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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWanna know why Media ignore war criminals? CIA calls the shots.
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Correspondence and collusion between the New York Times and the CIA
Mark Mazzetti's emails with the CIA expose the degradation of journalism that has lost the imperative to be a check to power
Glenn Greenwald, Wednesday 29 August 2012 14.58 EDT
But what is news in this disclosure are the newly released emails between Mark Mazzetti, the New York Times's national security and intelligence reporter, and CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf. The CIA had evidently heard that Maureen Dowd was planning to write a column on the CIA's role in pumping the film-makers with information about the Bin Laden raid in order to boost Obama's re-election chances, and was apparently worried about how Dowd's column would reflect on them. On 5 August 2011 (a Friday night), Harf wrote an email to Mazzetti with the subject line: "Any word??", suggesting, obviously, that she and Mazzetti had already discussed Dowd's impending column and she was expecting an update from the NYT reporter.
Even more amazing is the reaction of the newspaper's managing editor, Dean Baquet, to these revelations, as reported by Politico's Dylan Byers:
"New York Times Managing Editor Dean Baquet called POLITICO to explain the situation, but provided little clarity, saying he could not go into detail on the issue because it was an intelligence matter.
These really are cursed interesting times. One really has to read foreign papers to get what should be in American newspapers, stuff like whatever happened to that scrap of paper thing, the Constitution?
(15,189 posts)And Poppy Bush used to run the CIA. I bet he carries a lot of clout and baggage with them.
(55,745 posts)Sen. Frank Church in the Senate and Rep. Otis Pike in the House were leading investigations into the CIA and its active, yet illegal, influence upon American life. So in comes Poppy, and things quieted down. About Pike's report:
Pike was bitter over the vote. He announced to the House, "The House just voted not to release a document it had not read. Our committee voted to release a document it had read." 49 Pike was so upset that he threatened not to file a report at all with the House because "a report on the CIA in which the CIA would do the final rewrite would be a lie." 50 Later, Pike reflected that "They, the (Gerald Ford) White House, wanted to precensor our final report. This was unacceptable." 51
For those interest in details about CIA's role in the News Biz:
Three Things Every American Should Know About Corporate McPravda
(9,102 posts)back in 1975 was a limited hangout of an Operation that has been perpetual since.
(65,616 posts)They didn't like the idea of someone getting in between them and their heroin shipments.
(55,745 posts)That came out in 1991, about 15 years after the Church and Pike committee were investigating things.
How many times since then have we got a clear picture about the workings of the agency and its influence upon American democracy from Congress and whatever administration is in office?
From what I can gather: Zero.
(119,287 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)Amazon somewhere flashed 1991 across my screen and the next thing I knew...
The thing about that book: It is true.
(26,083 posts)He published about that in 2006.
International human experimentation law specialist and human rights activist Cheryl Welsh JD used some of McCoy's work in 2008 so that citizens can understand the nuances involved in "harsh interrogation" because, God knows, here in America-"we don't torture..."
In Contravention of Conventional Wisdom: CIA "no touch" torture makes sense out of mind control allegations
(by Cheryl Welsh/2008 Mind Justice)
(33,688 posts)and hasn't since the CIA took out JFK. Read James Summers' JFK and the Unspeakable" if you have any doubts. Kennedy was the last president to stand up to them - he had the audacity to think he was POTUS - and no Democratic president since has needed more than a veiled reminder that what happened to Jack Kennedy just might happen to him as well.
(55,745 posts)"JFK: Ordeal in Africa" and "Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency."
Absolutely agree regarding Summers and Douglass. They not only point out the dots, they point out the ones the government and its toadies in the press have been covering up for almost half a century.
Regarding foreign policy: Things changed after Dallas, starting with Congo and Africa, then the rest of it...returning to the War Is a Racket template.
(10,095 posts)Heaven forbid a journalist report on a matter of interest to the CIA without vetting the entire text.
(55,745 posts)Paper(s) is (are) all filled with UM losing and MSU winning, however.
Tony Blair and George Bush should face trial over Iraq war, says Desmond Tutu
Toby Helm, political editor
The Observer, Saturday 1 September 2012
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has called for Tony Blair and George Bush to be hauled before the international criminal court in The Hague and delivered a damning critique of the physical and moral devastation caused by the Iraq war.
Tutu, a Nobel peace prize winner and hero of the anti-apartheid movement, accuses the former British and US leaders of lying about weapons of mass destruction and says the invasion left the world more destabilised and divided "than any other conflict in history".
Writing in the Observer, Tutu also suggests the controversial US and UK-led action to oust Saddam Hussein in 2003 created the backdrop for the civil war in Syria and a possible wider Middle East conflict involving Iran.
"The then leaders of the United States and Great Britain," Tutu argues, "fabricated the grounds to behave like playground bullies and drive us further apart. They have driven us to the edge of a precipice where we now stand with the spectre of Syria and Iran before us."
But it is Tutu's call for Blair and Bush to face justice in The Hague that is most startling. Claiming that different standards appear to be set for prosecuting African leaders and western ones, he says the death toll during and after the Iraq conflict is sufficient on its own for Blair and Bush to be tried at the ICC.
It appears MOCKINGBIRD is not a thing of the dim past, at all. Consequently, a pretty good case can be made for a Free Press playing a role in the restoration of Justice. That's why the Constitution only mentions one business as critical for the nation's success: a Free Press.
(115,164 posts)Nothing has changed since the 50's but the names of the players.
(9,154 posts)Such censorship seems to take a "state of war", which the perpetual war on terrorism probably meets.
Operation Mockingbird
a. Coordination of overt psychological warfare with:
Covert psychological warfare.
Domestic information.[7]
I find myself wondering about the CIA's influence on K-12 education.
(55,745 posts)They are the worst of a sorry lot. I'd ha ha ha ha ha if it were only funny.
Influence is achieved, almost immediately, through information. On the national scene, not only do they have We the People staring at the shiny thing, they only give most just one shiny thing at a time to consider. They are in a world of hurt, as we are on to their gangster arses. Thus, the race for ecological catastrophe and permawar. It's not only the maximum engine for power and control, it gives "Them" the best chance of survival, long-term. The 99-percent? Democracy? Without information, not so much.
(36,988 posts)Last edited Sun Sep 2, 2012, 06:48 PM - Edit history (1)
I worked for the CIA and NSA
As a janitor at 17.... I had to get semi high FBI clearance for cleaning their computer rooms. For Paid 5 times the normal human would
a 6 dollars an hour
The NSA budget is hidden..
As is the CIA
That should alarm some
(55,745 posts)...that little scrap of paper thing, the Constitution. Gosh. I'm so old, I still remember the thing, something to do with transparency and oversight and responsibility and accountability. But that was before the Unitary Executive.
Perhaps we will see a restoration of that papery thing before we all end up at the revised minimum wage, my friend. What I made in '86 seems like a fortune, today.
(1,893 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)We know the feeling, what Prufrock saw.
And if they control the Free Press,
the apparatus of democracy,
then, one would think,
were one capable of entertaining such thoughts,
that they also control democracy.
(26,449 posts)Ichingcarpenter
(36,988 posts)and gives me to bump this thread.
(55,745 posts)One example:
Tip o' the squishy pin to Segami!
(811 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)Here's what a real Lefty would know:
88-percent of DU prefers Glenn Greenwald over Cass Sunstein.
A few details for the High Information Lefty running short on time:
Glenn Greenwald called George W Bush a war criminal and showed why he thinks that.
Then there's the opposite perspective:
Cass Sunstein worked to stop that kind of talk, as well as the investigation.
In a democracy, information matters. Really.
(36,988 posts)you must pay attention to what is important
to reality
Prometheus was not just an Alien movie,
nor a Greek story.
But something even older than that.
Hubert Flottz
(37,726 posts)warned my platoon about, so many many times, back when I was a young man. America definitely has it's head up it's ass!
(55,745 posts)The world of shit has hit the fan. And if they control the media, they pretty much control what people think and discuss.
Hubert Flottz
(37,726 posts)"Where there's smoke there's work" ~ The GOP
The Go Go GOPers can't even trust each other.
And the fans ain't liking the pubbies political poopy!
"Let Them Eat Shit Sandwiches" ~ Prince Willard
(72,631 posts)Example:
Here's the latest one that currently works:
Response to WillyT (Reply #18)
AnotherMcIntosh This message was self-deleted by its author.
(72,631 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)Gee. Bill Moyers tells the truth and it scares the crap out of some creeps.
At least the truth doesn't scare DU and Third World Traveler:
(137,177 posts)MinM
(2,650 posts)How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up
After leaving The Washington Post in 1977, Carl Bernstein spent six months looking at the relationship of the CIA and the press during the Cold War years. His 25,000-word cover story, published in Rolling Stone on October 20, 1977, is reprinted below.
By Carl Bernstein
October 20, 1977 In 1953, Joseph Alsop, then one of Americas leading syndicated columnists, went to the Philippines to cover an election. He did not go because he was asked to do so by his syndicate. He did not go because he was asked to do so by the newspapers that printed his column. He went at the request of the CIA.
Alsop is one of more than 400 American journalists who in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. Some of these journalists relationships with the Agency were tacit; some were explicit. There was cooperation, accommodation and overlap. Journalists provided a full range of clandestine servicesfrom simple intelligence gathering to serving as go‑betweens with spies in Communist countries. Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners, distinguished reporters who considered themselves ambassadors without‑portfolio for their country. Most were less exalted: foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work; stringers and freelancers who were as interested in the derring‑do of the spy business as in filing articles; and, the smallest category, full‑time CIA employees masquerading as journalists abroad. In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of Americas leading news organizations...
(55,745 posts)If it ever becomes known what specific individuals comprised the apparatus that killed Kennedy, the emergence of such individuals, dead or alive, will add but inconsequential detail to the truth about the assassination because we have long known who killed President Kennedy. Could any but the most powerful elite controlling the U.S. Government have been able to manipulate individuals and events before the assassination and then bring such a broad spectrum of internal forces to cover up the crime and control the institutions within our society to keep the assassination of President Kennedy a false mystery for 50 years? - Gaeton Fonzi
PS: Thank you for remembering Bernstein's important article. I know you remember the hidden background of his partner. All this important political news was ignored by the nation's press corpse and, thus, never heard by the American people. Today, they are too far gone to even notice what it means, if they knew.
(2,650 posts)Here's the best description I've read about the Watergate coverage...
Watergate gave the naïve public a false sense of securitythe fallacy that "they" (Washington) were "cleaning up"and ushered in a new era of corruption. Gerald Ford, J. Edgar Hoover's right hand man on the Warren Commission, became president. Ford pardoned Nixon, and selected Nelson Rockefeller as his vice president. The CIA learned how to do a better job covering up their activities and controlling information. America's corporate media, long infiltrated and controlled by government operatives, would be increasingly corrupted and corporatized, and made into the voices of the White House. The Washington Post, never a paragon of investigative reporting, became even worse with time. Bob Woodward became a buddy stenographer for the Bush presidents...
Just read Deborah Davis's book Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and The Washington Post.
A great book. I tried to get her to participate on the forum but unfortunately, the writing of this book has frightened her off talking about the CIA.
Silent Coup by Len Colodny & Robert Gettlin, and Secret Agenda by Jim Hougan, were a couple of very good books on Watergate coverage too.
(2,650 posts)Last edited Fri Sep 14, 2012, 09:15 AM - Edit history (5)
Gaeton was a really good guy and a very fine field investigator.
He did excellent work for the Church Committee and for the HSCA under Sprague.
IMO, he probably should have resigned after Sprague left.
But at least him staying allowed him to write his book, which is clearly one of the best ever in the field. And well written on top of that.
He was a class act all the way.
Gaeton Fonzi, like Jim Garrison, and Richard Sprague et al., did some excellent work on that case. In spite of some extraordinary lengths that some went to in an effort to derail their efforts. Fortunately these guys were able to emerge from this relatively unscathed. Others were not so lucky...
Abraham Bolden, Mort Sahl, John Barbour, and Roger Feinman were not so lucky. They were among those that lost careers for attempting to pursue the case.
Bringing it back to Fonzi, Sprague and the OP. Richard Sprague, as Jim DiEugenio alluded to above, was hounded off the job as chief investigator of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. All because Sprague had promised to do a thorough investigation. Ironically, after he left his post, Richard Sprague conceded that he never really bought into the conspiracy angle. But after being subjected to withering pressure from the controlled press to back off the investigation, he was forced to reconsider...
Update: Black Op Radio remembers Gaeton Fonzi
This week's show #594 features noted researcher Gaeton Fonzi
* In memorium of Gaeton Fonzi who passed away last week
* Oct 10th1935 - August 30th, 2012
* Discusses his work researching the JFK Assassination
* Worked on the Church Committee and the HSCA
* This is a replay of show #45
Guest: Gaeton Fonzi
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Original airdate: September 6th, 2012 (July 26, 2001)
Play Gaeton Fonzi (1:22:32) Real Media or MP3 download
In memorium of Gaeton Fonzi who passed away on August 30th, 2012
# Gaeton worked for Philadelphia Magazine at the time of the assassination
# He read an article by attorney Vincent Salandria critiquing the Warren Report
# A local story due to Arlen Specter's work on the report, the single bullet theory
# The report was contradicted by it's own evidence, black and white contradictions
# Gaeton knew and interviewed Arlen who hemmed and hawed over explanations
# Gaeton's article, it is difficult to believe the Warren Commission Report is the truth
# Gaeton worked on the Church Committee and the HSCA
# In 1980 Gaeton wrote an article, about misinformation and decoys
# Calls from people like Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming offering to help
# A report from the Key West Airport director, Oswald and Ruby early '61 or '62
# Clare Boothe Luce admitted giving false information
# HSCA/CIA liason George Joannides and the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil
# Gaeton was hired by Richard Sprague and Bob Tannenbaum to work for the HSCA
# Sprague pressed David Atlee Phillips on Mexico City and the tapes of Oswald
# Congress could control G. Robert Blakey, interested in organized crime
# Make the Mob the fall guy, not the Agency, Blakey knew his priorities
# The acoustical evidence forced a conclusion of conspiracy as the Committee ended
# The American people have been deceived twice, by the WC and the HSCA
# David Atlee Phillips, perjury before the Committee, David Morales
# The mystery of the Kennedy Assassination, we know the truth
# The length and strength of the cover up points to the seat of power
# Salandria, the assassination was barbarous and openly arrogant
# A message to the people that their government was powerless
# David Morales, "We took care of the son of a bitch, didn't we"
# Ted Shackley ran JM/WAVE, he was not forthcoming at all
# Gerry Hemming, a likeable and very intelligent guy
# Jake Esterline, we never got to him, Ed Lansdale, not in my area
# Bloody Treason (Twyman 1997), an encyclopedic presentation, some disagreement
# The Last Investigation (Fonzi 1993), Specter didn't rebut anything
# Gaeton met Jim Garrison, liaisoned with him, straightforward honesty
# The Committee's distortion of Phillips and Valenciana testimony
# Ruth Paine was never interviewed by the Committee
# There has not yet been a valid investigation of the Kennedy assassination
Fonzi, Fensterwald, Flammonde, Freddie, & Franco
Gaeton Fonzi, Investigator of Kennedy Assassination, Dies at 76 - NYTimes
NYT Gaeton Fonzi Obit: Something Different?
Gaeton Fonzi's The Last Investigation
(12,121 posts)bobthedrummer
(26,083 posts)official PARTY LINE-known as perception management by the people involved like John RENDON, and The Rendon Group (which is an OVERPAID asset of the Agency you mentioned, Octafish, SIR!) SPOOKS don't value the truth-only the advertising messages
The Rendon Group (SourceWatch entry)
(2,650 posts)Last edited Tue Sep 18, 2012, 02:53 PM - Edit history (1)
We know where Rupert Murdoch got his media empire seed money from.
(55,745 posts)Thank you, MinM. I had no idea about Rupert's real roots.
Welcome to the world's first murdochracy
by John Pilger
March 11, 2010
Murdoch knows that little separates the main political parties in Australia, Britain and America. He plays the man. In 1972, he backed Australias Gough Whitlam who revealed a radical reformer, even threatening to expose Americas spy bases. A furious Murdoch swung his newspapers against Whitlam with stories so outrageously skewed that rebellious journalists on The Australian burned their newspaper in the street. That has never been repeated.
Dominant themes in the Australian murdochracy, sport and celebrity gossip aside, are the promotion of war and jingoism, American foreign policy, Israel and a paternalism toward Aborigines, the worlds most impoverished indigenous people, according to the UN. This antiquated cold warring is not due entirely to the Murdoch press, of course, but the agenda is. When the Indonesian tyrant General Suharto was about to be overthrown by his own people, the editor-in-chief of The Australian Paul Kelly led a delegation to of editors of most of Australias principal newspapers to Jakarta. With Kelly at his side, the mass murderer, whom the Murdoch papers promoted as a moderate, accepted the tribute of each.
Murdochs most unabashed, if entertaining retainer is Greg Sheridan, foreign editor of The Australian. On one his adoring trips to the United States, home of Murdoch HQ, Sheridan wrote, The US is the greatest possible argument for media deregulation. Every morning, I flick between Fox, CNN and MSNBC as I eat my cereal... why did it take so long for pay TV to get to Australia?. He was referring, as if instinctively, to his masters pay TV company, Foxtel. As for terrorism, Sheridan blames Pilgerist Chomskyism for ideologically fuelling the followers of Osama bin Lenin, sorry Laden.
One of the most effective campaigns in the Australian murdochracy has been the whitewashing of a bloody colonial past, including a series of attacks on the distinguished chronicler of the Aboriginal genocide, Professor Henry Reynolds, and the director of the National Museum of Australia, Dawn Casey, for having dared to present the truth about indigenous suffering. Australias great maverick historian, the late Manning Clark, was smeared by Murdochs Courier-Mail as a Red agent, then as a fraud, in much the style that Murdochs London Sunday Times smeared the Labour MP Michael Foot as a Soviet agent.
Infinite thanks, actually.