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Reply #97: My Reply Will Fit Right In To The General Mood Here at DU [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
jambojonusa Donating Member (19 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-08-04 12:24 AM
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97. My Reply Will Fit Right In To The General Mood Here at DU
Here what got writ to Terry...verbatim, by question.
I let passion be the guide more than best grammar and syntax...oh well.

2004 Election Feedback
Please take a few minutes to complete our Election 2004 survey.

1. How did you participate in this election?

I am currently lodged in the San Diego area although I am registered Green Party and an Oregon resident where I vote with an absentee ballot. So I am far from my normal base of operations. I had no problem voting for Kerry instead of David Cobb, the Green Party presidential candidate. It is not so much that I'm a Kerry supporter, but a Bush opposer.John Kerry simply had the best chance of anyone, of beating Bush.

I got tired of fretting at home, following the course of the campaign via various media. When my sister in law hit me with an offer to help out at the local Democrat Party phone bank and to walk precincts to aid the election of an environmental friendly for the position of a state assembly-person Lori Saldana, I jumped at the chance.
Of course getting out the vote for a local Democrat would have the same good effect for a Kerry vote.

Lori's race was tight. She had to face a smear campaign funded by tobacco company's, but she won!

I helped walk the last 2 weekends and helped at the phone bank throughout the week.

2. Is this the first time you participated in election activism?

No. I cross Party lines and do some work most elections for both the Green Party and the Democrats, depending on the situation. Frequently there is a Republican that needs beating and a Dem candidate worth my effort.

3. How would you like to continue to stay involved? (Volunteering, phonebanking, fundraising, local organizing, etc.)

At this point, I'm not sure. It depends in large part how the Democrat Party manages their defeat.

If they turn into Republican lite, and cave into GOP pressures to do so and effectively gut themselves in the process, which is the very tendency in the Democrat Party that led me to drop my party affiliation and join the Greens in the first place, then I very much doubt I'd help out unless like in this election it was a do or die, pinch hit situation.

<4>4. Did you feel the actions you took were effective?

Yes, very much so. I helped Lori Saldana get elected in a close race against people way less environmentally friendly and tuned into the real needs of the San Diego area.
5. Was it a good experience for you?

Of course.

It would be a better experience if I KNEW for sure that every vote counted. How in the heck has the Democrat Party let the democratic process slip so badly?

As a party you better get your shit together to help ensure it remains a good experience. As a party the Dem's need to take the forefront to fix our broken and ailing system. You'll enthusiastic have the support of millions. We are waitng for you the party to catch up with us.

You have strayed from best principles in your zeal to do whatever it takes to win and in your attempt to fund campaigns by the rules of the game that you help write that are now eating you up and delivering you to the GOP. Oh well sorry about that. So fix it.

(I might ask, was it a good experience for you at Headquarters to lose in the way you did to the GOP? Was it?

You know as well and better than I do that you lost because the GOP used a bad set of slanted and rigged rules to bend and cheat US out of an election that in all probablity if every vote were to have been counted, that Kerry won.)

Under these circumstances, shame on you for asking this question. Its pretty cavalier of you.

After all you are in part responsible too for a whole litany of the ills the have lead us to the bad pass America and YOUR OWN PARTY is in.

I don't expect much from the nazi-infested GOP nowdays in the way of real reform and succor. But I still have at least some hope in the Democratic Party, or I wouldn't be taking the time to write you and to appeal to your better instincts.

It is soul searching and house cleaning time.

So please, help us fix and reform our democracy before it is entirely too late to do so. You will find that if you do and chmapion US inour time of need that many of us will come back and work hard once again for revived Party goals and objectives.

Please please, quit selling US out the the GOP on the real issues.

And yes I'm still on message. Which is...ensuring a good experience while working heart and soul out, for something I believe in.

Let's start with an overview:

Democracy is either advancing or retreating. The one thing for certain, win or lose, is that its a struggle either way.

A good yardstick by which to measure the advance of democratic principles is that it always heads toward a Fuller, Fairer, Freer FRIENDLIER Democracy.

Are we?

Is the Democrat Party?

This is what makes democracy work and utimately makes it a good experience.

So...listen up.

Here's the nuts and bolts part:

We want and need electoral and voting reform NOW.

The following would be a nice start.

If we are going to use e-voting machines they need to operate by open source code (not proprietary code) and leave a paper trail.

End legalized bribery and support publicly financed campaigns.

Take back the airwaves and provide free time for ballot-qualified candidates.

Include everyone in elections by adopting same-day voter registration.

Give voters the information they want by opening the presidential debates.

Open up the two-party system by adopting proportional representation.

Gauge public opinion at the polls by initiating a national non-binding advisory referendum.

Make every vote count by allowing instant runoff voting.

When there is no one worth your vote, you should have a binding None-Of-The-Above option.

...& throw in for popular support a National Holiday on the Day of the General Elections.


If you get behind ANY portion of this list with a will and enthusiasm as a Political Party, it will ensure millions of enthusiastic workers outworking for and voting for Democrat candidates. Simply because you would be championing US. That wwould make it a good experience for EveryBody. Not only for me and my generation, but for my children's children.

If you don't, the writing on the wall says that the GOP will swallow you and the US in their drive to be the Imperial monolitihic Party.

Not a good experience.

And you know this is true.

If you listen and work with US to achieve this, you'll have a LOT of happy volunteers.

so wise up.

6. How would you make it better?

For the most part, refer to the above.

The local Dem's were friendly. Could have been a tad more organized, but no real gripes...The pizza was good.
7. Please share other thoughts and comments you have about the 2004 election and what Democrats and the Democratic Party should do going forward.

I take it you are asking for constructive criticism. Very well.

Terry fire yourself. Quit while you're behind.

The Democrat Party needs a strategist in your position as head of the party, not a fundraiser.

Quit letting the GOP frame all the important terms like-
what a Patriot really is, or can be...& etc.

Study this issue framing thing until SomeBody REALLY has it. And then run that person for President. Or at least allow them to advise the candidates in how to really use FRESH words with power and conviction.

Kerry came close, almost got it during the debates. In my estimation, the entire Democrat Party still has a problem with this. Although the speech making at the Convention really was impressive. What is lacking is that your words don't yet match your deeds.

But then who among us stands up and does the right thing at all points? Nobody.This is not stone casting time.

Just keep working toward it aye? But work fast, for your demise draweth nigh if you don't "get" the real message that we need to hear from you in order to fully support you. That message can NOT be faked. It comes from the heart or its nuthin.

You/we/I have lived under a subtle tyranny of words and ideas that lack conviction, devoid of the substance of their reality, afraid to act on our highest ideals, taking the lower road of political expediency for so long, that these chains of your/our/my own making...that its hard for you/me/us to burst out of them and express what's genuine and valid in your/my/our message.

We the people need to really identify with you again...and sadly for both of us, all too often we don't. Why?

How to reconnect with Us, with me?

I don't pretend to have the answers. Just some questions really.

Whatever you do, pease don't write this off.

Ponder it. Take time to listen to ALL of your constituency. Including lil ol me. Then I hope and trust you determine to walk the way of the most inclusiveness.

Quit picking on the the weak and defenseless, either by commision or ommision.

A case in point: What business does Gray Davis Democrat or Jerry Brown another Democrat here in CA have in backing Gov.Arnold S. in fighting for the amendment of the 3 strike law to not include non-violent criminals. This measure, 66 I believe was a most humanitarian measure, its intension to bring the 3 strikes and Your Out law into line with its real and original intent.

SO WHY THE FRIGGING HELL DID TWO PROMINENT AND RESPECTED DEMOCRATS FIGHT AN HONEST AND VERY MUCH NEED REFORM? Huh? Did the thoroughly nazi California prison union make em? Shouldn't be in bed with such vermin to begin with. This isn't the place to be compromising the peoples business.

Consider yourselves warned. Either work with hones reform or get the hell out of the peoples business or we will run you out of it.

Now that I have let off some seriously built up steam, maybe I can continue in a reasonable and civilized tone....maybe.

This is what I am talking about. Until the Democratic Party gets this straight, really for your own good, because your much to dangerous to have the reins of power, go take a hike.

At least we aren't so easily decieved by the GOP agenda. We know what to expect and fight against.
Once again shame on the Dem's...And what? In the name of WHAT political expediency?

Geez. At points you guys really are pathetic.

Medpot and just pot smokers...those in prison etc...the ill with catastrophic diseases. You know what I mean. And shame on the supposedly people's party for going along with such a callous social program.

In some ways the dem's are more at fault than the republican's in this regard. For we trusted you to champion us and you have not. You have pretended to, but have not. Your substance, your words have thusly grown thin and unconvincing. That translates into your base doesn't vote for you come voting time.

Give the real Progressives even a smidgen of say in the Party.

Quit acting like Republican lite already.

Be inclusive. If you are truly inclusive and champion our rights, it'd do wonders for the party and party morale. It would get you votes that you haven't gotten for years.

Don't worry about what the your old guard and so called centrists say. Or what the swing voters might think. They could be persuaded by the sheer energy and audacity of what real reform means in the face of the GOP beast. heh heh...If you can't see this then you are doomed as a Party at this point in American history...just a shade of itself, the dumb bunie shadow of the GOP...

Is that what you aspire toward? Then have at it. But your constituency won't follow you there forever.

Then back to this...that this so-called left turn, which is what you opponets would brand it, but is it? really? (it isn't leftist, its...??? you name it? might even be something new, bright and something that truly fits the needs of our times...and you can be the torchbearer for it. Even yet Oh Democratic Party...even yet.

What it actually good old fashioned American know..."live and let live". "Responsible Freedom for EverBody". Imagine that! Mere people, US folk having a real legal entitled share, in the great InCorporation
called the USA. We have a share in the work and the worry and a share in the rewards of being an active member of the great American expirement.

Please make sure you guard our investment for US ok?

Remember the Grand Vision of America and actually set about to realize it.

Don't cave in.

Perhaps an excercise to help you figure out what is what and keep it straight is to list what this vision of America isn't. A quick look at the GOP party platform would help. And just the opposite direction.

Here's a little more more on the needed language use shifts that will allow power and persuasiveness back into your words:

Listen to how some of the Progressives and 3rd parties have to say what they say. They are less encumbered than mainline Dem's and often speak more freely. The result is that it comes across more real.

If some of these very people who you do not allow into your Party had YOUR platform from which to speak it, you'd be one of them instead.

Why in the heck are you blocking some of this talent? Are you afraid of it? Why? Have you strayed that far from best principles? Only you can answer that. From the outside, I swear at points you really have me wondering. Too ofetn you have left me feeling cheated and duped when I have supported you in the past.

Listen to how some of the best of these reformers from the outside of the party speak and act. How they present and that which you know to be good ideas...You know, the good ideas that you know are good and just, but you are afraid to pick up and run with because the GOP would hammer you into mincemeat if you did...or political expediency says it would be suicide to run with.


I do and must call bullshit on this cowardice. This is exactly what the American people are waiting and watching and hoping for. Its time to provide it.

As they say in the old country- its either time shit or get off the pot.

What other way is there to rebuild a defeated, dwindling party without caving in?

If you do the right thing for the right reason at the critical time and seize the right issues fearlessly. You will have a rationale that amounts to the winning combination that strikes the right spark among US...

....Or you chicken out. Then you miss an opportunity that only in truly dangerous times and defeat is it ever offered. And the consequences of that could very well be America's soul. The USA that we have known and struggled to operate and maintain then dies in this generation.

Hard choice? Is it really?

Lead us in reform and renewal or we will somehow have to do it without you.

The one thing I know is that the Democratic Party is positioned right to lead this effort. Simply put,it would be alot easier if the Democrat Party recognized its historial role and seized the moment that this present opportunity provides us, and threw their weight wholeheartedly behind the real thing.

Alas I fear you will not. I fear you will cave in like a buncha sweating politicans, instead of rising to this most serious challenge of American Democracy since our inception. In short, will you act real like real men and women. Or alow the beast oertake our country with not much of a fight?

Good men and women everywhere are waitng to see what your official resonse will be.

I pray you do the right thing, the real thing, instead of try to pass off something bogus as has been in large part going on for years.

This is no time to treat politics as "politics".
This is the people's business. Not a game run by ruthless money mongers and all bought off ahead of time.

I wish you the best in your very difficult decision making processes over the coming months.

We are waiting and praying for you.

Don't let US down.

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