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(11,464 posts)
104. I agree
Sat Sep 15, 2012, 02:49 PM
Sep 2012

the movie by a criminal POSING as a Jew POSING as a director was made to illicit the response they wanted, akin to the teaparty or libertarians or the republicans

when there is a intent to riot, the mob is whisked into a frenzy and more and more it is not their fault.

It is also driven on by the out of control big mouth of Mitt Romney who's rush to judgement without looking at facts added to the hatred

It was just the right atmosphere for more piling on to occur in Libya

and what's the world to think when you have a Mitt Romney spewing his hatred

Muslims are PEOPLE folks

and have Muslims become fairgame FOR LIBERAL DEMOCRATS to be racist against?

Which is why I advocate extreme judicial punishment for the faux film maker who could have come out of the diabolical minds of the people who are like Karl Rove and Rush and Sean who spew hatred to those different than them 24/7/365

Freedom of speech should not encompass that hatred

(but then Ron Paul'o'phyles for years have given him a pass on any and all racism his supporters in racist places (ala the John Birch Society mindset and the David Dukes and all.

And tolerance means this crap to incite them stops.

After all, we don't look fondly on it here (witness those 3 asswipes in Texas who chained a black guy to the back of their truck and wildly drove through town, dismembering him.
They I believe are on death row.

and we have to respect other cultures and that other cultures do not have the same laws and feelings we do.
Isn't that what our democracy is suppose to do? Respect any and all.
What is freedom of religion if we(and especially democrats) think it only applies to us and not to anyone different?

The inciters of the riots, and the individuals who might have killed the 4 are the only perps who justice should be done.

Or are we just bullies? That is so Rush-like.

We just aren't as religious treestar Sep 2012 #1
The US is one of the most religious countries in the world. It just has better police & civil order. Bernardo de La Paz Sep 2012 #61
No, we just practice "organized rage" called wars, occupation, drones and the like. nt nanabugg Sep 2012 #134
Which apparently had nothing to do with the Benghazi riot. randome Sep 2012 #136
This is Planet Earth, not heaven. aquart Sep 2012 #142
And what percentage of the killing in the Middle East has been done by us or are allies? Puregonzo1188 Sep 2012 #158
NO, we are fat, rich, lazy and can't be bothered. renie408 Sep 2012 #177
The black spot tama Sep 2012 #152
You lost me when you said "the rage is understandable" Progressive dog Sep 2012 #2
This message was self-deleted by its author randome Sep 2012 #4
i'd be enraged if saudi arabia was randomly bombing people in the us, canada, mexico, etc. HiPointDem Sep 2012 #10
I was enraged when they murdered over 3,000 of my fellow Americans... KansDem Sep 2012 #176
Were you enraged when the US ginned up a proxy war in Afghanistan? Comrade Grumpy Sep 2012 #201
You'll get no argument out of me... KansDem Sep 2012 #208
THEY? "They, who"? mzteris Sep 2012 #202
"They?" KansDem Sep 2012 #206
Eh, I can't say I agree. eqfan592 Sep 2012 #15
There was no "defense of the mobs" in the OP... ljm2002 Sep 2012 #25
It was implied Progressive dog Sep 2012 #57
all you had to do was ask. cali Sep 2012 #75
Cali wasn't saying "we don't react this way"... awoke_in_2003 Sep 2012 #92
Here is one IMO lunasun Sep 2012 #165
someone once said that when poverty and oppression kills hope roguevalley Sep 2012 #39
Yes it is abelenkpe Sep 2012 #67
How about the rage we showed when 911 happened...all movonne Sep 2012 #89
That is not the same thing Progressive dog Sep 2012 #133
The question is why are they violent. People here get enraged all the time. dkf Sep 2012 #3
US citizens excuse violence all the time Kindly Refrain Sep 2012 #16
According to many reports... ljm2002 Sep 2012 #31
It's sounding to me like Libya had nothing to do with riots. dkf Sep 2012 #45
Yes, the widespread riots are concerning... ljm2002 Sep 2012 #60
They're not exactly demanding we curtail our rights ToxMarz Sep 2012 #91
There are riots over this video in countries with free speech and freedom of religion oberliner Sep 2012 #195
And? ToxMarz Sep 2012 #211
And they understand the distinction between the nation and the video oberliner Sep 2012 #212
No one said they were confused... ToxMarz Sep 2012 #215
But why protest at the US consulate there? oberliner Sep 2012 #216
You're fooling yourself if you think that the relative comfort sufrommich Sep 2012 #50
Just as education and prosperity contribute to it. randome Sep 2012 #52
Actually this kind of behavior isn't unique to the middle east...look at gang violence. dkf Sep 2012 #73
Very astute point! eom BlueMTexpat Sep 2012 #108
It seems to me to be a virtual parallel to what's going on in the Middle East. nolabear Sep 2012 #5
I'm sorry but forcing women to defer to men. randome Sep 2012 #6
i'm sorry but bombing people because they have different customs doesn't fit my definition of HiPointDem Sep 2012 #12
We're bombing people because of their customs now? randome Sep 2012 #27
You don't remember when we bombed Saudi Arabia for not allowing women to drive? Nye Bevan Sep 2012 #53
I would be more in favor of economic blockades and other measures to right that wrong. randome Sep 2012 #54
we want to be the world's police?????? lunasun Sep 2012 #166
Do you think advocating for equal rights is NOT a good use of American influence? randome Sep 2012 #175
that's not why we're doing it but it's certainly one of the PR techniques used to make it ok in the HiPointDem Sep 2012 #59
Yeah, it's easy to sweep it all under the rug when it's 'over there' instead of 'here'. randome Sep 2012 #65
sweep what under the rug, bombs? HiPointDem Sep 2012 #71
Sweep away the complex reasons we are involved in ANY country's business. randome Sep 2012 #76
When has our military ever gotten involved for human rights? Puregonzo1188 Sep 2012 #159
I didn't say our miltary specifically was involved. randome Sep 2012 #161
Bombing them because of their customs??? Oh my goodness.... liberallibral Sep 2012 #129
glad you're not a comedy writer, either. despite the smiley laugh track, you're not funny. HiPointDem Sep 2012 #130
We don't bomb them because of customs, it's mostly resources like oil.. snooper2 Sep 2012 #149
no we just rationalize & justify it in those terms. which is what all the "oooh, look at all these HiPointDem Sep 2012 #162
LOL, at one time people said the same thing about slavery. Brilliant! Congrats! Logical Sep 2012 #155
There are people here who would fit that discription. eqfan592 Sep 2012 #19
Good advice, eqfan. cbayer Sep 2012 #22
Thanks :) eqfan592 Sep 2012 #26
I'm not sure what part of Post #6 is advocated by DUers. randome Sep 2012 #34
I meant here as in the US, not the DU. eqfan592 Sep 2012 #64
Got it! Sorry! randome Sep 2012 #66
Which is why we need... awoke_in_2003 Sep 2012 #93
Yeah, Republicans today ARE a mob. randome Sep 2012 #102
Buncha guys on faux agree with you. Jakes Progress Sep 2012 #21
"Calling" for women to be subservient and "forcing" them to be are 2 different things. randome Sep 2012 #30
Maybe I missed the mobs murdering abortion providers here... MNBrewer Sep 2012 #97
Plenty of home-grown mobs to encourage murder. randome Sep 2012 #100
So there are no mobs murdering abortion providers? MNBrewer Sep 2012 #107
No. We don't have mobs murdering abortion providers. randome Sep 2012 #110
And what's even LESS civilized is to take those people up on their invitation to do so MNBrewer Sep 2012 #118
Your problem isn't your terminology, Jakes Progress Sep 2012 #139
I'd understand your post if you responded to one of my earlier ones. randome Sep 2012 #145
Peace. I hope you understand some day. Jakes Progress Sep 2012 #157
Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated riderinthestorm Sep 2012 #205
Trusting the source with an American name Jakes Progress Sep 2012 #218
enforced poverty and drones torture thats ok? i would riot too. roguevalley Sep 2012 #40
Funny how none of the protests mention those things. randome Sep 2012 #46
the rage is the root of everything and we ignore it at our peril roguevalley Sep 2012 #74
On the flip side... awoke_in_2003 Sep 2012 #94
All of which can be easily corrected thanks to the Internet. randome Sep 2012 #98
"I'm sorry but forcing women to defer to men." abelenkpe Sep 2012 #70
Some do want to do that. randome Sep 2012 #72
Those who were murdered in Libya BlueMTexpat Sep 2012 #114
I get you. randome Sep 2012 #119
Thanks for the response. BlueMTexpat Sep 2012 #124
Agree with Randome!!! liberallibral Sep 2012 #128
No kidding 4th law of robotics Sep 2012 #180
kr. HiPointDem Sep 2012 #7
I find the 'we don't react that way' HappyMe Sep 2012 #8
That's not civilized behavior, either. randome Sep 2012 #9
But whenever that happens, it too gets condemned/mocked/criticized on here. NYC Liberal Sep 2012 #63
And that is as it should be. HappyMe Sep 2012 #125
It's funny how quickly things can get ugly around here... luvspeas Sep 2012 #11
On DU, it's more anti-fundamentalist sentiment meow2u3 Sep 2012 #13
we're not invading and bombing israel. i rarely see anything here about jewish fundamentalists. HiPointDem Sep 2012 #17
Happens all the time here with Christians B2G Sep 2012 #14
Agree!!! Some people pose as free-thinkers, but their biases are very evident. nt patrice Sep 2012 #116
Sorry, but fundamentalist religious sects of any stripe are, by their very nature, uncivilized. MadHound Sep 2012 #18
Very well stated, MadHound. tosh Sep 2012 #23
Maybe some countries aren't "civilized" because we have been joeybee12 Sep 2012 #32
I'm not stating that countries are uncivilized, MadHound Sep 2012 #37
Not anti-muslim here. Whovian Sep 2012 #20
Fuck all religious fundamentalist pricks.... Joe the Revelator Sep 2012 #24
You're right. Cleita Sep 2012 #28
I blame religious people for a lot of the world's problems. Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc... Comrade_McKenzie Sep 2012 #29
I'm with you Comrade LiberalLovinLug Sep 2012 #115
Well... Not allowing women to drive, and executing homosexuals, Nye Bevan Sep 2012 #33
Agree. While specifically attacking extremism of any stripe seems appropriate, cbayer Sep 2012 #35
I find it "offensive" that an opinion frequently floated is ... etherealtruth Sep 2012 #36
I admire their personal, private, honest, and very deep jihad. That's not something that is patrice Sep 2012 #117
A right wing nut is identical in emotional and mental state to RegieRocker Sep 2012 #38
No, US meddling is good! Tax dollars funneled to dictators.... WorseBeforeBetter Sep 2012 #41
I tend to think it comes from people who actually sufrommich Sep 2012 #42
The rage is not understandable. Deep13 Sep 2012 #43
The ones who commit murder over insults are everything you mention and worse. CBGLuthier Sep 2012 #44
I don't see any complaints about anti-Republican sentiment here. Speck Tater Sep 2012 #47
There is some bigotry and hypocrisy ProSense Sep 2012 #48
totally agree Whisp Sep 2012 #49
The vast majority of muslims wouldn't kill over an insult bhikkhu Sep 2012 #51
+1 Needed to be said. nt Poll_Blind Sep 2012 #55
I agree davidthegnome Sep 2012 #56
That's funny. Many Free Republic posters can't even spell 'illiterate'. randome Sep 2012 #58
Geeze.... WiffenPoof Sep 2012 #62
Indeed, imagine a horde of rightwinger Bruce Willises stupidicus Sep 2012 #68
"The rage is understandable..." Alduin Sep 2012 #69
no, the film is clearly the spark in the tinder cali Sep 2012 #78
Yes... Alduin Sep 2012 #80
Not B-film; Z-grade film BarackTheVote Sep 2012 #88
This has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with social backwardness. Odin2005 Sep 2012 #77
"without an attempt to understand context" - What context makes these murders ok? Ohio Joe Sep 2012 #79
"The violence isn't justifiable but the rage is understandable." Spitfire of ATJ Sep 2012 #81
It is fair to criticize rioters bluestateguy Sep 2012 #82
no one said it wasn't, but way to miss the point of the op. cali Sep 2012 #85
Political Science warrprayer Sep 2012 #83
+1 2on2u Sep 2012 #84
What ever flaws the United States has. iandhr Sep 2012 #86
That's why I've skipped those threads. JNelson6563 Sep 2012 #87
This message was self-deleted by its author bupkus Sep 2012 #90
"It''s probably not the majority but it's a sizable minority. " greiner3 Sep 2012 #95
People DO protest in our country BarackTheVote Sep 2012 #96
May I suggest "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins? lamzydivy Sep 2012 #99
I've read it. May I suggest this isn't only or even chiefly about religion? cali Sep 2012 #146
I agree with this sentiment, and I say that as an atheist and fan of The God Delusion. n/t backscatter712 Sep 2012 #150
Totally agree. I don't why some DUers can't seem to grasp that this film is just the tip Puregonzo1188 Sep 2012 #160
I've come to belief that some people here don't want to face cali Sep 2012 #169
+1000 nt. polly7 Sep 2012 #163
Yes. Exactly. nt laundry_queen Sep 2012 #194
But there have been riots in Australia and Europe oberliner Sep 2012 #197
Post removed Post removed Sep 2012 #101
The arrogance is a generally Western and particularly American response Spider Jerusalem Sep 2012 #103
It shouldn't matter what brought us to this point, though. randome Sep 2012 #109
See, that's just the sort of arrogance I'm talking about though Spider Jerusalem Sep 2012 #112
I see your point. randome Sep 2012 #121
It's poverty that does that Spider Jerusalem Sep 2012 #126
Agreed. We can 'afford' the concept of equal rights. randome Sep 2012 #131
Surreal ! lunasun Sep 2012 #168
Thank you malokvale77 Sep 2012 #164
a voice of reason...refreshing lunasun Sep 2012 #167
I agree graham4anything Sep 2012 #104
In what context is this "understandable" and not uncivilized, backward and violent MNBrewer Sep 2012 #105
A abhor all extremists, no matter the religion, also can't stand anarchists, libertarian extremists, progressivebydesign Sep 2012 #106
Abhor yourself tama Sep 2012 #156
Freedom? Slavery: when "it's the other guy", it's ALWAYS "the other guy" who caused me/us to patrice Sep 2012 #111
You are correct on this. limpyhobbler Sep 2012 #113
Islam is still a young religion B Stieg Sep 2012 #120
1400 years is young? MNBrewer Sep 2012 #122
Propaganda responders rule the American populace just1voice Sep 2012 #123
Sorry, but when hoards of people riot and cause violence because of a cartoon or a movie.... liberallibral Sep 2012 #127
CONTEXT. Igel Sep 2012 #132
Excellent tama Sep 2012 #190
Me, too. Perhaps some real data on the US in eternal wars, mostly of choice, cr8tvlde Sep 2012 #135
This war is no more anti-Muslim than the wars of conquest for CA, TX, NM and AZ were cr8tvlde Sep 2012 #137
I swear, you can't distinguish some posts from stuff over at FR... Surya Gayatri Sep 2012 #140
"Blacks, gays and Jews never did anything wrong. Muslims deserve to be abused" Douglas Carpenter Sep 2012 #141
Cali, I don't think you're seeing much anti-Muslim sentiment on DU. PragmaticLiberal Sep 2012 #143
Checklist JVS Sep 2012 #144
I thought the information coming to light shows evidence of planned attacks by an organization? theinquisitivechad Sep 2012 #147
Why don't the Central American countries react "that way"? riderinthestorm Sep 2012 #148
Because tama Sep 2012 #154
So because the indigenous people are less sophisticated, they will act with greater restraint? riderinthestorm Sep 2012 #198
I know you are not following tama Sep 2012 #199
Civilized or sophisticated is simply semantics. The Aztecs felt their culture was superior riderinthestorm Sep 2012 #207
I am in agreement riverbendviewgal Sep 2012 #151
I lived in Libya for 4 years MFM008 Sep 2012 #153
Let's drop their fundamentalists in the desert with our fundamentalists ... eppur_se_muova Sep 2012 #170
Hopeless Barbarians billyball Sep 2012 #171
my, my. that's stupid. cali Sep 2012 #172
How am I being welcomed ? billyball Sep 2012 #173
You didn't read what they wrote. renie408 Sep 2012 #200
Your remark was none too intelligent, either. randome Sep 2012 #204
OTOH, Doctor_J Sep 2012 #174
On this I agree with you 100%. renie408 Sep 2012 #178
And they should stop beheading women for daring to want equal rights. randome Sep 2012 #182
Of course I do! Naturally I support the beheading of women! renie408 Sep 2012 #184
My point is that there are obvious differences between the two cultures. randome Sep 2012 #186
No, that is the spin on your point that you are making now. renie408 Sep 2012 #187
Yes, well, it's hard to feel empathy for those Mideast states... randome Sep 2012 #188
"Those are things we SHOULD disparage and work to remove." renie408 Sep 2012 #191
"Protests against us"? No, I think it is everyone's job to press for equal rights. randome Sep 2012 #192
It is a flat lie to say that I have implied that they are just like us. renie408 Sep 2012 #196
My apologies if I took your point further than I should have. randome Sep 2012 #203
Now, I will say...they are just like us. renie408 Sep 2012 #209
I've seen Christians receive far worse for far less. 4th law of robotics Sep 2012 #179
there's flat out bigotry here against Muslims cali Sep 2012 #181
Where? 4th law of robotics Sep 2012 #210
I hope you are alerting on any "flat out bigoted" posts you see. Nye Bevan Sep 2012 #214
Oh FFS, where? I've been called a bigot because I object to women having to wear a burqa riderinthestorm Sep 2012 #217
Cali, it's complicated and people don't like complicated answers... JCMach1 Sep 2012 #183
Thank you! Just like there are Christians who believe the planet is 6000 years old and others renie408 Sep 2012 #185
100% agree. closeupready Sep 2012 #189
People deserve respect. Ideas do not. They must stand on their own. nt Romulox Sep 2012 #193
I'm with Cali. 99Forever Sep 2012 #213
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»Ugh, DU. The anti-Muslim...»Reply #104