so, why won't MSM talk like this?
Where are we at with Covid deaths? 211 THOUSAND.. SO Mrs K and I talk,her whole family died within 18 months,prior COVID,, but I think like this, 211000 is a great big number,. But lets bring Mrs K into this and why wont MSM put out this "conservative" number?
Like Mrs K, Each family member died, like I told her. Each person who died, had a family, a circle, relations.
So, conservatively, each Covid person who died ,,had a "circle" of 10 family members. This Asshole Pres is missing this. MSM is missing this. Lets do some simple math 21000 times 10 is 2.1 million. families affected..
and that is only assuming that each who died,had a small family circle as Mrs K did.
So was does MSM keep talking a bout a
"hard figure" of who died? How About they give a composite number of "WHOLOST?" Would not their broadcasts have more impact? would not a "MILLLIONS " number sounds good?
Im sorry,,I watched Mrs K small family die,, 5 of them. no cousins, no nieces, etc. It brings me to this thought...
Why wont MSM look at it this way? it is not only who died,, there is a simple math and thought of Americans AFFECTED.
Koz ,,pissed, and done