This is just a longish draft but I'd appreciate some feedback.
I am well aware that it has an outrageously long run on sentence and am not really concerned with that at present. I'm more concerned with getting a response to the concept. Have been mulling over this for a while.
With everything transpiring in Crawford, I thought now might be a good time, for those of us who can't be there to kick it around.
Thanks in advance.
Dear Uncle Sam,
'Scuse me but I have a couple humble questions. . .
You see, I used to think that this country was a land that was primarily a land that reveled in diversity, comprised of lively discussions not shouting matches, tolerance not judgement, generosity not extortion, and human decency, not torture in the absence of the rule of law.
Now I'm sort of confused.
I hope you don't find this too terribly presumptuous, but if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to know, with virtually no accountability or transparency in government whatsoever, blocked investigations into gross malfeasance, blatant abuse of power, an ever burgeoning deficit, 280 billion blown trashing Iraq in a war based on bogus intelligence, 8.9 billion gone missing, 1875 dead soldiers, over 40,000 physically or psychologically wounded, and countless innocent civilian casualties, a dubious leader who thinks he talks to God and doesn't ever err or ever have to explain his actions, who thinks a notorious bully will make a fantastic diplomat, with a subservient and superfluous media owned by companies that are often profiting from our Iraqi debacle, with all recent legislation invariably favoring special interests who finance candidates to a far greater degree than their government paychecks could ever afford, with tax breaks for energy corporations who are making record profits and continually charging us more, with innumerable curious anomalies in the last three elections, with disparities between exit polls and vote tallies in swing states that were far worse than they were in the Ukraine, with 80% of the notoriously insecure voting equipment owned and operated by partisans and no election reform in site. . .why pray tell should we, the people continue to feel obliged to pay the government anything at all? It seems quite clear that the government isn't working for we, the people any longer at all.
In my naivete, I used to think that a government was supposed to protect us folks, not incite unprecedented anger throughout the world with it's shear idiocy.
Uncle Sam, am I being unreasonable to be compelled to "ahhsk" not what my government can do for me, but rather "ahhsk" what the heck my government thinks it's doing. . ? Precisely for what on Earth, are we paying you?
The only way that I will ever feel as though my government is again working for we, the people and not of, for, and by the special interests, would be if you enact widespread election reform which would provide voter verified paper ballots for all eligible voters which would be tallied by non partisans. Too bad such legislation is seemingly forever stuck in committee and never, ever, ever brought to the floor. Makes me wish I could show all these foolish leaders directly to the door.
Uncle Sam, I know you've had better times. I remember seeing the steely resolve in your eyes on those posters years ago that urged us all to serve in some capacity, which inspired a sense of great comradery and shared purpose.
But the assault we've waged on the citizens of Iraq, our kids, and the environment is something that only seems extremely misguided and just so this never, ever happens again, can we at the very least, have free and fair elections again?
I thank you in advance for your consideration.
Sincerely, an American citizen
If anyone agrees with this letter, then consider sending your representatives an e-mail or post card simply inquiring?
"For what on Earth are we paying you? Please give us Voter Verified Paper Ballots ASAP and non partisan controlled elections and a reasonable exit strategy for Iraq. Otherwise Uncle Sam, with all due respect. . . "you're fired." If these measures are not taken and a modicum of accountability in government is not restored, any taxes due may just be put in escrow until you clean up your veritable act. Thank you very much. Have a nice day. "