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42. doesn't matter why
Tue Nov 13, 2012, 09:11 PM
Nov 2012

Every time there is a mass shooting, like Loughner, like James Holmes, gun sales go up. So it makes perfect sense that the NRA doesn't want to stop these mass shootings - it's good for the business they REALLY represent.
Mostly fear of irrational pearl clutchers.

It doesn't matter why, or how you spin it -- those shootings are good for business. You haven't - and cannot - refute my point.

<i>Do you understand what castle doctrine means? Do you know what SYG and castle doctrine has been part of US law since the Progressive era? What is civilized about retreating from your home, putting yourself in danger? What is civilized about putting the safety of a sociopath over yours? </i>

YES, I do know quite a lot about castle doctrine AND the 2nd amendment. I've read a pretty lengthy reading list of books written by experts. You can''t cite something as historic, when in fact it is not. You are wrong. Acting as judge, jury and executioner is what is not right, not proper, not lawful, and not civilized.

<i> Suicide is independent of means. Many of those countries have higher suicide rates. Are you saying shooting yourself is tragic, but hanging yourself is not? </i>

The typical NRA member is old, white, crabby and flabby. Your board member is a draft dodging felon, who shouldn't own guns.
<i>Not only is that a logical fallacy, it is also racist. You are saying "that organization is bad because most of its members belong to a specific race". That is racist. It is also ageist for the same reason.
Who is the felon? Nugent isn't a convicted felon. If you want to see convicted felons, check out MAIG membership. Not being an NRA member, he isn't my board member. </i>

It factually accurate, it is reflected in their convention attendance, and I suggest you look at the visual images from those events. It coincides with racist right wing politics. You are correct -- he admitted committing multiple felonies, but plea bargained them down to multiple misdemeanors. THAT is still not a man who is law abiding. You also don't deny he is a draft dodger.

I believe I've rebutted your points; you have failed to rebut mine.

Not true, there are multiple studies in multiple countries which clearly show that more people attempt suicide when a gun is available, that it is far more a recourse of impulse than other means, and that it is successful far more often. Do a little homework, starting with the studies done in Switzerland and other countries, and then moving on to the stats and studies here. The countries, like Japan, that have higher suicide rates (and there are not 'many' among similar developed countries that are higher) are countries like Japan where suicide is a very unique part of their culture, unlike any other country. I'm saying - and can back it up - that the more people who have a gun, the more of them, compared to any other group, who will attempt and succeed at suicide, yes. Guns INCREASE suicide rates. All suicide is tragic; that our gun culture leads to more of them is MORE tragic.

Walmart alone has had more than one shooting a week this year at their stores -- many of them by people with concealed carry either committing crimes or having accidents. Not only have people been hurt and killed, but many innocent toilets in their mens rooms have been shot (seriously - you guys haven't apparently figured out how to go to the john without an accidental discharge).
<i>have any evidence of this? No, didn't think so. </i>
Think again. I wouldn't have written it if I wasn't prepared to back it up.


"This year it seems like I've been reading about a lot of shootings at Walmarts around the nation. Shootings happen in all sorts of locations and types of retail stores. And yet, for some reason, Walmart seems to bear the brunt of them.

So I started cataloging them. Even I was surprised at the number of shootings that have occurred just this year on Walmart property. 47, at last count, so far in 2012! Reports of shootings involving shoplifters. Police responding to conflicts. Drug deals in the parking lot. Road rage and gang shootings. Even suicides.

Why are there so many? Is it just because there are a LOT of Walmart locations around the country? And yet, other than one or two sporadic reports, you don't hear about so many shootings at Kmart stores, or Target, or Costco. Is it because Walmart sells guns and ammo, and those others don't? As far as I can tell, Target never did. Kmart stopped selling guns and ammo in 2009. Costco in 2006.

Is Walmart's pro-gun stance a factor? Does it make people feel justified in taking their guns to Walmart and settling disputes in a violent manner?

In 2006, Walmart stopped selling guns in two-thirds of its stores, but resumed sales of rifles, shotguns, and ammunition in 2011. They even sell assault rifles. It would be interesting to do a study of shooting incidents before and after they resumed sales.

Walmart's motto these days, is "Save money. Live better." If this is what they mean by living better, I think they might want to re-think their pro-gun stance, or perhaps get more security guards.

So here are the Walmart shooting incidents that I am aware of: (this is a living post, and will be updated with additional shootings as they happen in 2012)"

Right. Nobody wants to listen to him. GreenStormCloud Nov 2012 #1
Loughner is a Mental Case and a call to our Nation to implement a liberal National Healthcare Policy Tuesday Afternoon Nov 2012 #2
Does mediamatters still employ an armed bodyguard? Eleanors38 Nov 2012 #3
Seems Like That Is Your Mantra fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #45
Unanswered questions become "mantras?" Only on the InnerTube... Eleanors38 Nov 2012 #66
I Can't speak for them fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #70
Even in D.C., since you are speaking for them? Eleanors38 Nov 2012 #76
Irrelevant fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #85
Let Me Guess fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #47
the election was about the economy gejohnston Nov 2012 #49
When They Do fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #52
give it a few years gejohnston Nov 2012 #54
It's Libertarian Side fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #58
it's there too, I'll list the whole thing gejohnston Nov 2012 #59
Libertarian fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #71
Shit, my deer gun is termed by the Military as a Battle Rifle. Order of magnitude more powerful AtheistCrusader Nov 2012 #62
Here's a picture of an "assault weapon" glacierbay Nov 2012 #65
You guessed. Don't play craps. nt Eleanors38 Nov 2012 #67
Do Tell Which One is Incorrect? fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #69
I have no problem with ANY of those, for various reasons. friendly_iconoclast Nov 2012 #73
Great Eleanors38 fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #75
Opposing MediaMatters is a bad thing? ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #77
Especially when it comes to the 2A glacierbay Nov 2012 #78
Gosh fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #86
Neither...both are wrong in multiple areas ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #88
So just who the fuck are you to pass judgements on other Democrats? friendly_iconoclast Nov 2012 #81
Nice fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #83
So why do you think those who support more gun restrictions are failing so miserably? aikoaiko Nov 2012 #4
because of the myth that the NRA has influence? Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #5
just a few things gejohnston Nov 2012 #6
That's a knee-slapper discntnt_irny_srcsm Nov 2012 #7
The Joyce foundation has more transparency than the NRA Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #19
all of their funding partners are corporations and rich people gejohnston Nov 2012 #23
The Joyce foundation is quite open about their sources fo funding Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #26
CAN ANYONE SAY GUN MANUFACTURERS? fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #50
with what evidence? gejohnston Nov 2012 #51
Could Not Have Been the Military-Industrial Complex? fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #53
no, because gejohnston Nov 2012 #56
Just to be pedantic sir pball Nov 2012 #64
Joyce: discntnt_irny_srcsm Nov 2012 #25
Quit with the innuendo and do some research ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #8
NRA expenditures for an example - perhaps you should be doing more research? Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #9
Each of those canidates and check their opinions on gun laws gejohnston Nov 2012 #12
Actually, you need to read for content and understand the law better ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #14
and THAT Says It All fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #48
It says that the poster is clueless about the law and structure of these things ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #80
Other than the position and standing from a long list of candidates fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #84
You are as clueless as they are... ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #89
He/she lices in DC, which is about the same as another country. n/t oneshooter Nov 2012 #98
But if the actions of the NRA lead to little to no new gun control, aikoaiko Nov 2012 #10
If by myth, to claim that any effect they have is grossly exaggerated - YES Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #16
Then to what do you attribute the almost non-existence expansion of gun control laws? aikoaiko Nov 2012 #18
That question will not be answered by your interlocutor. Bet on it... friendly_iconoclast Nov 2012 #32
So, Bill Clinton believes in the "myth?" nt Eleanors38 Nov 2012 #24
"Grass roots groups?" That's the trouble with the gun-control outlook: It isn't grassroots... Eleanors38 Nov 2012 #22
NRA failure successfully to affect outcome of election, despite spending money Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #11
so they had a better return than Rove gejohnston Nov 2012 #13
Rove AND the NRA BOTH had extremely poor returns --- and in the cas of the NRA, it's not new Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #17
You don't get it gejohnston Nov 2012 #21
Frank Luntz is anything but full of shit Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #27
he is a right wing propagandist gejohnston Nov 2012 #29
Yes, grass roots Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #28
But there is no sign that the Brady campaign is having any effect hack89 Nov 2012 #30
the NRA follows the same laws and is equally transparent gejohnston Nov 2012 #31
The Brady Campaign membership is outnumbered about 80:1 by the NRA friendly_iconoclast Nov 2012 #33
No, the NRA is a corporate sock puppegt Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #37
of course the three situations mentioned were also gejohnston Nov 2012 #38
I could with equal validity claim *this* guy is "representative of gun owners" friendly_iconoclast Nov 2012 #40
Sure fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #55
that doesn't help your arguement gejohnston Nov 2012 #57
Huh? fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #101
If you follow the money to gejohnston Nov 2012 #102
LOL fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #103
some gave to his campaign gejohnston Nov 2012 #104
The NRA is one of the core founding groups of ALEC, gun control popularity Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #15
not true either gejohnston Nov 2012 #20
English Castle Doctrine includes a VERY strong duty to retreat, always has Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #35
how about learning current gun laws and comparing them to the Luntz poll gejohnston Nov 2012 #36
doesn't matter why Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #42
The fact that one can create a webpage dedicated to shootings at walmarts ManiacJoe Nov 2012 #43
you refuted nothing gejohnston Nov 2012 #46
On what screwed up, backward planet is self-defense equated to law enforcement? AtheistCrusader Nov 2012 #60
It has everything to do with it Dog Gone at Penigma Nov 2012 #82
your knowledge of the Martin case is not accuate in any way gejohnston Nov 2012 #87
Where do you come up with this nonsense... ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #90
"In case after case"? PavePusher Nov 2012 #92
And another non-factual claim: PavePusher Nov 2012 #93
'numerous' is my favorite made up statistic. AtheistCrusader Nov 2012 #94
WalMart most certainly doesn't sell glacierbay Nov 2012 #63
They've demonstrated yet again gun control advocacy is religious in nature. friendly_iconoclast Nov 2012 #74
Actually the details matter, and you are are yet to get many of them correct ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #79
Out of control hyperbole again. AtheistCrusader Nov 2012 #61
There should be absolutely NO Duty to Retreat from your own home, none. MicaelS Nov 2012 #68
Frank Luntz, as in "Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear"? friendly_iconoclast Nov 2012 #34
Helps if you present your case honestly. AtheistCrusader Nov 2012 #39
But if he did that, then he would have no case. oneshooter Nov 2012 #41
Brady - Gifford fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #44
There is no broad bipartisan support for gun control, not much grass roots support for it either ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #91
Ok fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #95
I would not be so sure about that ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #96
Voted On By Everyone at Convention fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #97
Its Pro Forma and little more ProgressiveProfessor Nov 2012 #99
Here is that 'Pro Forma' Statement in Platform fightthegoodfightnow Nov 2012 #100
It seems to me that if Jenoch Nov 2012 #72
Latest Discussions»Issue Forums»Gun Control & RKBA»Media Ignores Call For Gu...»Reply #42