,933 posts)that she is a registered republican?
(44,921 posts)hue
(4,949 posts)The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)for the next decade? Please?
(39,909 posts)I have problems with this statement because it reinforces the Republican claims that ACORN was involved with Voter Fraud.
The problems with ACORN were NOT "Voter Fraud", but fraudulent Voter Registrations.
Most of these Fraudulent Registrations were caught by ACORN themselves.
In ZERO cases (or near ZERO) would these Fraudulent Registrations have resulted in an actual case of Voter Fraud
where someone shows up at the polls on Voting Day claiming to be Mickey Mouse.
What the Republicans are involved in is Actual Voter Fraud.
(11,541 posts)is this big there?
(Too much 'hassle' for me to care learning how and all that 'spying' in private affairs stuff.)
Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)
H2O Man
(76,105 posts)Not surprising -- all this republican foaming-mouthed blather about voter fraud is pure projection. Cheating shitheads.
I am so happy that you posted this! Recommended.