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It's time to light the lights
It's time to meet the Puppet on the Puppet Show tonight
One look at the business model should have told you it was operating at a loss as far down the line as you could see.
Republicans! You, you you, youyou!
Shep kept interrupting their choruses of 99 bottles of bile
(2,156 posts)k&r
(2,356 posts)dalton99a
(83,179 posts)NewJeffCT
(56,833 posts)and, ending with a classic from Herblock.
mountain grammy
(26,994 posts)burrowowl
(17,883 posts)Wounded Bear
(59,934 posts)Guy Whitey Corngood
(26,691 posts)malaise
(274,943 posts)Great toons
I wonder what n2doc is up to these days. LD
(82,383 posts)Mc Mike
(9,131 posts)fake candy assed half a wiseguy, who's daddy bought him his button.
(37,617 posts)yellowdogintexas
(22,643 posts)drawing the Kurds as real people and reflecting the handsomeness of these wonderful people. I am really sick of the cariactures showing the Kurds looking far too much like the cariactures of the other Middle Eastern nations.
My son in law is Kurdish-Iranian (although the family says "Kurdish-Persian) and I have yet to meet a single Kurdish person (at their huge parties) who is not beautiful or handsome. I love them all. I have not talked with the family since all this broke but every one of these families has family "back home" I really feel for them.
(151,616 posts)2naSalit
(90,601 posts)murielm99
(31,185 posts)ffr
(22,914 posts)Hekate
(93,438 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,294 posts)A dedicated evangelical, who has been dosing out on Facebook memes sent by her true believer friends. She feels sorry for Trump. Thinks he is being attacked unfairly, BECAUSE he is doing God's work. The more the MSM comes out with another crime uncovered, it is taken as yet another stab in the back. She insists that Democrats never ever gave him a chance. I'd say to that...Trump was already on the offensive against Democrats, liberals, way before he even decided to run for POTUS. Birthgate etc...When was there even an opportunity to give him a chance? And even then, I heard D reps saying they were hopeful early on. I heard liberal hosts stroke his ego with saying he sounded "Presidential" after some speech someone else wrote, that he actually stuck to on the monitors.
I think the Cult of Trump is only beginning. I can see him post-president holding rallies, selling merch, maybe even starting his own fake news network.
(37,264 posts)...etc. etc. etc. He was always a sleazy character.
And let's not forget that for two years it didn't really matter whether we "gave him a chance". Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, had all the ability to push and pass legislation. He had two years of "chance" to prove himself, yet he was never able to settle down and "truly become the president" for longer than a big speech.
As for post-president, hell the stuff you mention was what he was planning to do back when everyone including him thought he'd lose. He'll still do that from a jail cell, and try to sue the merchandise bootleggers.
(14,294 posts)soldierant
(7,627 posts)they need to listen to Pat Robertson, who said that trump was "in dagnger of losing his mandate" over Syria.
Over the ill though he is, Pat Robertson seems to be the only Evangelical leader who sees they are going to need an out.
It will be MUCH better for them to be able to say that God stopped protecting him - for cause at that - than to have to deal with all the crimes that are going to come out and still keep defending him as doing "God's will."
(14,294 posts)From my experience with evangelical born agains, they can't be wrong. Because they follow the Lord who is never wrong.
I think they are kind of hooped. Because after so many Trump misdeeds, all the foul language, meaness, insults, cheating, porn stars, children separations, obvious lies, I don't think they can get away with saying THIS was the straw the broke the camels back. They'll have a lot of confused cult members to deal with. Especially with most of Fox News, and RW radio shows and RW YouTube channels telling them the Ukraine story is all a deep state coup.
(7,627 posts)Apparently the Kurds are important to Evangelicals for some reason, besides the fact that there are 20 or 30 thousand of them living in the Nashville area alone and they are very much liked.
(14,294 posts)Even though you'd think that kind of behaviour would also be enough.
Interesting. I did not know that about how well they are received in the Nashville area. Although, maybe its my cynical mind, shaped by decades of disappointments, but I don't trust Trumptians to not just run to Twitter and Trump's excuses and lies, such as that Kurds are purposely releasing ISIS prisoners, that they somehow wanted or were responsible for their own genocide, with lots of sand to "play in". And that it actually makes the US MORE secure. They will believe anything their Dear Leader says. Over even that senile old fart Robertson.
(2,201 posts)I was volunteering, stuffing envelopes, at the reelection campaign office for Rep Robert Drinan, D MA, House Judiciary Committee, the night Richard Nixon announced that he would resign the following day. That was a good day. Never thought I'd see a President more corrupt than Tricky Dick, but, live and learn.
Blue Owl
(53,585 posts)Keep 'em coming!
(65,948 posts)Hermit-The-Prog
(36,137 posts)Seems to be a technical difficulty with https
Error message that firefox is giving me:
"The owner of has configured their website improperly."