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(502 posts)
11. Well That's Settled, Then, Isn't It?
Thu Jan 16, 2014, 04:22 PM
Jan 2014

Last edited Thu Jun 26, 2014, 02:29 AM - Edit history (1)

I went too far the other day in making a point (far too meta and bitterly satirical) so let me try this again. I will write in simple, flat, declarative sentences (for the most part) so that I communicate clearly and cogently. (Leastwise, that is my hope.)

First off: Meegbear: I agree with you that this incident is both ridiculous and tragic, oh-so-American and maddening--because no incident involving texting should ever escalate to murder.

I am for sensible gun control regulation and have posted on this board many times to that effect.

It is tragic that one man is dead, another's life and legacy destroyed, a woman wounded and a three-old left fatherless.

Are we agreed so far?


Now to your posting. To say that it is an exercise in over-wrought rhetoric and near-hysteria is to undersell the thing.

Subtract the horrific ending to this incident and what do we have? An incident in which a 71-year-old man asks the man in front of him to stop texting during the previews. (Which the movie houses themselves ask their customers to do.) The man refuses to comply. Words are exchanged. The old man gets up, seeks out a manager. Returns to the theater w/o one, sits down, and is confronted by the texter AGAIN: "Did you just complain about me to a manager?" A second argument breaks out. The argument grows more heated until the texter (roughly half the age of the old man and in front of his wife--charming) hurls a bucket of popcorn into the old man's face.


At this point, who is in the greater wrong? Just who is acting self-entitled, boorish and out-of-control? Who is intimidating whom with their aggression? Who has crossed the line of civilized behavior?

Of course, the incident didn't end there, as we all know. The old man over-reacted and in the heat of the moment did a truly awful, criminal and horrific thing: He pulled out a concealed pistol and shot the man dead, leaving his wife wounded in the process.

It is the absolute demonization of this retired police chief that I object to. Had he shot the texter while texting, THAT would be evidence that a man was (as the headlines trumpet): MURDERED FOR TEXTING. Had the old man himself started up the argument again when he re-entered the theater, that would serve as evidence that he intended to MURDER A MAN FOR TEXTING.

In point of fact, what really happened was an incident of acted-out machismo gone too far: "Hey, you talking about me? Did you go complain about me? You think you're the boss of me?!" WHAP! Hurled box of popcorn in the face.

That sentence of yours: "Then you hear that Reeves had already complained to the management about Oulson and then confronted Oulson when the younger man asked him if he had complained" is an absolute masterpiece of twisted tenses, confusing syntax and outright gibberish. What happened and how it happened is very clear.

Writing sentences like: "So, yeah, ha, ha, we'd all like to shoot the dumbasses who text in the dark of the movie theater," and "So what happened is that a psychotic old pussy had a gun and a grudge against the world" are not only in poor taste but read as hyper-excitable juvenilia, an attempt to use sheer emotionalism to sway your audience into believing this old man is a cold-blooded monster of wanna-be vigilantism, a George Zimmerman type.

I don't read the incident that way. And I think that putting undue attention on this particular incident only serves to hurt, not help, the cause of tightening gun control regulations. There are so very many other incidents that are demonstrably, heart-breakingly worse.

"Only cops, cowards and criminals carry concealed weapons." nt abelenkpe Jan 2014 #1
Cold Truth, Sir The Magistrate Jan 2014 #2
If you're a cop, SwankyXomb Jan 2014 #24
for the win frylock Jan 2014 #85
Agree!! nt kelliekat44 Jan 2014 #118
It it ok to pass this around to HP, Buzz and elsewhere? nt kelliekat44 Jan 2014 #119
"Only cops, cowards, and criminals carry concealed weapons." That line bullwinkle428 Jan 2014 #3
Yup. Wrote that one down. Bohunk68 Jan 2014 #113
Time to stop letting psychos "get off" on stand your ground bullshit Blue Owl Jan 2014 #4
Yes, SYG against HockeyMom Jan 2014 #5
Yeah, but Skittles... awoke_in_2003 Jan 2014 #10
I just wonder what Florida is doing to the snack foods Bettie Jan 2014 #106
"itching to shoot someone" librechik Jan 2014 #6
Especially if the story about the prior incident in this same theater is true. Just like Zimmerman. jwirr Jan 2014 #15
What prior incident? I hadn't heard anything about a prior Swede Atlanta Jan 2014 #45
It is here on DU somewhere. The retired policeman apparently got into the face of a couple who jwirr Jan 2014 #49
There was also a woman -- Hell Hath No Fury Jan 2014 #69
Here's the link Hong Kong Cavalier Jan 2014 #66
thank you for that link. so many of the comments after it are absolutely disgusting. noticed niyad Jan 2014 #125
K&R. Looking forward to the usual weasal-word responses from the pro-gun crowd. (nt) Paladin Jan 2014 #7
And meaningless points of inquiry that go to the brand, caliber, type of ammunition, etc. Ed Suspicious Jan 2014 #56
Just make sure you don't use the word "clip" jeff47 Jan 2014 #89
Like I've said before: the "clip" vs. "magazine" thing didn't become an issue....... Paladin Jan 2014 #108
too sad. BlancheSplanchnik Jan 2014 #8
What a beautiful young couple. classof56 Jan 2014 #9
Well That's Settled, Then, Isn't It? cer7711 Jan 2014 #11
My wife thinks I am nuts, but I just don't go many public places anymore. Throckmorton Jan 2014 #13
Me Too otohara Jan 2014 #16
Object away, but actions like that should be demonized kcr Jan 2014 #26
Wrong Actions Should Be Analyzed, Fairly Judged & Criticized cer7711 Jan 2014 #38
It really astounds you that no one is criticizing the texting? kcr Jan 2014 #44
It Astounds Me That No One Objects to Hitting An Old Man In the Face During An Argument cer7711 Jan 2014 #47
With popcorn kcr Jan 2014 #48
That Is Not the Question That Was Asked cer7711 Jan 2014 #55
Why are you even asking that question? kcr Jan 2014 #58
Thank You for Remaining Calm! Truly. cer7711 Jan 2014 #72
And I'm taking great pains to tell you that 10% is ridiculous, with all due respect kcr Jan 2014 #74
That's what I was trying to point out to the other poster. Hassin Bin Sober Jan 2014 #84
Basing What On Speculation, Exactly? cer7711 Jan 2014 #88
And the stories of the eye witnesses do not paint the conclusion you are drawing kcr Jan 2014 #90
That's An Interesting & Valid Take On Things cer7711 Jan 2014 #93
"the argument escalates". Has there benn info released on that? Without more info, it is not uppityperson Jan 2014 #96
Do you think you're allowed to shoot them? gollygee Jan 2014 #105
See Again My Words: cer7711 Jan 2014 #111
Maybe someone should have shot the son foe showing up late. Hassin Bin Sober Jan 2014 #62
I think he was lower in rank than police cheif RedstDem Jan 2014 #102
victim blaming. Such a fun and EASY sport CBGLuthier Jan 2014 #27
Is Your Posting. Agreed. cer7711 Jan 2014 #39
This message was self-deleted by its author frylock Jan 2014 #86
You know what's too bad? It's too bad nobody invested any time and money A Simple Game Jan 2014 #29
I Agree With You There! cer7711 Jan 2014 #40
I didn't misread your post, willfully or otherwise. A Simple Game Jan 2014 #50
Finally! A Sane, Thoughtful Response cer7711 Jan 2014 #60
A response saying the same things other responses to you are saying. kcr Jan 2014 #67
We have found agreement, it appears both were foolish, I think the cop was much more foolish. n/t A Simple Game Jan 2014 #71
Agree! Totally. cer7711 Jan 2014 #73
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2014 #98
This message was self-deleted by its author uppityperson Jan 2014 #130
It is easy to take sides from afar and more-so easy to sum it all up passing judgment. Wash. state Desk Jet Jan 2014 #42
What do you think of the witness reports that the old man returned "more agitated"... Hassin Bin Sober Jan 2014 #46
My God, Can People READ On This Board? cer7711 Jan 2014 #52
absolving him from any boorish behavior AFTER his visit Hassin Bin Sober Jan 2014 #53
I think Reeves would have moved if he hadn't had a freakin gun. Hoyt Jan 2014 #51
Exactly! bullsnarfle Jan 2014 #128
Would you also claim we should arm TBF Jan 2014 #80
I'm confused. "Man who shot confrontational, popcorn-throwing theater texter..." Moonwalk Jan 2014 #94
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2014 #95
But practically speaking for most people, they are mutually exclusive kcr Jan 2014 #103
Heh! I Feel Your Pain cer7711 Jan 2014 #110
Welcome to DU! bobGandolf Jan 2014 #122
Welcome to DU! bobGandolf Jan 2014 #123
You know what else the "movie house" ask their customers to do? ET Awful Jan 2014 #99
Excellent Point! Agreed cer7711 Jan 2014 #112
I'd say it's more like multiple charges, such as ET Awful Jan 2014 #115
Yep! Based on what I'm reading and understanding at this point . . . cer7711 Jan 2014 #121
Who hasn't been bothered by people who refuse to put their devices away? mnhtnbb Jan 2014 #104
I see your point, but it is now moot. davidthegnome Jan 2014 #109
the whole thing could have been avoided if the entitled jerk (aka, the shooter) had just changed niyad Jan 2014 #126
My wife wonders... awoke_in_2003 Jan 2014 #12
Or flip them off. Morwen_Madrigal Jan 2014 #14
Men Who Drive w/Guns Display otohara Jan 2014 #18
That reminds me of an incident I had... awoke_in_2003 Jan 2014 #19
I dont think he will get away with it.... robbob Jan 2014 #17
white boy beaten to death by two cops. Two cops free to kill again. CBGLuthier Jan 2014 #28
There are times I think we've lost all sense of proportion in this country. malthaussen Jan 2014 #20
Hoping he will be made to pay..... No Vested Interest Jan 2014 #91
be very careful albino65 Jan 2014 #21
Only cops, cowards, and criminals carry concealed weapons. kcr Jan 2014 #22
Your sarcasm is salve for the bitter feelings this story has left me with. gtar100 Jan 2014 #23
Popcorn assault, get any sillier than that? Hell that's how I use to hit on B Calm Jan 2014 #25
What if he spit in his face? Shoved him? U4ikLefty Jan 2014 #35
He didn't do any of those things. Mariana Jan 2014 #63
Answer: You don't shoot a person. Repeat...you don't SHOOT a person. Euphoria Jan 2014 #92
I was on a jury for pizza assault caraher Jan 2014 #37
meh. I don't fear people who legally carry concealed. aikoaiko Jan 2014 #30
By and large, they are even less likely to commit a crime if they leave the darn thing home. Hoyt Jan 2014 #57
He can use the.. sendero Jan 2014 #31
Were there no other available seats in the theater? PADemD Jan 2014 #32
i wouldn't care if someone was texting in a movie noiretextatique Jan 2014 #33
His Rudeness nails it again. Recced. Aristus Jan 2014 #34
"only cops, cowards, and criminals...." mike_c Jan 2014 #36
+1 Johonny Jan 2014 #83
So texting can get you shot Pakid Jan 2014 #41
Blogger sounds angry at the world DragonBorn Jan 2014 #43
This article makes sense to me mokawanis Jan 2014 #54
So those 500,000 to 3,000,000 people a year DragonBorn Jan 2014 #61
I've done well without putting bullets in people mokawanis Jan 2014 #70
Where do you see the "500,000 to 3,000,000" - Hell Hath No Fury Jan 2014 #75
Bullshit statistic, there are not even a fraction of that many cases of self defense with a gun Bjorn Against Jan 2014 #76
So a person deserves to get pumped full of lead because he threw popcorn at someone? Vashta Nerada Jan 2014 #81
Zimmerman would fall in that inflated count. Same old crud from the pro-gun crowd. Hoyt Jan 2014 #59
Is that the best you got? DragonBorn Jan 2014 #64
The number isn't that high. Quoting NRA BS doesn't make it true. Hoyt Jan 2014 #68
dear penthouse forum, i had a DGU while engaged in a threesome with 2 swedish models.. frylock Jan 2014 #87
Ex-Actly! Cha Jan 2014 #65
As in, "I can't stand your ground"? Qutzupalotl Jan 2014 #77
Popcorn, skittles - who knows TBF Jan 2014 #78
So Oulson got shot dead because he threw popcorn at Reeves? Vashta Nerada Jan 2014 #79
Yep, popcorn. Iggo Jan 2014 #124
Florida, unfit for civilized people. 99Forever Jan 2014 #82
That's secondvariety Jan 2014 #117
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2014 #97
Interesting prospective I see yer new ! Wash. state Desk Jet Jan 2014 #100
Yes, it's very, very important to blame the victim for the shooter over-reacting. jeff47 Jan 2014 #116
Recommended 1000X and kicked too. Enthusiast Jan 2014 #101
Such a tragedy, a couple of quick points madville Jan 2014 #107
As a retired police officer, he's still rquired to keep his gun qualifications up to date and... Kaleva Jan 2014 #114
A retired cop and wannabe cop shooting people. Not surprised. olegramps Jan 2014 #120
Someone else had a run in with this thug Dawson Leery Jan 2014 #127
I wouldn't worry. Even Freepland is 10-to-1 against. sir pball Jan 2014 #129
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