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Last edited Mon Jan 18, 2021, 11:25 AM - Edit history (2)
Possibly to sell to Russia. Or possibly Nancys assistants laptop.
Update: the original report was incorrect - apparently she fled, but her ex did ID her.
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(3,787 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)You should correct your OP.
(302 posts)who loves her country and hates what the Democrats are doing to destroy it.
Hypocrisy. Disgrace. Treason.
"Lock her up! Lock her up!"
(22,817 posts)If she pleads guilty she might escape their fate.
And major kudos to the ex boyfriend for Turing her in. One more treasonous spy off the streets!!!
(18,115 posts)It is nice to see a guy get in on the fun. Maybe pink hat has a special guy in her
(7,794 posts)Chicago1980
(1,968 posts)I'd turn her ass in too...
(302 posts)You undress your ex and show everybody who they really are behind the scenes.
True Dough
(21,649 posts)
(164 posts)lagomorph777
(30,613 posts)You guys have some pretty funny algorithms.
(23,292 posts)I DON"T THINK SO!!!
(23,418 posts)The Voight-Kampff machine is a fictional interrogation tool, originating from the novel (where it is spelled "Voigt-Kampff".. The Voight-Kampff is a polygraph-like machine used by blade runners to determine whether an individual is a replicant. It measures bodily functions such as respiration, blush response, heart rate and eye movement in response to questions dealing with empathy
(17,287 posts)"Can't we still be friends" thing didn't go over so well with the "ex-boyfriend"...
(28,210 posts)How sweet.
(15,415 posts)Now it is a conspiracy. Her charges will be upgraded soon.
COL Mustard
(7,173 posts)Who takes Mommy and Daddy to the revolution??
(28,210 posts)I play golf with my father. I go to the beach and, in safer days, Disney, with my mother.
Never have we ever tried to overthrow the government together.
(1,444 posts)Classic!
(38,730 posts)Goes to Obamanut!
(28,210 posts)AZ8theist
(6,625 posts)I believe the penalty is execution.
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)You shall have to set aside your desire for state-facilitated murder. Treason has a very narrow legal definition, and we are not in a declared war with Russia.
(6,625 posts)I used the term colloquially. Perhaps you'd prefer she'd be given a Presidential Medal of Freedom?
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)we have available.
I don't believe we try and convict people, let alone kill them as you called for, "colloquially." The people in that mob would, I'm sure. Thankfully despite their assertions, it is not their country.
(6,625 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)ashredux
(2,698 posts)Hard to believe these folks ARE SO STUPID!
(1,979 posts)UpInArms
(52,065 posts)

Bongo Prophet
(2,732 posts)
(985 posts)Vogon_Glory
(9,676 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 18, 2021, 07:48 AM - Edit history (1)
and that all right-wingers, young and old, were stalwart American patriots? I heard a lot of that meme during the eighties and nineties and ground my teeth in anger, despite the actions of the Falcon and the Snowman as well as Robert Hansen. Riley Williams is yet another refutation of that old, lying meme.
I hope they throw the book at her.
(891 posts)Wizard of Oz...
(306,957 posts)to put your GD hands on Nancy Pelosi's laptop & scurry sway like a fooking Cockroach.
(27,324 posts)

(15,494 posts)elias7
(4,219 posts)There should be some unpardonable offenses
(20,328 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 18, 2021, 10:59 AM - Edit history (1)
Just 50 more hours.
ETA: and she likely doesn't have the $2mil. that Rump is reportedly asking for in exchange for a pardon. So sayonara, sucker!
(52,065 posts)Took the Tom Delay class on mug shots ..
I am sick of their stupid smiles ... they seem oblivious to the harm they have inflicted
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)to seeing her mug shot though. Doubt that will take very long. She does not strike me as having the wit or wile to avoid detection long.
(28,210 posts)The guy who tweeted this is the only cite for this -- I just spent 15 minutes trying to find verification, and there is none.
She will be charged with treason.
(4,667 posts)Cant wait until she is.
(28,210 posts)To a foreign agent. 22, and she's ruined her life. JFC.
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)We are not in a declared war with Russia so no, she won't be brought up on charges of treason.
(28,210 posts)They have an arrest warrant and she has been charged, but is has NOT been arrested yet.
(51,824 posts)During the Cold War, we only charged espionage if someone actually sold classified material to a foreign power. There is no indication she actually sold the laptop to the Russians, so at this point theft of government property and theft of sensitive material (even if not classified, the information on a Congress members computer could be damaging in the wrong hands) are the correct charges to levy. Oh, and all the charges that revolve around her being in the building in the first place.
I predict a clean 25 year sentence in a federal high security prison.
(27,168 posts)When I was young, if you even suggested you might do that, you disappeared. Just vanished.
And Republicans called for the death penalty immediately for these individuals including public hanging.
(339 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,062 posts)
Got their moneys worth.
(16,832 posts)May be some misinformation
(38,730 posts)Regardless, she has fled so she knows how damn serious this is.
Niceage 22 and this is how you start off your life.
What is wrong with these people? I cannot fathom this lack of concern for consequences.
(16,832 posts)Cant imagine luring my kid into such a thing, either.
(202 posts)that it was a staffer's laptop that was used for presentations.
(50,940 posts)Interesting that they don't even know if it's a laptop or a hard drive. Sounds a like there is more speculation than evidence at this point.
(7,486 posts)Do you have a source other than a Tweet?
(18,381 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)It may not even be missing.
DU seems to have accepted this as fact, although its not been verified. A few days ago DU posters doxxed people who were not guilty of any crimes.
We really should do better than that.
(13,913 posts)laptop from her office is missing. Seems to me this would be an easy one for a news outlet to solve. Puzzling
(51,308 posts)Strange.
Renew Deal
(83,465 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 18, 2021, 09:25 AM - Edit history (1)
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)plenty of other charges that do fit though. She'll go away. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
(44,922 posts)obamanut2012
(28,210 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)No one seems to care about truth here anymore. Smh.
(13,365 posts)My
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)America for their efforts in bringing these walking/talking rotting meat-bags to justice!
(22,200 posts)I'm thinking this one deserves 20-30 years in prison.
(51,308 posts)Your OP is based on a tweet, which is incorrect.
(280,627 posts)Asking for a friend.
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)has a very specific, very narrow legal definition.
Lot's of other charges we can use though to keep her locked up on for a long - long - long - long time!
(280,627 posts)
Maru Kitteh
(29,559 posts)
I really AM looking forward to seeing this one in orange. Stealing from the greatest freakin' Speaker of the House in history is not okay! Really stupid of her to try and hide from the FBI too. When they do find her, I'm sure that'll go well!

(280,627 posts)Trump had and has no authority to order anyone to invade Congressional buildings. There must be serious consequences. That said I want no serious charges until Thursday. We can wait 50 jobs and 15 minutes
(22,240 posts)"Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance.[1] This typically includes acts such as participating in a war against one's native country, attempting to overthrow its government, spying on its military, its diplomats, or its secret services for a hostile and foreign power, or attempting to kill its head of state. A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.[2]"
(12,047 posts)I bet she has lots of shady co-conspirator boyfriends
(86,173 posts)UpInArms
(52,065 posts)In an affidavit filed late Sunday evening, agents said they were contacted by the former romantic partner of Riley June Williams, 22, who recognized her in footage shot during the insurrectionist attack by the British network ITV.
Williams ex also reported having seen another video showing Williams pocketing the computer from Pelosis office and told investigators that Williams had said she intended to send it to a friend in Russia who would arrange the transfer to the SVR, the Russian equivalent of the CIA.
That deal fell through, Williams former partner told FBI agents according to the affidavit, and the laptop remains in her possession.
You can read the FBI. Statement of Facts in full at that link ...
It makes a pretty clear case against her

Eta: it also states that the stairs she was directing people toward led directly to Pelosis office
Response to UpInArms (Reply #68)
wishstar This message was self-deleted by its author.
Thank you
(28,210 posts)They have a warrant out for her and knew who she was because of her ex BF. She is still a fugitive.
Why do people keep posting this kind of thing?
(20,328 posts)finally gets out of the slammer.
(14,639 posts)The Philadelphia Inquirer
by Jeremy Roebuck
Read it here:
But by the time investigators tracked Williams down to the apartment she shares with her mother in Harrisburg on Saturday, she had already fled, the affidavit states. Williams mother told agents that the day before an ITV news crew showed up at her door looking for her daughter. In a segment that aired on the network Sunday, she confirmed for reporters that her daughter was the woman seen in earlier footage of the Capitol attack, directing other insurrectionists inside the Capitol rotunda toward a staircase lading to Pelosis office.
According to the FBI affidavit, Williams drove to Washington on Jan. 6 with her father, a Camp Hill resident, to attend the Stop the Steal rally but split up during the day. They reunited after police had cleared the Capitol that evening and drove back to Harrisburg the same day.
Williams alleged role in the theft of Pelosis laptop remains under investigation. At the moment, she is charged only with unlawfully entering Capitol grounds and disorderly conduct. However, Pelosis chief of staff, Drew Hammill, confirmed on Twitter in the days after the attack that a laptop, primarily used for presentations, had been stolen from a conference room in the House speakers office.
Several other interesting observations about this suspect in the article.
(4,441 posts)SMC22307
(8,090 posts)Raine
(30,674 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,479 posts)...she's so proud of what she did?
(3,282 posts)You can run on for a long time.....