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I was at a Democratic Party GOTV gathering today, and one of the local candidates for the State House said she's knocked on about 20,000 doors personally during her campaign, in deep red territory. With home, she has voter registration info, and when she has knocked on doors, women are listening.
She told one story that she knocked on the door of a household, all Republicans, and a woman answered the door. She introduced herself and said, "I'm running for the State House in District XX."
The woman looked back - everyone was watching a football game. She asked, "What party are you?"
My candidate answered, "I'm a Democrat," and the woman took her flyer, nodded and closed the door. Clearly the GOP has misread the visceral anger of millions of American women.
My FERVENT hope is that the Dems will do SO WELL during the mid-term elections that the GOP will cease to be a viable party at the national level.
Let us dream, but as Lucinda points out, our dream may be a NIGHTMARE for the Republicans. They have horribly misread the anger of just about everyone who actually has a moral compass, and they have certainly shown Independent voters that the GOP no longer has a moderate wing.

(17,276 posts)Everything that's happened since have only added fuel to the fire.
I was going to vote Dem in any case so I'm not a good example. But there have to be people out there more motivated than the usual mid terms make them.
(37,349 posts)Reality will set in about 10 or 11pm election night and it will be a brutal dose of it.
The Koch agenda is gonna burn.
(2,188 posts)They got their dirty Russian / NRA money, most of them have had a long term career in the Senate (too long for so many), and they followed orders - getting wiped out is not a problem for them. They realize all of that.
What they don't realize is that their names are tainted forever and their legacies just got flushed down a urinal. Now that's sad.
(12,264 posts)Might as well get a message in too, no?
(37,648 posts)Only if they were really paying attention and watched the hearing. Most people don't do that.
From what I'm reading, they are lapping up what their Senators are posting on FB, and repeating it. The Dem. political tools organized an attack on a good man who has done nothing wrong. They hyped up charges and attacked him at the hearing. He valiantly fought back, for his honor and the honor of his family. That woman didn't have any facts about her supposed attack. She didn't know when, or where, even. She was lying or confused. Kavanaugh is one of the best nominees ever for the S.Ct. And the Dems knew about her months before even telling anyone. It was a coordinated effort to stop him from getting confirmed in time to be on the Court's next session.
Senator Bill Cassidy has been spreading this on FB, as has Sen. Kennedy. Both Trumpers.
(109,717 posts)who missed it and doesn't have time to watch the whole hearing. This is the key part.
(52,557 posts)

(10,733 posts)That woman who took that flyer?
You think she's gonna tell her republican fuck of a husband how she voted?
Not a chance in hell.
Winter is Coming for these republican treason-weasles, and I think they are not ready. Not even a little bit.
(1,931 posts)The woman looked back - everyone was watching a football game. She asked, "What party are you??
"as a woman talking to a fellow woman, seeing whats going on right now, i would hope that it wouldnt matter what party i am..., but I am a democrat.
Not firstly. First i am a woman. then i am an american. then finally a democrat."
Whats going on with the gop is mostly a male problem. old white ones. but you also see women like collins.
they seem more like stepfords.
i can imagine MANY other women though living with MAGA husbands who might not feel safe to express themselves fully and support who they want to support.
blue cat
(2,444 posts)quick survey of immediate rep women and theyre gloating.
(4,033 posts)He didn't identify his party, but I was impressed that he was actually doing the door-knocking himself, and I told him so. I looked at his handout and he was a Democrat. Told him he had my vote for sure. He's running for the State Legislature and he won the Dem primary in a landslide.
He came around again after the primary and I told him he had my vote for sure in the general and asked him for a yard sign. Bear in mind that I live in a pretty red district. The other day I was driving around the neighborhood and saw several yard signs for him and NOT ONE for whoever the R is that he is running against.
I do not want a Big Blue Wave come Nov, I want a Big Crashing Tidal Wave of historic proportions!! GOP, we're coming for you!
Response to PatrickforO (Original post)
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(35,102 posts)It can't happen in this election, but it may by 2020, regrettably after the loss of Roe v. Wade and other aspects of the rule of law.