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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsManchin's vote doesn't matter. They would still have the votes. Pence would be the tie breaker.
Stop beating up Manchin. We need to keep that seat. He is stilll better than a RePuke.
scheming daemons
(25,487 posts)FORCE Pence to cast that tie-breaker. Get him on the record voting to kill a fair & objective judiciary.
(6,143 posts)Why should Manchin risk losing his seat just to make a political point.
(423 posts)It would show he has a spine to his constituents, instead of the lack of one he's showing now. He also wouldn't blow all his fundraising for the final month of the campaign.
(6,143 posts)Dont make the mistake that people in West Virginia think like you do. If they did the state wouldnt have gone for Trump in 16 by 42%.
(151,746 posts)If we want to block future trump judicial nominees, we need to keep this seat
(6,143 posts)No need for Manchin to fall on his sword when it wouldnt change the outcome.
(9,401 posts)Im sure the women and young girls of West Virginia will understand Manchin saying Dr. Ford was confused about her attacker and voting to confirm the drunk asshole that raped her.
(6,143 posts)they would rather have a Democrat in the senate than a republican.
(9,401 posts)And child molesters are happy that Kavanaugh will be there to here their side of the story.
That having a Democrat in the senate will ease a young girls mental anguish when they cant get an abortion anymore after they are raped.
That they watched their mother die because they couldnt afford insurance after the ACA was repealed
(6,143 posts)votes yes on no doesnt make any difference. It only impacts his re-election at this point. Who do you want to control the Senate, the Dems or the GOP?
(7,262 posts)To do 30+ years destroying basic rights for those not RICH. Watch what happens once this POS gets a SC robe on him. Going to be fair and balanced like HE claims he is?? MY ASS.............
(6,143 posts)Collins put it over the top. His vote will only impact his re-election. So do you want the GOP to stay in control of the Senate just to make a useless political point?
(7,262 posts)And if he does and want does it matter,he votes with Republicans for Trumps ideas 61-71% of the time. He voted overwhelmingly for Scott Pruitt to run the EPA. He's pro life,he voted to start GUTTING Dodd-Frank so we can go through another Bush Wall St. disaster in the coming years. He thinks those Trump tariffs are great. He opposes gay marriage--the ONLY Dem Senator and is opposed to same sex marriage. The NRA gave him an A rating six years ago.
This guy is no Democrat........
(6,143 posts)and while he may be conservative, he is still a Democrat. Right now we need every seat. Or would you rather the GOP continue to control the Senate? We have to consider the bigger picture and not get hung up on an irrelevant vote.
(3,675 posts)Cut Manchin slack but curse Susan Collins out.
(6,143 posts)Zambero
(9,402 posts)With the outcome of the nomination now assured, keeping a red state seat in the Democratic column becomes the order of the day.
(11,862 posts)he is NOT a Democrat..he only pretends to be.
(5,687 posts)He has to vote accordingly. I can't blame hum. If Collins had voted no he would have also.
(1,580 posts)Hotler
(11,789 posts)A real democrat would stand up and no. And it wouldn't take a week to think about it.
(35,028 posts)The answer is himself. Joe Manchin cares about Joe Manchin. Not his state, his so called party and definitely not his country. He needs to go.
(13,645 posts)Because it used to be that defending women and saying "no I will not support people who want to return the days of coat hangers and grabbing in the office" was not ultra liberal, but simply liberal.
(7,262 posts)Gawd...don't even know where to start with that one......
Mike Nelson
(10,208 posts)
he's deprived Pence of his big moment. I like that - and he might be a vote for impeachment. It's Collins' full-throated, one-sided, and blathering speech I find disgusting... she's the person she was putting down in her own speech!
(3,622 posts)standingtall
(2,861 posts)If he would've voted no then that would've signaled that we could count on him to vote yes when we get a chance to fix the fix republicans are making.
(1,580 posts)Cuthbert Allgood
(5,150 posts)I believe the numbers show he votes with Trump more than against him.
Fuck that, guy.
(1,554 posts)Garrett78
(10,721 posts)Meanwhile, Manchin already had a 12-point lead in the polls. I'm not sure we're doing what is most politically expedient here.
(52,612 posts)Bengus81
(7,262 posts)Instead of rolling over. Doesn't matter,they WIN once again and what will come from this ANGRY DRUNK on the SC will be monumental.
IMO,first order of business is finally KILLING off the ACA for Trump in his "destroy ANYTHING that Obama touched" two year mantra. Let's see how long it takes Kav and his ultra conservative SC buds to deem the ACA unconstitutional.
(19,237 posts)Going to WV to campaign against him now? Got news for you Clueless Joe
(25 posts)No doubt about it.
He will lose in November over this one vote. Come January 3, 2019, Joe Manchin will no longer be a US Senator. You heard it here first.
(694 posts)No fucking thank you.
Fuck him. Twice.
(7,262 posts)ideas and policies. He votes for Trump an avg of 65% of the time and he calls himself a Dem?!?!?
I am curious. Who is the more dependable vote for the Democratic Party? Bernie or Manchin?
Jake Stern
(3,145 posts)Bernie votes with the Dems 97% of the time but I swear it's almost de rigeur on DU to shit talk and dismiss him but this same crew will excuse almost anything to defend Senator 60%.
Where do we draw the line with Joe? What will it take? He's in effect telling sexual assault survivors that the value he puts on their experience and testimony depends, not on credibility and evidence, but on how well the rapist is polling back home and which way a senator from another state a thousand miles away votes.
Funny indeed.
(7,006 posts)Who Need So-Called "D's" Like Manchin when we have a WHOLE BUNCH OF ENEMIES with R's, when he joins right along with them.
Screw Him. Pick up the seat, elsewhere.
(46,138 posts)What is the difference between a democrats who votes republican and a republican? You might as well elect a real thing then.
(6,709 posts)than with saying Blasey Ford was "confused." Fuck that. Taking the vote you feel you have to for expedient reasons is one thing, denying reality is another.
(7,596 posts)Douchebag Jr. attacked Manchin on Twitter even after he said he'd vote for Judge McRapey. You really think Manchin's disgraceful act of cowardice is going to make the bozos in his state any less determined to get him out?
(7,820 posts)Without even a majority vote would be awful. Manchin has also made seriously disturbing comments about Dr Ford being confused. Sorry, but with friends like these...
(4,407 posts)You may be correct. But if having moral and wise leadership matters at all anymore, than you are wrong. He's not a man that deserves an iota of respect.
(7,006 posts)Yep and all that....
Response to LBM20 (Original post)
LovingA2andMI This message was self-deleted by its author.
(6,709 posts)If there is a bigger coward in the D party, I don't know who it is.
Devil Child
(2,728 posts)Then quickly kick him to the curb. Anyone who thinks this vote magically ensures his reelection is deluded.
Jake Stern
(3,145 posts)thinking it would save her seat and was still tossed to the curb.
Mary Landrieu learned that voting R don't necessarily boost ones electoral chances in a red state.
a kennedy
(31,348 posts)Gothmog
(151,746 posts)Coventina
(27,583 posts)Fuck him.
He's basically telling women, especially sexual assault survivors, that the value he puts on their experience and testimony depends, not on credibility and evidence, but on how well the rapist is polling with the yokels in West Virginia and which way Susan Collins votes.
(4,323 posts)Is that worse than depressing the vote through capitulation?
(36,325 posts)It's a 1000% unethical vote
No Dem should vote for this loser
He still has 4 weeks to make his case
And there is a hell of a case to make
If we can't count on him for a vote this important what is the point
(8,138 posts)With Murk voting 'present' and that other R away at a wedding, they expect it to be 50-48. If Murk were to vote 'no', then it's 50-49. Manchin then becomes the deciding vote. If he were to flip then it is 49-50. Pence only votes in a tie, so they would have to wait for wedding dude to come back AND have Pence cast the tie-breaker.
So it's really Murkowski's fault. She's doing Manchin more of a favor than wedding dude.