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(39,961 posts)
213. If it isn't the most ignorant
Thu Feb 20, 2014, 07:38 PM
Feb 2014

it's pretty damn close. It is like saying "it's only homophobia if you allow it to happen to you", or "it's only racism if you allow it to happen to you". Maybe a kid that gets the shit beaten out of them is only being bullied because they allowed it to happen? Jesus.

I didn't weigh in on the other threads because I don't like to get into these types of arguments on DU, but that particular comment stood out in stark relief as an example of how detached some folks can be from the reality that exists for other people.

Yes, lets stop the nonsense. elleng Feb 2014 #1
Ba da bing, ba da boom frazzled Feb 2014 #3
Well, I'm sorry but those are out everywhere not just here. Cleita Feb 2014 #6
Still don't get it? frazzled Feb 2014 #15
Okay. I guess I'll get in trouble for this. I used to study art Cleita Feb 2014 #25
Boobs are easy. Hands are hard. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #34
Hands aren't that hard. Cleita Feb 2014 #82
Oh indeed! Every sketch instruction has a page or two on how to draw boobs. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #89
Well the porn section isn't where you should get your sketch Cleita Feb 2014 #90
I have a funny story about that... hunter Feb 2014 #184
Maybe you should get some aspiring artist to do your Cleita Feb 2014 #186
It's very easy to make boobs -- Nuclear Unicorn Feb 2014 #140
I don't consider Photoshopped images art, CrispyQ Feb 2014 #167
A lot of oil paintings aren't art either but a lot are. Cleita Feb 2014 #171
I did misread your post. CrispyQ Feb 2014 #187
A lot of it isn't art like a lot of paintings aren't art, but that's how you finally do create art Cleita Feb 2014 #175
"jerk off to it" AgingAmerican Feb 2014 #42
Every time I see a woman in a bikini, I can't help but want to whip it out and jerk it. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #48
"Excuse me while I whip this out" edbermac Feb 2014 #53
It should stay so he can be embarrassed. n/t Fantastic Anarchist Feb 2014 #199
yup, and that we should be free to wear bikinis or anything else without certain creepers JI7 Feb 2014 #7
Good luck going out in public in a bikini AgingAmerican Feb 2014 #43
Well, in a beach town, they don't. Cleita Feb 2014 #47
Indeed AgingAmerican Feb 2014 #51
The equivalent to the threads in question would be if you take off the top of that bikini and Squinch Feb 2014 #152
Perfect response. nt Mojorabbit Feb 2014 #206
people can look and notice without being a creeper giving unwanted attention JI7 Feb 2014 #49
yes it would be nice if women didnt ogle men who are wearing skimpy swim attire :-) nt msongs Feb 2014 #95
Link to a comment where men were "publicly oogle(ing) over the airbrushed tushies and make(ing) Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #38
lol AgingAmerican Feb 2014 #45
Are you kidding? Some people were calling those SI models all kinds of VERY nasty names. Warren DeMontague Feb 2014 #77
Exactly. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #86
I just can't help myself. Fantastic Anarchist Feb 2014 #200
i find it ironic that you complained more about the alert of an offensive post than the post itself. CreekDog Feb 2014 #208
You haven't been looking hard enough. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #209
Not this male poster..... thanks nt Scruffy Rumbler Feb 2014 #180
Happy Birthday tomorrow. dipsydoodle Feb 2014 #141
Thanks, dipsy! elleng Feb 2014 #165
Wait, WUT? rufus dog Feb 2014 #2
75 degrees. There seems to be no key for degrees. % is as close as it gets. n/t Cleita Feb 2014 #4
Go to eHow, lots of good stuff edbermac Feb 2014 #8
Thanks. Cleita Feb 2014 #14
On Macs, there is a key that is called "Option" Art_from_Ark Feb 2014 #21
Okay. thanks. Cleita Feb 2014 #26
Hit the SHIFT key, the ALT/OPTION key and */8 key simultaneously edbermac Feb 2014 #27
Alt 0176 will do it ° hobbit709 Feb 2014 #147
That didn't work for me until I went to the link and saw you had to have NUM LOCK on. Jim Lane Feb 2014 #182
I almost always use the numeric pad. hobbit709 Feb 2014 #183
Yes and please post pictures. edbermac Feb 2014 #5
I'm 74 and wear a bikini. Cleita Feb 2014 #10
Nothing wrong with a mature woman 1000words Feb 2014 #12
Well thank you. That's nice. n/t Cleita Feb 2014 #20
Quit hitting on her. Fantastic Anarchist Feb 2014 #201
Quit harshing my perv! 1000words Feb 2014 #211
None of that is offensive. Fantastic Anarchist Feb 2014 #221
ROFL treestar Feb 2014 #18
I know. that's the point. Cleita Feb 2014 #19
Why bother then? treestar Feb 2014 #23
Oh, if only they were frightened. Cleita Feb 2014 #33
Wow. polly7 Feb 2014 #44
I could hardly do better than the men who see the 74 year old in the bikini treestar Feb 2014 #157
I wear whatever the hell I want. polly7 Feb 2014 #158
But how would you protest the men who would do that? treestar Feb 2014 #159
YOU did that. polly7 Feb 2014 #160
poor deflection treestar Feb 2014 #162
A man didn't insult her for what she would be seen as in a bikini. polly7 Feb 2014 #163
74, eh? It's is all starting to make sense. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #54
But, will your body type meet the approval pintobean Feb 2014 #189
Probably not mine although I do diet and work out. Cleita Feb 2014 #191
Oh ... just go to The Olive Garden and breast feed your pit bull 1000words Feb 2014 #9
Too old and shriveled to breast feed. Cleita Feb 2014 #11
She would have to be eating chicken while she did that! stevenleser Feb 2014 #215
Yep, all those posts saying no one can wear swimsuits. kcr Feb 2014 #13
Oh but they did because the models shouldn't wear swimsuits because Cleita Feb 2014 #17
Nope they didn't....you missed the point entirely.... VanillaRhapsody Feb 2014 #29
Really? You have proof that there was a wankfest Cleita Feb 2014 #35
Were you reading it? There seems to be some more females on this thread that thought so besides me.. VanillaRhapsody Feb 2014 #36
I can imagine. Cleita Feb 2014 #37
NOBODY is talking about THOSE girls.... VanillaRhapsody Feb 2014 #39
Okay. I missed the point. I have to move on. n/t Cleita Feb 2014 #40
Please do..... VanillaRhapsody Feb 2014 #41
Ah, yes. Another woman being attacked for failing to fall in line Orrex Feb 2014 #193
Sorry, did someone tell her to "fuck off"? No? She did say that to another woman here. redqueen Feb 2014 #202
Yes, because men can't help but participate in "wankfests" online. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #55
Well we witnessed it didn't we? Or are we not believing our lying eyes... VanillaRhapsody Feb 2014 #56
Link to a "wankfest". Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #57
Right I have to prove anyone was actually jerking-off right? VanillaRhapsody Feb 2014 #66
You made the assertion a big "wank fest" was going on. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #85
Here is actual footage, timestamped 15 seconds after the SI thread was posted!!!!! Warren DeMontague Feb 2014 #122
Heh. I don't expect a reply from VR. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #164
If you're going to accuse men of being awful for participating in a "wankfest" mythology Feb 2014 #212
So the "urges" are or are not controllable? LanternWaste Feb 2014 #185
Not according to VanillaRhapsody. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #203
I find if you hand wash them kcr Feb 2014 #31
Nobody said anything of the sort n/t Scootaloo Feb 2014 #65
No one said that at all. Not even close. cui bono Feb 2014 #73
Straw man or straw swimsuit? treestar Feb 2014 #16
You're going to swim in the ocean? But there are..... R B Garr Feb 2014 #22
Yeah, they are there but we get warnings. Cleita Feb 2014 #32
Submarines are scary, I don't blame you Fumesucker Feb 2014 #70
lol, actually I've seen a couple youtube type videos of surfers with underwater cameras R B Garr Feb 2014 #91
Wear whatever you like, Doll. cherokeeprogressive Feb 2014 #24
Thank you. I do. Cleita Feb 2014 #30
Huh? Bobbie Jo Feb 2014 #28
Nope. According to your warped interpretation to objectification, you will be a sex object. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #46
I'm a sex object. How awful. All the girls at the senior center are Cleita Feb 2014 #81
By your warped interpretation of objectification. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #87
FYI most people would rather not see an old person whether in a bikini or in Cleita Feb 2014 #88
What a weird life you must lead. In my sphere; family, friends, neighbors... Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #97
Good. I was getting worried about any old people who are Cleita Feb 2014 #98
AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Results of your Jury Service ... 4:44 AM In_The_Wind Feb 2014 #123
Prime example of jury fail. The difference between "who the fuck are you" and "fuck you" is whether seaglass Feb 2014 #148
Your statement is true "whether a juror likes you or not." In_The_Wind Feb 2014 #150
Everyday sexism KitSileya Feb 2014 #103
I grew up along the beach and wearing swimsuits were a lot of my life. Cleita Feb 2014 #105
"You are only a sex object when you allow it to happen to you" KitSileya Feb 2014 #110
Only if you see it that way. Cleita Feb 2014 #112
I live in reality, where the things I described has happened to me. KitSileya Feb 2014 #114
I'm sorry all that happened to you and you are justified in feeling Cleita Feb 2014 #115
The magazine isn't the cause, it's the symptom, and a reinforcement. KitSileya Feb 2014 #120
Just to illuminate those lucky enough to be ignorant... KitSileya Feb 2014 #117
Because it's all about you isn't it? JTFrog Feb 2014 #116
Boy, you have no idea what misogyny I put up with in my life. Cleita Feb 2014 #118
Don't tell me you "fought for them" just to tell them to shut the fuck up when they are taking JTFrog Feb 2014 #124
+100000000000000 redqueen Feb 2014 #207
..... notadmblnd Feb 2014 #204
OK so here you admit it happens gollygee Feb 2014 #119
And what is really telling is that she is getting away JTFrog Feb 2014 #125
So should we all wear burkas so they don't get out of line? News flash, they get out of line anyway Cleita Feb 2014 #126
Of course we shouldn't wear burkas gollygee Feb 2014 #128
I don't know what you are complaining about then. Cleita Feb 2014 #129
And telling them that we felt it was inappropriate isn't confronting them? KitSileya Feb 2014 #133
OK, what, in your mind, constitutes confronting them as opposed to whining? eShirl Feb 2014 #143
Point out what they are doing isn't right and then expect to get a bunch of Cleita Feb 2014 #170
I see that we still cannot get across our meaning. KitSileya Feb 2014 #130
That's because your meaning has no meaning other than being mean. Cleita Feb 2014 #135
Wow. NT KitSileya Feb 2014 #138
GD isn't a boys' club gollygee Feb 2014 #139
"GD should not be a hostile environment." eShirl Feb 2014 #144
She won't be happy til we're all back of the bus and shit. JTFrog Feb 2014 #146
I don't find it hostile, but if you do then maybe you shouldn't be here. Cleita Feb 2014 #168
Creating an environment where women are expected to deal or leave gollygee Feb 2014 #176
You are just a perpetual victim, aren't you? Cleita Feb 2014 #177
I have thankfully never been a victim gollygee Feb 2014 #178
In real life silly, not on a message board. Cleita Feb 2014 #179
The concept of "hostile environment" is well established gollygee Feb 2014 #181
And: "I'm a sex object. How awful. All the girls at the senior center are going to be so jealous" redqueen Feb 2014 #188
Yep. n/t JTFrog Feb 2014 #194
"You are only a sex object when you allow it to happen to you" is possibly the most ignorant Squinch Feb 2014 #198
If it isn't the most ignorant Aerows Feb 2014 #213
Yep. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #108
You OBVIOUSLY don't understand the difference between MannyGoldstein Feb 2014 #50
Yes, I'd rather not wear one at all, but the lifeguards have issues about that. n/t Cleita Feb 2014 #52
... TDale313 Feb 2014 #58
Hell yes you can. I will be upset but go on and do it anyway. Autumn Feb 2014 #59
Actually wish we could trade. Cleita Feb 2014 #60
This drought has been horrible and I am very grateful for Autumn Feb 2014 #61
WHAT is going to be 75%?? SheilaT Feb 2014 #62
75 degrees. Sorry, I will change it to degrees when I'm at a computer that has the Cleita Feb 2014 #63
The little high circle that is the degree sign SheilaT Feb 2014 #64
I just edited out the sign. People can guess what the number means. n/t Cleita Feb 2014 #67
Oh FFS. cui bono Feb 2014 #68
Actually, I'm pretty aware of stupidity, which is what this OP Cleita Feb 2014 #69
You are unaware, you've made that perfectly clear. cui bono Feb 2014 #71
You're far too old to pretend to misunderstand women to get headpats from men. LeftyMom Feb 2014 #72
Dignity? Cleita Feb 2014 #75
You don't need anyone here's permission:) Great post. grahamhgreen Feb 2014 #74
Manny? Is that you? Spitfire of ATJ Feb 2014 #76
I am surprised that, at age 74, you do not understand the grammatical distinction between Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #78
That's very rude. Cleita Feb 2014 #80
Just surprised, at your age,you didn't know. My daughter at age 24 knows and appreciates utilizing Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #92
I do know, but sometimes I like to do vernacular in the way Cleita Feb 2014 #93
Ain't and isn't are equivalent. May and can are not. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #99
Is this a test? Cleita Feb 2014 #100
Nah. Just me advocating the nuance of may. Luminous Animal Feb 2014 #104
Look. I write stuff and I understand the need to edit every word when Cleita Feb 2014 #106
How do you know you have won an argument? Soundman Feb 2014 #156
I support the right of people to make their own damn decisions about their own bodies. Warren DeMontague Feb 2014 #79
So do I. But simple principles aren't always adequate to a complex world. nomorenomore08 Feb 2014 #217
No, they're not. Warren DeMontague Feb 2014 #219
Absolutely. Individual rights/freedoms are just as important as broader human rights nomorenomore08 Feb 2014 #220
No, you may not wear your swimsuit tomorrow... Adsos Letter Feb 2014 #83
... Cleita Feb 2014 #84
You don't have to ask. bravenak Feb 2014 #94
Thank you. Cleita Feb 2014 #96
It's very telling about the ugly responses you're getting in this thread. Vashta Nerada Feb 2014 #101
Thank you. Cleita Feb 2014 #102
You could always try on one of these... MADem Feb 2014 #107
Looks that would be more your style. Cleita Feb 2014 #109
Well, I thought you were looking for something that met with the censors' approval. MADem Feb 2014 #113
I do believe the phrase is pictures! Riftaxe Feb 2014 #111
Yes, don't forget to apply sunscreen. In_The_Wind Feb 2014 #121
Of course. JTFrog Feb 2014 #127
Actually, maybe I'll go to Pirates Cove. Cleita Feb 2014 #131
You should take the suit along anyway. JTFrog Feb 2014 #134
Drift wood is better. Cleita Feb 2014 #136
You are sincerely a piece of work. JTFrog Feb 2014 #142
For 74 she has a lot of growing up to do. MattBaggins Feb 2014 #155
It was 72 here last Sunday madokie Feb 2014 #132
Aww. Cleita Feb 2014 #137
I note the lack of "not this shit again" posts sufrommich Feb 2014 #145
If you truly don't know the difference Evergreen Emerald Feb 2014 #149
Swim naked for all I care. ananda Feb 2014 #151
Apparently we can not since you had to post BS MattBaggins Feb 2014 #153
You can do whatever you would like liberal N proud Feb 2014 #154
Well if you live your life according to what people say on a public forum Rex Feb 2014 #161
I hate you!!!! Beacool Feb 2014 #166
Hope you get nicer weather soon and that we get rain. Cleita Feb 2014 #192
Oh, you're in CA. Beacool Feb 2014 #216
LOL Sheldon Cooper Feb 2014 #169
Right, no one wants to tell anyone what to do. Warren DeMontague Feb 2014 #190
HAHA! pretty much! Or this laundry_queen Feb 2014 #197
Hahahah!! Sheldon Cooper Feb 2014 #205
These nifty Islamic swimsuits help you keep your modesty LittleBlue Feb 2014 #172
Well, why don't you send that to Sports Illustrated. Evidently that is what would be Cleita Feb 2014 #173
That might be an acceptable compromise LittleBlue Feb 2014 #174
Please show me where one duer NCTraveler Feb 2014 #195
So much straw flung around recently... We need a strawman clean-up crew or something... nomorenomore08 Feb 2014 #218
Enjoy. Just don't rub frozen Easterners' noses in your sunshiny day! Hekate Feb 2014 #196
I had to look up Arroyo Grande, California yuiyoshida Feb 2014 #210
No swim suits until Memorial Day! idendoit Feb 2014 #214
Nobody cares what you decide to wear, Cleita. MineralMan Feb 2014 #222
^^Yes, she knows quite well^^^ hlthe2b Feb 2014 #223
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