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HUAJIAO's Journal
HUAJIAO's Journal
April 11, 2021

United Arab Emirates names 1st Arab female astronaut

United Arab Emirates names 1st Arab female astronaut

The United Arab Emirates named mechanical engineering graduate Nora AlMatrooshi as the first Arab female astronaut, a selection that she described as an "unforgettable moment."

AlMatrooshi was picked from more than 4,000 candidates to be part of the UAE's ambitious space program, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and the country's prime minister, said on Twitter.

"We announce the first Arab female astronaut, among two new astronauts … to be trained with NASA for future space exploration missions," he said.

AlMatrooshi and Mohammad AlMulla, who was also selected in the UAE's Astronaut Program, will head to Texas to undergo training at NASA's Johnson Space Center.

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre said space has been AlMatrooshi's "passion since childhood." The 27-year-old, who holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, currently works at the UAE's National Petroleum Construction Company.

more at link......

March 13, 2021

Europe's third wave: Even the country with the highest vaccination rate cannot hold back the tide

The Telegraph
Matthew Day
Sat, March 13, 2021, 11:12 AM

(COVID-wise, Europe is historically about 2 weeks ahead of the US of A.. Watch out !! My comment)

It’s an unwelcome paradox for Hungary. Medics have dispensed over a million vaccinations, and the country now only trails Malta in the EU when it comes to vaccinations per capita, but all this has failed to prevent Hungary suffering from a crippling third Covid-19 wave, with Hungarians testing positive in record numbers.

Hungary’s health authorities reported on Friday a new daily high of 9,011 positive tests, while another 130 deaths brought the country’s Covid-19 toll to 16,627. On the same day the number of Covid patients in hospital rose by 389 to reach 8,718.

The country now has the third highest Covid-19 fatality rate in the world, and is fourth place globally in deaths per capita, according to information from the John Hopkins University.

All this despite Hungary using Russia’s Sputnik V and the Chinese Sinopharm vaccines to help drive the vaccination rate up to 13.2 doses per 100 people, far better than the EU average of 9.1.

Tamas Sved, secretary of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, has said that the country’s health system “is almost at capacity”, not through a lack of bed and ventilators but through a lack of the specialist staff needed to keep the seriously ill alive.

Hungary’s media is now reporting that hospital doctors are having to decide who lives, and who dies.
February 23, 2021

Should I get the JAVA update?

I have Windows 10 on my desktop.
Every day I get a little pop-up notification that a JAVA update is ready to install.
Should I do it?


February 14, 2021

The battle isn't over. To honor Jamie Raskin, and to save America,

we, each of us, now needs to 'become Jamie.'

February 14, 2021

Thank you to the kind folks who gave me hearts.

As a newbie it means a lot.

Happy Valentines Day to all !!

February 12, 2021

Chick Corea passed away.. RIP

January 20, 2021

McConnell and the DEMOCRAT party !!!

McConnell, in his opening speech on the Senate floor, said "the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.

I could have spit...

January 13, 2021


January 7, 2021

Tammy was beautiful !!

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Hometown: Up-State NY
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Member since: Wed Nov 25, 2020, 12:19 PM
Number of posts: 2,427
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