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(5,397 posts)
140. I admit it, I'm torn...
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 10:43 PM
Jun 2013

I admit to feeling torn about responding to this audacious post. On the one hand, I've wasted far too much time in the past carefully articulating my views and explaining to you exactly why your ideas are so wrongheaded and so offensive only to see them fall upon ears deafer than granite. I fully understand that nothing I write here has any chance of being honestly interpreted by you, let alone have any kind of positive impact. That said, I feel a strong urge to respond whenever someone accuses me of such odious and untrue crimes as arguing for the separation of races, policy based on eugenics or in support of massacres and ethnic cleansing. None of which have an inkling of truth. Not only do I disagree with your interpretation of my posts, I remain utterly mystified as to how you could have arrived at them. Ultimately, it takes someone who earnestly believes that to support Zionism is to also support eugenics, racism, segregation, fascism, etc., to think that anything I wrote was in any way an argument in support of race segregation. Not a single argument posited in this last post of yours has anything to do with my beliefs nor do most of them make any logical sense.

For example, just because I failed to provide a link proving that the UNRWA has made the frequent argument that keeping the Palestinian refugees in camps is for their own good, does NOT mean that it is really MY argument instead. It just means that I'm accusing the UNRWA of saying something. How you manage to misunderstand this very basic principle astounds me to no end.

That's the thing about writing and literacy, you know, it's the transfer of thought through text. The text you attach your identity to is assumed to be your thoughts, your feelings, your opinions and beliefs on the subject you're writing about.

The problem with putting this very agreeable comment into action WRT yourself is that literally nothing I put down will then be interpreted with its meaning even partially intact. When asked for your ideology regarding Zionism you responded with a paragraph about racism being bad. Racism and Zionism are entirely different topics, in case you never noticed. Now you may firmly believe that Zionism is a form of racism, but then THAT would be your ideology regarding it... not "Racism is bad." To try and make the argument that the two words are interchangeable is ludicrous. Worse is to just assume it.

No, your ideology WRT Zionism is that proponents of Zionism must also support fascism, eugenics, racism, segregation by race, mass-murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing, and that these things are mandatory beliefs to every and all supporters of Zionism. Have I left anything out?

You've repeatedly made false reference to my beliefs so to alleviate any doubts about my true views regarding this situation, I'll post them not as clearly as possible.

I believe that to leverage the stateless Palestinian refugees of Lebanon for political gain by discriminating against them by nationality and not allowing them citizenship or access to any critical services of the country they were born in is unconscionable. I do not believe that anyone who has never held Israeli citizenship or has failed to ever even set foot in Israel has the right to claim some form of return. Nor is right of return in any shape or form a concept held up as international law or as being part of some part of UN requirements. I laud Israel for granting full citizenship with all related benefits to everyone regardless of their nationality, race, religion or whatever, to any soul who is born within its borders. Nothing I've been discussing here has anything to do with refugee law or UN anything. It has strictly to do with the notion that a person born within a country's borders should belong to that country, and to discriminate against that person based on their race, religion or nationality is truly odious. To do so for political gain is even worse, as the UNRWA and the Arab League have been doing for decades. The fault for the refugees languishing in camps in Lebanon can be placed on no one besides the Lebanese government itself. Just as Israel is responsible for the Palestinians who live within her borders so the Lebanese government is responsible for those living within her own.

Israel does have a responsibility to reimburse those refugees who were hurt by the Nakba. That said, no state is under any obligation to undertake actions that would put its entire existence in jeopardy as welcoming 5 million Palestinian refugees to become Israeli citizens surely would. Few states have been born without some form of blood as the toll for establishing eventual peace and stability. And in the case of Israel, there were no words minced in its Declaration of Independence when the offer was extended to everyone regardless of race or religion to share in the building of a state where all would live as equals. This despite the fact that they were then engaged in a war for survival with the Arabs split down ethnic lines. Any compensation paid to refugees of the Nakba would be part of a far larger peace plan involving the entire region and would necessitate compensation for the Jewish refugees of Arab states and a comprehensive peace plan between Palestine, Israel and the Arab states, not to mention a sovereign and democratic Palestinian state completely disengaged from Israel with clear and free borders between them. This can only be accomplished via negotiations between Israel and Palestine's leadership and while it will be up to Israel to provide a fair offer it will entirely be on the shoulders of the Palestinians to build their own state from the inside out, just as Israel did.

Now there shouldn't be any questions regarding what exactly I think WRT this issue and the Palestinians in general. I have never said or even implied that the Palestinian people don't exist either as a national people or as physical "actual" people. They are clearly a nationality and should have the right to self-determination. Their nationality is new, for sure. It came into existence as a reaction to Zionism. That doesn't make their need for self-determination any less pressing though and they have just as much right as any national group to form their own nation-state, provided they are able to.

Any questions?
"NGO Monitor...is obsessed with use of the term Apartheid" oberliner Jun 2013 #1
I don't think it's funny. delrem Jun 2013 #4
Not "ha ha" funny oberliner Jun 2013 #10
But your trick is to divert discussion by complaining about the source 100% of the time. delrem Jun 2013 #20
Delrem - you guys are the biggest supporters of apartheid vs Palestinians shira Jun 2013 #36
shira-"You all deny and ignore apartheid in Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan against Palestinians" azurnoir Jun 2013 #57
Whether refugees stay in Lebanon or Syria, the fact is they've been there 6 decades.... shira Jun 2013 #60
"me and my flotilla friends" so now you want us to protest Lebanese and Syrian embassies? azurnoir Jun 2013 #62
You guys have had 6+ decades to protest embassies or do flotillas... shira Jun 2013 #63
most of us haven't even been alive 6 decades not even me azurnoir Jun 2013 #64
Bwahahaha! Yep, no "progressive" pro-Palestinian contingent for 6 decades... shira Jun 2013 #65
actually I don't know the entire history why don't you share your knowledge with us? azurnoir Jun 2013 #66
So there has been no good time in the last 6+ decades for a flotilla... shira Jun 2013 #73
oh shira as I told you days ago unfortunately for most of time the Palestinians were ignored azurnoir Jun 2013 #74
So western "progressive" Palestinian supporters are still ignoring Palestinians... shira Jun 2013 #75
that's not what I said is that what you read? azurnoir Jun 2013 #76
So no flotillas to Lebanon or Syria the past 6 years... shira Jun 2013 #77
no IMO most of us are kind of more in favor of Palestinians getting their own country azurnoir Jun 2013 #78
If you were for Palestinians having their own country you wouldn't bitch, whine... shira Jun 2013 #84
I de-bunked your claims not from the Palestinian side but from the Israeli side azurnoir Jun 2013 #89
The main point isn't whether Israel can deliver on Olmert's offer... shira Jun 2013 #92
Once again how os the West Bank Israel's sovereign territory to keep or give as it sees fit? azurnoir Jun 2013 #91
I didn't say it was Israel's sovereign territory, did I? n/t shira Jun 2013 #93
posts about Israel's offers of West Bank land and foaming condemnation of Palestinians for refusing azurnoir Jun 2013 #94
Stop pretending Israel hasn't offered an end to occupation 3 times since 2000... shira Jun 2013 #96
if you agree that the West Bank is not Israeli territory by what right do they expel Palestinians azurnoir Jun 2013 #98
It's called Oslo. The Palestinians signed onto it. shira Jun 2013 #101
Oslo granted Israel temporary custodianship over area C not the right to it as state land azurnoir Jun 2013 #102
Settlements per Oslo are a final status issue. You're wrong. n/t shira Jun 2013 #105
Oslo gave Israel permision to to addtional 'state' of Israel land? azurnoir Jun 2013 #106
Settlements are a final status issue as per Oslo. shira Jun 2013 #107
does olso give Israel permission to claim land as Israeli state land and expel Palestinians from it? azurnoir Jun 2013 #109
Oslo gives Israel full security & civil control of Area C. n/t shira Jun 2013 #110
Does Oslo give Israel the right to expel Palestinians from their homes in area C azurnoir Jun 2013 #111
Full civil control of Area C. n/t shira Jun 2013 #112
The expulsion of the civilain inhabitants of a an occupied area is against Genva conventions azurnoir Jun 2013 #113
Speaking of flotillas... Scootaloo Jun 2013 #82
So you'd say the reason there have been no flotillas to Lebanon... shira Jun 2013 #86
The lack of lethally-enforced blockades perhaps? Scootaloo Jun 2013 #87
Lethal blockades of Egypt and Lebanon? Do tell! shira Jun 2013 #88
You do understand the point of the flotilla to Gaza, don't you? Scootaloo Jun 2013 #119
I understand that the same activists supporting flotillas to Gaza.... shira Jun 2013 #124
And how many times have I pointed out how utterly full of shit you are? Scootaloo Jun 2013 #125
If I'm so full of shit, then please answer.... shira Jun 2013 #126
" whiny "pro-Palestinian" agony aunts." azurnoir Jun 2013 #127
and yet...you never answer the question w/o deflecting. n/t shira Jun 2013 #128
well it seems unnecessary or perhaps futile azurnoir Jun 2013 #129
See? You did it again! Another deflection. shira Jun 2013 #130
another quote "No different than the phony care displayed by Buchanan, Duke, or Ahmadinejad..." azurnoir Jun 2013 #131
Your posts are soooo funny King_David Jun 2013 #118
I never did see your post on ATA, David Scootaloo Jun 2013 #120
You should ask them if you can be an administrator King_David Jun 2013 #132
Why are you and your pro-Palestinian friends silent about apartheid... shira Jun 2013 #12
And you are obsessed with 972mag, for some bizarre reason. Ken Burch Jun 2013 #5
I'm not the one posting all their articles oberliner Jun 2013 #9
But you freak out when their articles DO get posted. Ken Burch Jun 2013 #67
Freak out? oberliner Jun 2013 #68
OK, "freak out" may have been too strong a term. Ken Burch Jun 2013 #95
I do think anything by Larry Derfner ought to be automatically discredited oberliner Jun 2013 #108
Well, if only you could apply this standards to right-wing nuts your compatriots post Scootaloo Jun 2013 #122
This message was self-deleted by its author shira Jun 2013 #2
no word as to why Israel allows settlers to carry M-16's but Palestinians get arrested for a rock azurnoir Jun 2013 #3
If you're so concerned about apartheid, why the silence.... shira Jun 2013 #6
well having their own state would go a long ways towards curing the problem you made up for us azurnoir Jun 2013 #7
The perpetuation of this crime against humanity vs. Lebanon's refugees.... shira Jun 2013 #8
Palestinian refugees are refugees because they do not have their own state azurnoir Jun 2013 #13
Lebanon has been doing this to its Palestinians for 65 years now... shira Jun 2013 #15
yes I do support the people sadly however the plight of the Palestinians was largely ignored azurnoir Jun 2013 #16
But it's not just Lebanon, as this apartheid exists in Egypt too shira Jun 2013 #17
pretty much the same deal no one noticed but it's so good you do at least where Arabs are concerned azurnoir Jun 2013 #21
You're just making excuses for how Arab regimes abuse Palestinians... shira Jun 2013 #22
saying that the Palestinians problem would be solved by them have a country is making an excuse? azurnoir Jun 2013 #23
Why can't you advocate for equal Palestinian rights based on permanent resident status? shira Jun 2013 #25
I have the same agenda as Arab Regimes do tell shira azurnoir Jun 2013 #26
So why can't they wait for their own country while having permanent residency status... shira Jun 2013 #28
why are you so anxious for Palestinians to have azurnoir Jun 2013 #29
Why do you support apartheid policy vs. Palestinians? shira Jun 2013 #35
why do you not seem too concerned about other Arab refugees not being given citizenship azurnoir Jun 2013 #37
What other Arab refugees? None are treated as horribly as Palestinian ones. shira Jun 2013 #41
lol quick brush off fact is Arab countries treat all refugees badly azurnoir Jun 2013 #45
They treat Palestinian refugees the worst, by far... shira Jun 2013 #47
You're lol'ing continued apartheid policy that could easily be lifted... shira Jun 2013 #48
no that's not what I'm Loling it's your concern only when about Palestinians and only Palestinians azurnoir Jun 2013 #49
This isn't about my concern. I don't claim like you to be pro-Palestinian.... shira Jun 2013 #50
No it seems about inventing Norman Rockwell type fantasies that do not exist for azurnoir Jun 2013 #51
Your refusal to condemn apartheid conditions... shira Jun 2013 #54
ah ha while you want Palestinians made permanent residents any where but their own country azurnoir Jun 2013 #55
Children of refugees are citizens anywhere else, except for Palestinians... shira Jun 2013 #58
Palestinians in Lebanon are indeed being mistreated and discriminated against no doubt azurnoir Jun 2013 #56
You can't even call it apartheid. That's denial... shira Jun 2013 #59
I just condemed it but that's not enough unless it's called apartheid right? azurnoir Jun 2013 #61
Not really. Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #30
The reasoning of the Arab League had to do with Israel not expelling it's entire Arab population azurnoir Jun 2013 #31
Mmmm Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #33
wow I knew that was coming but from you????? azurnoir Jun 2013 #34
The Palestinian leadership maintains refugee camps in the West Bank Mosby Jun 2013 #52
They are locked up? They are physically forced to stay in the camps? they can not leave the camps? azurnoir Jun 2013 #53
Ok. Let's try it this way. Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #69
+1. n/t shira Jun 2013 #72
Sorta Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #70
Did you know that there are around 11 million Palestinians and less than half are refugees? azurnoir Jun 2013 #71
Excellent point Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #114
yes it problematic isn't it because if the desendents of the original refugees weren't counted azurnoir Jun 2013 #115
And there we have it Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #116
I know how that so frustrates you that time and or Arabs will not solve Israel's problems for it azurnoir Jun 2013 #123
How is it Israel's problem? Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #133
It was Israel that unilaterally refused to allow Palestinians to return to their rightful homes azurnoir Jun 2013 #134
Except for the 50,000 who did return of course. Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #135
out of 750,000 that were expelled or some that fled in fear azurnoir Jun 2013 #136
It's true. I did. Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #137
How about Palestinian christians suffering apartheid in Gaza under Hamas? shira Jun 2013 #11
the Christians in Gaza are being discriminated against no question about that azurnoir Jun 2013 #14
So it's not apartheid in Gaza vs. the christians there? n/t shira Jun 2013 #18
if you want to call it apartheid be my guest azurnoir Jun 2013 #19
You'd call it apartheid if Israel were doing what Hamas does. n/t shira Jun 2013 #24
answer the question please do th laws Hamas is making apply equaly to both azurnoir Jun 2013 #27
No, they don't apply equally. Do you see Hamas shutting down Islamist schools? shira Jun 2013 #38
as I pointed out prior Hamas laws are based on fundamentalist Islam azurnoir Jun 2013 #40
So you're excusing apartheid policy based on religious policy? shira Jun 2013 #43
BTW is Lebanon or Egypt offering Syrian or Iraqi refugees citizenship? azurnoir Jun 2013 #32
Jordan is apartheid too vs. Palestinian refugees.... shira Jun 2013 #39
Jordan is also rejecting Iraqi refugees and only accepting Syrian refugees from Syria azurnoir Jun 2013 #42
Just more excuses from you in support of apartheid vs. Palestinians. n/t shira Jun 2013 #44
ummm Jordan has already made well over 1 million Palestinians citizens azurnoir Jun 2013 #46
Not that you actually CARE about Gaza Christians, of course. Ken Burch Jun 2013 #97
Remember Ken, I'm the ugly bigoted rightwing Zionist. YOU care so much... shira Jun 2013 #99
I do care about Palestinians. Ken Burch Jun 2013 #103
Why doesn't the rest of the "progressive" pro-Palestinian contingent care.... shira Jun 2013 #104
Once again... Scootaloo Jun 2013 #79
So you're silent about Palestinians in Lebanon, etc... shira Jun 2013 #80
Well, first off I'm not, and you know I'm not Scootaloo Jun 2013 #81
I think it's called catapulting azurnoir Jun 2013 #83
Your movement is silent about it. No flotillas, no protests, no countless articles.... shira Jun 2013 #85
and it seems your quite silent here why? azurnoir Jun 2013 #100
this is pretty funny. every one wrong. Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #117
You have to understand a statement before you can call it wrong Scootaloo Jun 2013 #121
I'll do my best to explain... Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #138
Two sentences in, you blow up in your own face Scootaloo Jun 2013 #139
I admit it, I'm torn... Shaktimaan Jun 2013 #140
The "apartheid" argument is all about muddying the waters WatermelonRat Jun 2013 #90
Latest Discussions»Issue Forums»Israel/Palestine»The Worst Argument Agains...»Reply #140