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(34,188 posts)
379. My take on the election was that change was key factor
Mon Dec 26, 2016, 10:53 PM
Dec 2016

Last edited Mon Dec 26, 2016, 11:42 PM - Edit history (1)

On the Republican side, the primary voters rejected mainstream Republicans who had long histories of hate and prejudice toward Obama and progressive causes.

On the Democratic side, the primary voters gave Bernie 45% of the pledged delegates, a lefty who has been outside the Democratic establishment for decades, against a long-time Democrat who was arguably the most qualified candidate ever.

I think there is plenty of evidence that change was a strong sentiment in the electorate.

I know many people are saying Comey or the wikileak of campaign emails changes people, but I just don't see it.

I just don't see the impact in polls at the end of the race in the national polls

Or in Michigan (Clinton up by 6 pts)

Or in Wisconsin (Clinton up by 6.1 pts)

Or in Penn (Clinton up by 4.1 pts)

The trendlines cross in Ohio beginning in Sept and Trump was steadily ahead 2 weeks before the Comey letter.

Do you have access to polling numbers showing something different?

Amen, Boston Bean. Something is not right when that kind of thing continues. Hekate Dec 2016 #1
Some days are ok, and then others it is just as raw as Nov. 9. boston bean Dec 2016 #6
She would've been awesome as president. No one's perfect, but she would've been awesome. SharonAnn Dec 2016 #29
Seriously. At the risk of stirring something up, Bernie would NOT have won. calimary Dec 2016 #124
Absolutely fantastic rant, calimary. Hekate Dec 2016 #137
sadly they will never forgive her for being a woman. sheshe2 Dec 2016 #163
Being female hurt her Gothmog Dec 2016 #356
I hear you Gothmog. sheshe2 Dec 2016 #362
I am also sad at this Gothmog Dec 2016 #404
When we were in the USA this past year, my German wife caught this immediately DFW Dec 2016 #165
Spot on. The repugs held their fire on Sanders but went all in after Clinton? Not rocket science brush Dec 2016 #188
I know. That was so obvious. LisaM Dec 2016 #197
It's obvious to the objective common sense observer. betsuni Dec 2016 #198
Yes, that all was pretty obvious. There were a few candid statements from the GOP, but clearly stevenleser Dec 2016 #340
Some people trust Eichenwald's opinion about Bernie winning -- others do not. aikoaiko Dec 2016 #275
You hardly have to rely on Eichenwald's description of GOP oppo research. Other factors are stevenleser Dec 2016 #339
First, let me say that I am not sure Bernie would have won, but here is my counterargument. aikoaiko Dec 2016 #370
It wasn't an unconventional year. Nothing about it was unconventional. stevenleser Dec 2016 #376
My take on the election was that change was key factor aikoaiko Dec 2016 #379
Exactly like I said, polling in general elections has trouble with last minute events like Comey. stevenleser Dec 2016 #380
I can see we are not going to convince each other, but the polls don't show sifts inthe last 10 days aikoaiko Dec 2016 #381
And that is because as I keep telling you, the polls have trouble showing that when there is a major stevenleser Dec 2016 #382
Ok I see what you're saying now. aikoaiko Dec 2016 #383
No one in the real world relied on silly match up polls Gothmog Dec 2016 #510
Except they accurately described what happened to HRC in the GE this time. aikoaiko Dec 2016 #515
No-in the real world these match up polls were worthless because Sanders was not vetted Gothmog Dec 2016 #516
Maybe not. Trump had the biggest opposition research file ever -- even video -- it was not enough aikoaiko Dec 2016 #517
I like living in the real world Gothmog Dec 2016 #523
The real world where Trump beat HRC the most qualified candidate ever aikoaiko Dec 2016 #525
Trump had a great deal hope including from Sanders Gothmog Dec 2016 #526
Great post. This point needs to be made: 2016 was not unconventional or StevieM Jan 2017 #538
+1 Lucinda Dec 2016 #304
Trump had a two foot thick book of oppo on Sanders Gothmog Dec 2016 #355
Thank you for this, calimary! Cha Dec 2016 #372
Great post Gothmog Dec 2016 #500
Thank you for this post, Calimary. Pathwalker Dec 2016 #502
I feel very cheated. Like This is a personal loss La Lioness Priyanka Dec 2016 #2
It feels like a betrayal. Arkansas Granny Dec 2016 #3
It is an extremely personal affront to me as a human being. boston bean Dec 2016 #5
Yup. La Lioness Priyanka Dec 2016 #13
I am still sick over this whole thing. It was such an evil victory for the GOP. StevieM Dec 2016 #84
Arkansas has gone from blue to deep red in just a few years time. Arkansas Granny Dec 2016 #129
I feel like everything I believe in has been stolen. we can do it Dec 2016 #11
I feel like women are reviled. To vote that fucker in.... boston bean Dec 2016 #15
Don't worry 2020 or 2024 the repugs are gearing up kellyanne Conway to be the yeoman6987 Dec 2016 #16
Now there's a scary thought!! Don't think there'll be anything left for Satan's Bride to destroy after the Fuhrer-Elect is done ransackin the country. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #252
No sane, intelligent person could have picked Trump. duffyduff Dec 2016 #20
ayep! boston bean Dec 2016 #24
And black people. And dems in general. For some reason the rethugs have a special dionysus Dec 2016 #27
Well, y'all were getting a bit uppity Ghost OF Trotsky Dec 2016 #284
It's disheartening. we can do it Dec 2016 #35
Come on. liquid diamond Dec 2016 #309
Gender is on the list of reasons why she lost.. Kuhl Dec 2016 #325
I strongly disagree with your analysis and conclusions Gothmog Dec 2016 #524
Therein lies the problem. Cowpunk Dec 2016 #287
He lost because he got fewer votes La Lioness Priyanka Dec 2016 #301
Oh, I see. Cowpunk Dec 2016 #387
lol. No my feeling cheated is different from La Lioness Priyanka Dec 2016 #391
Sanders got less than 43% of the vote in the primaries Gothmog Dec 2016 #358
I have the same feelings Gothmog Dec 2016 #357
K&R! n/t RKP5637 Dec 2016 #4
Thank you. we can do it Dec 2016 #7
YES !!! THERE'S NO GUESSING WITH COMEY !!! The polls numbers went down after Comey and its uponit7771 Dec 2016 #8
What breaks my heart Nonhlanhla Dec 2016 #9
you've hit the nail on the head. boston bean Dec 2016 #12
Nails are outdated obliviously Dec 2016 #134
Is that silly insult even necessary? Try contributing something useful. brush Dec 2016 #191
Mine's broken, too. we can do it Dec 2016 #56
i disagree with some of your premise. Exilednight Dec 2016 #10
I agree. elleng Dec 2016 #17
Obama ran a progressive campaign, but, by and large, did not advance a progressive agenda. lapucelle Dec 2016 #32
We will have to agree to disagree on all acounts. Exilednight Dec 2016 #34
We will have to disagree. lapucelle Dec 2016 #44
Bernie had scorched earth policy? One word for you from '08: PUMAs. Exilednight Dec 2016 #59
Hillary gave her full throated support prior to the convention. boston bean Dec 2016 #61
I am dealing in reality. Many of her supporters blame Obama for her not winning in 2016. Exilednight Dec 2016 #66
that's a new one. boston bean Dec 2016 #75
I haven't heard that from anyone. nt Tanuki Dec 2016 #81
you should read more. Exilednight Dec 2016 #116
Perhaps you would oblige by posting something one could read to support your assertion. Tanuki Dec 2016 #127
Post #115 Exilednight Dec 2016 #203
Seriously? You're still holding a grudge from the 2008 campaign. brush Dec 2016 #192
What are you talking about? Exilednight Dec 2016 #202
Read the same thing just recently, forget where. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #254
You should lie less. Charles Bukowski Dec 2016 #272
What did I lie about? Exilednight Dec 2016 #280
I certainly have seen that sentiment expressed here. Crunchy Frog Dec 2016 #307
Link? sheshe2 Dec 2016 #95
Here you go. Exilednight Dec 2016 #115
Thanks but no.... sheshe2 Dec 2016 #118
you asked for proof, and there it is. That is a 100% pure pro Hillary site. Exilednight Dec 2016 #199
Seems like it's the same "reality" as Donald, "many people" are saying synergie Dec 2016 #439
I've provided links upthread. Exilednight Dec 2016 #443
It's a long thread and you have many posts, few of which contain facts. synergie Dec 2016 #488
I was accused of being a PUMA murielm99 Dec 2016 #135
The PUMA thing is real. Many are still out there. Exilednight Dec 2016 #200
This message was self-deleted by its author betsuni Dec 2016 #206
Clinton led her coalition to the table. lapucelle Dec 2016 #224
PUMAs are still out there. To pretend otherwise is ignorance at best and intellectual dishonesty at Exilednight Dec 2016 #230
I never said there weren't still PUMAS out there, but we seem to agree it's marginal lapucelle Dec 2016 #233
They weren't marginal. Obama found other avenues to win. Exilednight Dec 2016 #243
May I suggest you review third party voting in 2008 compared to 2016. boston bean Dec 2016 #389
Trump used Sanders quotes and arguments to great effect in the general Gothmog Dec 2016 #360
So your argument is Exilednight Dec 2016 #378
No that is not the argument. boston bean Dec 2016 #390
Then what is the argument. Exilednight Dec 2016 #395
Sanders was treated with kid gloves by the Clinton campaign which tied her hands Gothmog Dec 2016 #397
That explains nothing of relevance. Exilednight Dec 2016 #400
Actually, it does explain a great deal Gothmog Dec 2016 #412
Proof? Exilednight Dec 2016 #421
In the real world Sanders was a very very weak candidate Gothmog Dec 2016 #423
Where's your proof that Hillary treated Sanders with kid gloves against her will? Exilednight Dec 2016 #428
This was commonly known Gothmog Dec 2016 #430
That's an oped piece, not news. Any real proof? Exilednight Dec 2016 #432
I was a delegate to the National Convention Gothmog Dec 2016 #436
Okay, that's her delegates. I'm asking about her. Exilednight Dec 2016 #446
Clinton did not attack Sanders for two reasons Gothmog Dec 2016 #447
Stop trying to muddy the waters. Did someone keep her against Exilednight Dec 2016 #454
Here is another good example Gothmog Dec 2016 #451
She didn't attack him, not on his gang rape essays, his child sex one etc. synergie Dec 2016 #434
That doesn't answer my question. Exilednight Dec 2016 #435
Do you approve of the booing of Congressman John Lewis by Sanders delegates at national convention? Gothmog Dec 2016 #437
But, it does. You just don't like the answer. synergie Dec 2016 #438
There was proof she was gagged against her will? where is it? Exilednight Dec 2016 #445
Read the posts again-no one said that Hillary Clinton was forced to be nice to Sanders Gothmog Dec 2016 #448
It's weird how far you've dragged those goal posts to deny the basic truth here. synergie Dec 2016 #482
Since this is a claim you and only you have made, perhaps you should ask yourself synergie Dec 2016 #487
Did you read the platform written in July? George II Dec 2016 #442
Sanders had no chance of being the nominee and ran a campaign designed to hurt Clinton Gothmog Dec 2016 #396
That's a nice rant, but it doesn't explain why Exilednight Dec 2016 #398
To put the issue to bed would mean not treating Sanders with kid gloves Gothmog Dec 2016 #413
That's on Hillary. Exilednight Dec 2016 #420
You are wrong-Sanders supporters would have gone nuts is Sanders was treated like a real candidate Gothmog Dec 2016 #424
I keep hearing about this research, but no one can produce it. Exilednight Dec 2016 #427
The research was available for use but Hillary Clinton had to treat Sanders with kid gloves Gothmog Dec 2016 #429
Prove it exists and link up to it, and please provide proof that Hillary was gagged. Exilednight Dec 2016 #431
It's been proven numerous times, it's why so many of you were alerting and hiding people during synergie Dec 2016 #440
There was a great deal of material to use on Sanders Gothmog Dec 2016 #441
Critical thinking is based off of known variables, none of which Exilednight Dec 2016 #444
Do you tire of being wrong? Gothmog Dec 2016 #449
Actually, I just get tired of people who make accusations with only hear-say evidence. Exilednight Dec 2016 #468
It is so very amusing to see a layperson try to use terms that they do not understand Gothmog Dec 2016 #469
I note that you have yet to prove that Hillary was gagged against her will from attacking Sanders. Exilednight Dec 2016 #472
Re-read the material on this thread Gothmog Dec 2016 #473
There are no facts that you presented. NO ONE TOLD HILLARY TO STAY SILENT! Exilednight Dec 2016 #475
So she exercised her judgment and chose not to attack an easy target synergie Dec 2016 #483
Who cares - time for 2017 elections! JustAnotherGen Dec 2016 #491
Again misusing legal terms and ignoring facts are not helping your case Gothmog Dec 2016 #492
I get tired of people who launch strawman arguments, move the goal posts synergie Dec 2016 #484
Ignoring known variables doesn't help when one is attempting to pretend synergie Dec 2016 #467
Yeah, that's why I cash paychecks from the DNC from 2006 to 2009. Exilednight Dec 2016 #470
Yeah, sure I believe that. I mean you just said, it's not like you provided proof synergie Dec 2016 #485
You are using facts against someone who wants ignore these facts Gothmog Dec 2016 #474
But he "nos" so much about politics, he cashed checks and was solely responsible for synergie Dec 2016 #486
I am also amused by that post Gothmog Dec 2016 #489
It did not provide the republicans the tools to hit hard on corporate influence. Most Republicans JCanete Dec 2016 #346
I don't think it was unecessarily negative. It took going all the way to the convention for Clinton JCanete Dec 2016 #167
+1000000! SammyWinstonJack Dec 2016 #174
The exact inverse argument could be made... LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #177
That's not a different inverse argument. Its the same argument. I'm saying had the DNC not JCanete Dec 2016 #215
The Sanders portion of the party WAS invited to the table... LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #289
You'll have to show me what being invited to the table looks like. Saying "drop out and trust us" is JCanete Dec 2016 #345
Oh, absolutely Amaril Dec 2016 #419
80% of your platform was adopted...AND Sanders supporters were LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #425
again, show me what that looked like. I don't remember the overture, and I certainly JCanete Dec 2016 #456
You don't remember because you were too busy lamenting...and berating...To wit: LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #457
07/10/16. you are talking about what we got after Sanders stayed in the race. Guess what! JCanete Dec 2016 #458
your inability to remember that. LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #459
what? No we aren't. The conversation was about whether or not the DNC should have JCanete Dec 2016 #460
No. It wasn't. See post 345. LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #461
take the context of the whole conversation. I'm sorry that you got misled by me saying "during the JCanete Dec 2016 #462
I was at the National Convention and your analysis is wrong Gothmog Dec 2016 #361
You are fond of leading with "You are wrong," and then not addressing anything I said. JCanete Dec 2016 #369
Again your attempt at analysis is simply wrong Gothmog Dec 2016 #394
I'm sorry but you couldn't be more wrong, and it is amusing to me, and pathetic, and sad, JCanete Dec 2016 #401
The fact that you think that you are correct is amusing but is not based on facts Gothmog Dec 2016 #405
Again, addressing nothing that I said. Not a single thing. Do you talk around things for a living? JCanete Dec 2016 #406
Not to throw gas on the fire - not my intent JustAnotherGen Dec 2016 #408
in my last post? Or throughout the thread? The last post has to do with the way my conversations go JCanete Dec 2016 #411
I am not the only one amused on this thread Gothmog Dec 2016 #414
So you weren't happy to address anything I've said so far? Is that why you talked about entirely JCanete Dec 2016 #418
Use some facts or present something other than feelings Gothmog Dec 2016 #422
As a desciple of Sheldon Cooper, I caan't resist this: George II Dec 2016 #416
hehe, semantically, I think you can be more or less wrong though. Wrong on part of something JCanete Dec 2016 #417
Again, I use facts on these threads and you want to talk about your feelings Gothmog Dec 2016 #450
ugh..that was worth another post? The FACT is, that you use "facts" that are irrelevant to the JCanete Dec 2016 #452
Again it appears that you only want to discuss your feelings and not the facts Gothmog Dec 2016 #453
but what the fuck are you talking about? How is that responding to anything I've said up to this JCanete Dec 2016 #455
Has Sanders changed his FEC filing to run as a Democrat for Senate in 2018? Gothmog Dec 2016 #463
I would like to take a moment to praise you for actually responding to things I said in my post. JCanete Dec 2016 #464
Again your aversion to facts amuses me Gothmog Dec 2016 #465
My entrance into the conversation wasn't with the OP, so I'm not sure why that matters. JCanete Dec 2016 #466
Ignoring the facts will not change these facts Gothmog Dec 2016 #471
there should be a drinking game associated with every time you say facts, amuse and wrong. JCanete Dec 2016 #480
Again, your feelings are meaningless Gothmog Dec 2016 #490
What's a "desciple" Warren DeMontague Dec 2016 #476
Sanders is the establishment as much as any other long term politician. lapucelle Dec 2016 #334
You have a fundamental misunderstanding about what establishment even means. JCanete Dec 2016 #344
"The Establishment generally denotes a dominant group or elite that holds power lapucelle Dec 2016 #347
Well I just explained to you how he's not part of that inner circle of power. He is in the Senate. JCanete Dec 2016 #348
Because I don't need you to explain things to me, I didn't read beyond your title. lapucelle Dec 2016 #349
Boggles the mind why you're on a discussion board at all. Why not just write shit in a journal and JCanete Dec 2016 #350
Coming from you that is so very very funny Gothmog Dec 2016 #493
hey, its Gothmog! You forgot to say that it's amusing to you... JCanete Dec 2016 #495
Again, there are no facts or real analysis in your post Gothmog Dec 2016 #496
no, I commented on the other poster for posting on a discussion board and then, because that poster JCanete Dec 2016 #497
Another silly but funny post Gothmog Dec 2016 #498
That doesn't really jive with reality... Kuhl Dec 2016 #326
"The primary process treated her with kid gloves" lapucelle Dec 2016 #333
I'm just saying that she had every internal advantage possible... Kuhl Dec 2016 #336
Clinton lost because Sanders entered the race with no expectation of being nominee Gothmog Dec 2016 #499
She just as easily could have realized that Bernie still had power... Kuhl Dec 2016 #503
Sander was the one who dragged out the negotiations Gothmog Dec 2016 #504
He was interested in getting more of his views into the main party... Kuhl Dec 2016 #505
Sanders hurt the party and help elect Trump Gothmog Dec 2016 #506
This is the old line... Kuhl Dec 2016 #507
How do you explain Sanders own admissions that he only ran for media coverage Gothmog Dec 2016 #512
I'll amend... Kuhl Dec 2016 #513
Sanders was eliminated mathematically after Super Tuesday Gothmog Dec 2016 #514
He still held a significant portion of the voting block in his hand... Kuhl Dec 2016 #518
So you are proud of Sanders efforts to get Trump elected Gothmog Dec 2016 #520
I'm saying that it is unrealistic... Kuhl Dec 2016 #521
In the past people running were actual members of the Democratic Party and cared about the Party Gothmog Dec 2016 #522
yes! this is exactly what I've been saying! nt JCanete Jan 2017 #536
Sanders tops list for most appearances on 2016 Sunday shows Gothmog Jan 2017 #534
Clinton 2008 vs. Sanders 2016: A comparison of what happened when the campaign ends Gothmog Jan 2017 #541
No, The Systems Not Totally Rigged. But That Idea Sure Helped Donald Trump. Gothmog Dec 2016 #494
He advanced a progressive agenda, but it was blocked at every turn by a republican congress. George II Dec 2016 #331
Yep WilliamH1474 Dec 2016 #41
The FBI would have been an issue if she had used a state dept email account stevenleser Dec 2016 #76
thank you for this. the BS people have fallen for and how the media covered this boston bean Dec 2016 #101
Thank you Steven Leser Hekate Dec 2016 #140
I guess we just see things differently WilliamH1474 Dec 2016 #157
There WASN'T classified material "emailed in the first place." All the targeted emails pnwmom Dec 2016 #171
Well, I see it right according to the facts which are not in dispute. It's not opinion. stevenleser Dec 2016 #246
+1000. n/t pnwmom Dec 2016 #170
Except, the classification issue might never have even erupted karynnj Dec 2016 #270
Nope, they would have altered their manufactured argument, but the outrage would have been the same stevenleser Dec 2016 #283
Every time it came up, people ask why it existed in the first place.. Kuhl Dec 2016 #327
Not sure if you mean the why the server existed OR why there was a classification issue karynnj Dec 2016 #341
Excellent post. It is amazing how successfully Republicans spread misinformation. StevieM Jan 2017 #540
The Political Media lost its mind this year: JHan Dec 2016 #117
I thank you for taking the time to write a great responce! WilliamH1474 Dec 2016 #161
Happy Holidays, hope you're enjoying it to the max :) JHan Dec 2016 #269
Well said... Bernie's positive contributions to the Democratic platform cannot be overstated. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #43
Bernie's contributions to the Democratic platform are overstated every day. baldguy Dec 2016 #184
Perhaps if the Democrats acted like Democrats once in a while, he wouldn't have felt the need. Gore1FL Dec 2016 #212
The idea that there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans is a RW lie. baldguy Dec 2016 #216
When did I say that? Perhaps before lobbing insults you should reread my post for understanding. Gore1FL Dec 2016 #251
When you say "...if the Democrats acted like Democrats...", who are they acting like then? baldguy Dec 2016 #257
Cowering bullied school children is who they act like. Gore1FL Dec 2016 #263
You're not above a little bullying yourself, though, huh? baldguy Dec 2016 #265
A few things Gore1FL Dec 2016 #266
Perhaps the Democratic party should join HIM. TonyPDX Dec 2016 #250
Exactly. nt Gore1FL Dec 2016 #267
He "chose" to continue representing his constituents truebluegreen Dec 2016 #290
He couldn't do that as a real Democrat? baldguy Dec 2016 #328
Can you read? He ran for Senator as an Independent, truebluegreen Dec 2016 #329
You seem to think there's something wrong with the Democratic Party baldguy Dec 2016 #330
I "seem"? Sanders "doesn't want"? truebluegreen Dec 2016 #338
+1 jack_krass Dec 2016 #73
She was right. Probably why he lost. Lil Missy Dec 2016 #149
If she was right, then she would have won the GE in a landslide. Exilednight Dec 2016 #220
Being right and losing are not mutually exclusive. Lil Missy Dec 2016 #322
It's nuts to say that electing the first woman President EVER didn't represent a sea change. pnwmom Dec 2016 #169
Sea change was achieved in 2008. Polls have shown that younger peopole do not believe Exilednight Dec 2016 #221
Polls can't prove that electing Hillary wouldn't have represented a sea change. pnwmom Dec 2016 #222
Look back at his platform. It was to the left of Hillary's in '08. Exilednight Dec 2016 #232
It wasn't to the left of Hillary's in 2016. You can't say a woman will be elected pnwmom Dec 2016 #236
Yes his platform was. Especially in foreign policy. Exilednight Dec 2016 #244
Of course Hillary's loss is a setback! A huge setback! pnwmom Dec 2016 #260
That's not true. Exilednight Dec 2016 #268
Nonsense. She would have won if James Comey hadn't dropped his letter bombs. pnwmom Dec 2016 #276
Could have, should have, would have. Exilednight Dec 2016 #281
Jobs, jobs, jobs. They analyzed her speeches and she talked about jobs pnwmom Dec 2016 #288
That's not a message, it's a word. Exilednight Dec 2016 #299
K & R SunSeeker Dec 2016 #14
100% agree apcalc Dec 2016 #18
+ 100 nt iluvtennis Dec 2016 #33
Trump gets elected, we all suffer bucolic_frolic Dec 2016 #19
That is one reason why BlueMTexpat Dec 2016 #21
If the purists liquid diamond Dec 2016 #313
If they were the only ones BlueMTexpat Dec 2016 #392
I really blame us, the voters LakeArenal Dec 2016 #22
It really is insane that HRC falling ill was treated like a scandal. The media and the GOP StevieM Dec 2016 #70
Fuckin' A Emilybemily Dec 2016 #23
DU has always been like that, sadly. Whether or not you support hillary,bernie, dean, dionysus Dec 2016 #25
Yup MFM008 Dec 2016 #26
I'm fucking sick of it too. betsuni Dec 2016 #28
What you said. BlancheSplanchnik Dec 2016 #30
Bernie had the enthusiasm and it was squashed. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #31
Bernie got outvoted Nonhlanhla Dec 2016 #36
Uh huh. Sure. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #48
umm what are you doubting? boston bean Dec 2016 #51
Anyone who acts like we can't have what we want. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #53
what? boston bean Dec 2016 #122
How was it (truthfully) "squashed"? George II Dec 2016 #38
The most obvious was DWS denying him access to his own database. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #47
After his campaign illegally breached Hillary's database? oh, ok? boston bean Dec 2016 #52
Post removed Post removed Dec 2016 #67
hahahaha.. oh gawd. boston bean Dec 2016 #68
Go back into the archives and see for yourself. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #69
no need. LOL boston bean Dec 2016 #71
Of course not. It would burst your bubble. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #72
It wouldn't be my bubble bursting. hahaha boston bean Dec 2016 #74
Remember THIS? Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #86
lmao! boston bean Dec 2016 #94
Obviously not. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #100
You want me to remember the time when bernie's campaign didn't illegally download his opponents boston bean Dec 2016 #103
That's because you are in a bubble. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #105
oh.. LOL boston bean Dec 2016 #107
It's why you lost. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #109
what's the reason? boston bean Dec 2016 #111
Believing reality is what you believe. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #126
Who lost? murielm99 Dec 2016 #136
Here we go with the "loyalty" crap again.... Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #143
WHOSE SIDE? murielm99 Dec 2016 #150
The arrogant side that STILL acts like Bernie supporters are the enemy. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #153
Then stop acting like an enemy. murielm99 Dec 2016 #154
"Bernie Sanders Withdraws Lawsuit Against DNC After Being Proven Correct About Data Breach" think Dec 2016 #155
Except the story says the opposite sweetloukillbot Dec 2016 #195
I quoted the article. You quoted the DNC's Luis Miranda. Miranda does not claim anything was stolen think Dec 2016 #209
LOL!!! You STILL are going around claiming Bernie hacked Hillary! Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #159
As long as you keep Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #182
Thank you. TonyPDX Dec 2016 #501
You've got it backwards. The correct thing to say is: "Our side didn't mobilize for Hillary." NBachers Dec 2016 #172
There are two sides BainsBane Dec 2016 #384
Awesome post. nt fleabiscuit Dec 2016 #386
Plus 1 million JustAnotherGen Dec 2016 #409
Thank you for posting this. I had missed it. /nt think Dec 2016 #145
I can't believe there are STILL people that claim Bernie hacked Hillary.... Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #158
You mean like the people who investigated the issue? sweetloukillbot Dec 2016 #196
That's the DNC's response. And he makes no claim anything was stolen or used improperly think Dec 2016 #213
It was not BainsBane Dec 2016 #385
A highly subjective "article" full of inaccuracies and glossed over details. George II Dec 2016 #332
Here you go, sir: George II Dec 2016 #373
Yes, that definitely stuck in my craw. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #57
his campaign workers breach into her database really stuck in my craw. boston bean Dec 2016 #60
Yeah, that was a stupid move, I'll give you that one... InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #77
Bernie didn't have the class to concede to the first woman democratic nominee in our nations history boston bean Dec 2016 #78
Bernie conceded when it was clear there was no realistic path to victory... it may not have been soon enough for your liking, but then Hillary didn't quickly concede to Obama either. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #90
point me to the concession speech. you have a link to that? boston bean Dec 2016 #91
Your analysis is wrong Gothmog Dec 2016 #364
OMFG!! Why don't we just hang Bernie!! And let's mock and denigrate him AND his supporters EVERY chance we get, so we guaran-damn-tee ourselves the Dems NEVER win anotha election! InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #371
If Sanders was the nominee he would have been destroyed in the general election Gothmog Dec 2016 #399
No way, no how... just the opposite! Bernie would've carved that Nazi racist pig up like a Hawaiian luau!! InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #402
Sanders was a very weak general election candidate who would have been destroyed in the general Gothmog Dec 2016 #403
What stuck in my craw was the Sanders campaign hacking into the DNC database..... George II Dec 2016 #189
Yes, I already responded to that legitimate complaint above and, agreed, that was bad form... InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #225
You do know why that happened, right? George II Dec 2016 #99
I'm sure you have the version with the vapors. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2016 #104
I have the version that the Sanders campaign confessed to doing. You? George II Dec 2016 #190
Enough of this Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #180
Voters like you? Uponthegears Dec 2016 #201
and what Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #207
Tripe Uponthegears Dec 2016 #218
Excuse me Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #181
That was after Sanders campaign accessed confidential Clinton files Gothmog Dec 2016 #363
Liniment, Bengay, hotwater bottle obliviously Dec 2016 #133
WTH are you getting at? Bernie's a crotchety grandpa with a stoop, but I wouldn't ask if he ... Hekate Dec 2016 #142
What do our last two winners have in common obliviously Dec 2016 #144
Trump looks and acts old, so does Sanders. The youngest of the 3 is Hillary.... Hekate Dec 2016 #146
Yea Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #179
More than personally saddened, I'm saddened for our country. All the millions of Americans.... George II Dec 2016 #37
I hear you George. boston bean Dec 2016 #42
she lost against the worst candidate ever to run for the office. enough said bowens43 Dec 2016 #39
I have a feeling Bernie will get his shot to dethrone the Furher-Elect and fully expect Hillary's supporters to pledge their allegiance when the shoe is on the other foot. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #46
Not. sheshe2 Dec 2016 #102
Okay got it obliviously Dec 2016 #138
By that logic, you must be saying pemmican should not have run this time... okay, got it! InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #141
Bernie is 74, so I doubt he'll run again. The Velveteen Ocelot Dec 2016 #151
No need for ageism... besides 70's is the new 50's. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #228
It's not ageism. I'm old, too, and as such The Velveteen Ocelot Dec 2016 #229
So, using that logic, you could also argue we should elect only young, straight, white males to be our candidate, to avoid ageistic, homophobic, racist, mysogynistic bigots from voting against em... InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #234
Whatever. The reality is that it's doubtful that a 78-year-old candidate would get elected. The Velveteen Ocelot Dec 2016 #237
Okay TVO, again, using the logic of your argument, let's prove the bigots wrong again and run a 78-year-old candidate and get him elected... I love it! InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #238
Not gonna happen, but you can dream on. The Velveteen Ocelot Dec 2016 #242
Will he be running 3rd party? leftofcool Dec 2016 #185
Why would Bernie do that? That's silly! He's demonstrably shown his allegiance to the Democratic Party, while, at the same time, adeptly attracting independents... InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #227
Well I would never "pledge my allegiance" to a candidate but if he is the nominee I will StevieM Jan 2017 #539
Sadly you are right. WilliamH1474 Dec 2016 #164
Schumer (at least) seems to have gotten the memo. Welcome to DU, WilliamH1474! JudyM Dec 2016 #256
Schumer's a smart politician. lapucelle Dec 2016 #352
Yup BeyondGeography Dec 2016 #176
exactly. + 1000 m-lekktor Dec 2016 #219
Her supporters? What an odd choice of words. lapucelle Dec 2016 #393
While the written DU rule against bashing Sanders is violated continually. JudyM Dec 2016 #255
Bernie lost... no scratch that... got his ass kicked Charles Bukowski Dec 2016 #278
Amen, +1000. Paladin Dec 2016 #40
I feel you but humbled_opinion Dec 2016 #45
Bernie lost the primaries by nearly 3.5M votes. Can we please stop with this. boston bean Dec 2016 #49
Bernie had so much going for him and, yes, got shot down... fair or not, we had to accept it. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #50
you are going to be a very disappointed person. I'll leave it at that. boston bean Dec 2016 #54
Maybe, maybe not... but, couldn't be MORE disappointed than losing to the most despicable presidential candidate to EVER run for office. InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #63
Bernie will be irrelevant as soon as his book tour is over. Count on that. boston bean Dec 2016 #65
How can you say that Bernie never conceded and supported Hillary BB? InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #83
can you point to his concession speech? boston bean Dec 2016 #85
I distinctly remember hearing it, as it was bitterly disappointing to say the least... InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #96
provide the link and I will consider I am wrong. boston bean Dec 2016 #97
Here's the money quote from one of several of Bernie's concession speeches: InAbLuEsTaTe Dec 2016 #108
Prior to the convention, please. boston bean Dec 2016 #110
Oh lord. PatsFan87 Dec 2016 #112
After doing a lot of reading on this thread. WilliamH1474 Dec 2016 #168
Hillary did much over the past 40 years to support the Dem organization structure, without which NO duhneece Dec 2016 #214
Had Sanders or O'Malley been the Democratic nominee we would have learned that they are StevieM Dec 2016 #80
With Sanders they wouldn't have had to do much. 50% of the country consistently stevenleser Dec 2016 #92
May I borrow your crystal ball, please? TonyPDX Dec 2016 #249
No crystal ball is needed. Hillary crushed Bernie in Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania stevenleser Dec 2016 #253
Hillary is only criticized here by the BoBs who hate her more than PEOTUS because she beat their god LonePirate Dec 2016 #55
yep. LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #62
I wasn't a Bernie supporter in the primaries and I have plenty of criticism for Hillary. YoungDemCA Dec 2016 #226
No. Crunchy Frog Dec 2016 #310
I'm a feminist who voted for Bernie Larkspur Dec 2016 #509
they will NOT let the primaries go! LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #58
They? truebluegreen Dec 2016 #291
yep LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #292
Pot, meet kettle truebluegreen Dec 2016 #293
Not at all... LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #296
That's my point. truebluegreen Dec 2016 #297
It's not a question of Bernie being better. KamaAina Dec 2016 #64
No one dislikes Clinton, and there were many factors. But to do an honest and complete analysis ALL RBInMaine Dec 2016 #79
Agree. ananda Dec 2016 #82
+ a million ananda! boston bean Dec 2016 #87
If you don't like Hilary criticism NobodyHere Dec 2016 #88
I don't mind truthful examination of facts. What we are seeing is a boston bean Dec 2016 #98
I'm with you boston bean... Guilded Lilly Dec 2016 #89
Yep, plus one million. nt stevenleser Dec 2016 #93
Go Boston! sheshe2 Dec 2016 #106
All those Jakes Progress Dec 2016 #113
Yup La Lioness Priyanka Dec 2016 #205
I'm not seeing her constantly criticized... TreasonousBastard Dec 2016 #114
I am. boston bean Dec 2016 #119
Most are refraining from criticizing Hillary. HassleCat Dec 2016 #120
I agree that it is wrong to criticize Hillary for not being progressive enough etc. but... jimlup Dec 2016 #121
Obama's establishment? boston bean Dec 2016 #123
Hillary isn't jimlup Dec 2016 #125
Umm. Think about it. boston bean Dec 2016 #128
Think well! jimlup Dec 2016 #130
enough Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #175
That is pretty funny jimlup Dec 2016 #194
Yes Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #208
We don't jimlup Dec 2016 #211
Totally agree with you BB DownriverDem Dec 2016 #131
pro·gres·sive obliviously Dec 2016 #132
Thank you, boston! You know I love her. Cha Dec 2016 #139
She lost. That's why you see criticism. Tatiana Dec 2016 #147
That's it, exactly. OnionPatch Dec 2016 #240
Yes. Thank you. Crunchy Frog Dec 2016 #312
You are far from alone. nt fleabiscuit Dec 2016 #148
Post removed Post removed Dec 2016 #152
I've read a hundred posts like this.... RazBerryBeret Dec 2016 #156
Thank you Liberal_in_LA Dec 2016 #160
Divide and Conquer---the oldest GOP game in town. McCamy Taylor Dec 2016 #162
People on both sides are passionate about their candidates. You have been perfectly willing to fan JCanete Dec 2016 #166
They still don't realize what they've thrown away, Boston Bean, or the terror they've unleashed. NBachers Dec 2016 #173
i'm sick of it too. barbtries Dec 2016 #178
Great OP Gothmog Dec 2016 #183
DU rec...nt SidDithers Dec 2016 #186
I couldn't agree more. Littlered9560 Dec 2016 #187
Agreed on all points. democratisphere Dec 2016 #193
Part of the problem - as seen in the responses to this thread baldguy Dec 2016 #204
Agreed Baldguy Coolest Ranger Dec 2016 #210
So fucking true La Lioness Priyanka Dec 2016 #235
So fucking untrue.... jack_krass Dec 2016 #261
Critcizing Clinton doesn't mark one out as not being a real Democrat. baldguy Dec 2016 #264
QED truebluegreen Dec 2016 #294
Looking at this forum I don't see that many threads knocking her. hollowdweller Dec 2016 #217
Everything you point out is true randr Dec 2016 #223
The day of the neoliberal is passing. HassleCat Dec 2016 #277
Praise Dawg for that. truebluegreen Dec 2016 #295
Nothing about the Democratic Party is changing as a result of this election stevenleser Dec 2016 #303
Change is already in progress HassleCat Dec 2016 #308
Nope, it's not and it doesn't need to change. We got more votes. And what's more stevenleser Dec 2016 #311
I see your point HassleCat Dec 2016 #314
Sadly, it may be signing its own death warrant with that attitude. Crunchy Frog Dec 2016 #315
Nope, we won the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 national elections. We're fine. nt stevenleser Dec 2016 #317
Even God himself couldn't sink this ship. Crunchy Frog Dec 2016 #319
If you are going to go that far in mis-paraphrasing what I am saying, why bother coming to a stevenleser Dec 2016 #320
Okay. You're right. Everything's just fine. n/t Crunchy Frog Dec 2016 #321
Look at where we stand down ballot - how bad does it have to get before we should be concerned? NT Midwestern Democrat Dec 2016 #323
So you are cherry-picking particular races and interpreting those races to get to your desired stevenleser Dec 2016 #335
Midterm turnout has always been lower than presidential turnout Midwestern Democrat Dec 2016 #342
For both parties, yes, everyone knows that. Except more Democrats stay home on midterms than stevenleser Dec 2016 #343
Christmas kick! mcar Dec 2016 #231
K and R...nt Stuart G Dec 2016 #239
Thank you for this Boston still_one Dec 2016 #241
Why not recommend the Merry Christmas Hillary thread instead? lostnfound Dec 2016 #245
And it kills me to come to a gathering place for democrats KPN Dec 2016 #247
k and r. (again) nt LaydeeBug Dec 2016 #248
I disagree, strongly. Shemp Howard Dec 2016 #258
Every campaign and candidate makes mistakes. The correct way stevenleser Dec 2016 #262
So, basically, she ran a B- campaign, at a time when we absolutely couldn't afford it. Crunchy Frog Dec 2016 #316
Nope. Not even close to what I was saying. nt stevenleser Dec 2016 #318
K & R revmclaren Dec 2016 #259
Hillary was underrated all her life. Let's not bear grudges but forge ahead with the women we have. ancianita Dec 2016 #271
It's not Secretary Clinton Ghost OF Trotsky Dec 2016 #273
Maybe you should consider learning how to handle setbacks just a bit mtnsnake Dec 2016 #274
If you put a car in the ditch on I-15 in broad daylight... Sen. Walter Sobchak Dec 2016 #279
lulz Rex Dec 2016 #282
Are we saving all our empathy for white males these days? La Lioness Priyanka Jan 2017 #528
Post removed Post removed Jan 2017 #529
Lol. La Lioness Priyanka Jan 2017 #530
Yeah that is what I thought. Rex Jan 2017 #531
Aww La Lioness Priyanka Jan 2017 #532
Like Al Gore, SCantiGOP Dec 2016 #285
She proved in 2008 what a terrible campainer she was so Larkspur Dec 2016 #286
+3,000,000 votes over Trump, despite voter suppression. Sure, a terrible no good very bad campaigner Hekate Dec 2016 #353
HRC is not going to be the 45th President of the United States, so Larkspur Dec 2016 #426
She won the actual VOTE, Larkspur, by THREE MILLION OVER TRUMP. What part of that .... Hekate Dec 2016 #433
HRC's problem has always been developing a winning strategy based upon the rules of the contest Larkspur Dec 2016 #508
Well OK then.Your argument has totally won me over. Personally I think it was probably the pantsuits Hekate Dec 2016 #519
If 2016 Dem Primary was as open as the 2008 one, HRC would not have won the Dem nomination Larkspur Dec 2016 #527
It is difficult to see how we will get past this division. aikoaiko Dec 2016 #298
This is the 2016 Post Mortem Forum. We dissect the campaign and the candidate Arazi Dec 2016 #300
I see no plea for "special protection". NanceGreggs Dec 2016 #302
She ran a great campaign and had the whole thing won by a decisive margin with 11 days to go. StevieM Jan 2017 #537
I've posted this dozens of times ... NanceGreggs Dec 2016 #305
+3 million (votes over Trump) Nance Hekate Dec 2016 #354
Good luck with your voter outreach efforts! We certainly don't need more people voting for Dems! YoungDemCA Dec 2016 #359
What on earth ... NanceGreggs Dec 2016 #374
Great post Gothmog Dec 2016 #365
+1 betsuni Dec 2016 #366
A few months in liquid diamond Dec 2016 #306
If she was everything you say... Kuhl Dec 2016 #324
Nope, more like, if everything happened to other Democratic Prez candidates that happened to her stevenleser Dec 2016 #337
Isn't that the point though? Kuhl Dec 2016 #367
It IS the point, but not the point you seem determined to try to make. stevenleser Dec 2016 #368
Kicked! Reccomended! and Thank You! Madam45for2923 Dec 2016 #351
Post removed Post removed Dec 2016 #375
A real Democrat like Joe Manchin? TonyPDX Dec 2016 #377
2016 Post-Mortem isn't for you. Orsino Dec 2016 #388
Agreed Cosmocat Dec 2016 #407
Kick and rec boston! JustAnotherGen Dec 2016 #410
And yet, if we don't examine and learn from our mistakes Fiendish Thingy Dec 2016 #415
How can you do a postmortem if you keep insisting the corpse isn't really dead? The Velveteen Ocelot Dec 2016 #477
I, too, am sickened... SylviaD Dec 2016 #478
This place is turning into Bernie Underground again... SidDithers Dec 2016 #479
Agreed Gothmog Dec 2016 #511
At least now they can't hide truthful posts that they don't like. Lil Missy Jan 2017 #542
Even saw the "Hillary vacations with war criminal Kissinger and Bill golfs with Trump" betsuni Dec 2016 #481
Wish I could rec this to infinity theglammistress Jan 2017 #533
kick! LaydeeBug Jan 2017 #535
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