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Attilatheblond's Journal
Attilatheblond's Journal
March 21, 2024

Intentionally funny NBC header or possibly really connected? I report, you decide

"Trump frustrated as bond deadline nears and key bacteria identified in colon cancer cases:"Morning Rundown

February 1, 2024

Viral video captures Indiana lawmaker flashing holstered gun at student gun control advocates

Did lawmaker feel threatened by some high school students wanting to advocate for sensible gun laws, or is he just a bully who wanted them to be threatened enough to drop the subject? Is he a dangerous paranoid who needs to be treated for some illness of the head? Are things so dangerous in that statehouse that people feel the need to go around with guns?

Such brave lawmakers, not.


A video taken by a high school student shows an Indiana lawmaker flashing a gun to students who were visiting the statehouse to talk to legislators about gun control.

A student from Burris Laboratory School in Muncie told The Associated Press she and four other students were at the state Capitol on Tuesday to participate in a day of advocacy with Students Demand Action, an arm of Everytown for Gun Safety.

Alana Trissel, 17, said state Rep. Jim Lucas asked the students what brought them to the Capitol and began to defend gun rights.

Lucas, a Republican from Seymour, and the group then conversed outside the elevator and one of the students filmed the interaction, which was first reported by the Statehouse File, a student journalism news site at Franklin College in Franklin, Indiana.

In the video, Lucas told the students people have to protect themselves and referenced failures of law enforcement to prevent mass casualties during school shootings in Parkland, Florida, and Uvalde, Texas,

More at link, including photo of the 'responsible gun owner', and this little tidbit which seems sorta of like an unintentional self-own on the lawmaker's part:

In public Facebook posts on Tuesday night and on Wednesday, Lucas didn't describe his actions. He said the conversation "was respectful, but it was clearly facts, reason and logic vs. plain emotion."

Indiana lawmakers and their staff are allowed to carry handguns in the Capitol and on complex grounds. A bill introduced this year would extend that right to some statewide elected officials and their staff.
Lucas eventually begins to walk away and asks, "Anybody else have any rational concerns they'd like to address?" When the conversation began again, he walked away.

Oh, and Lucas is so responsible that:
Lucas was in the news last summer when he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor drunken driving charges after police said he crashed his pickup truck through an interstate highway guardrail and drove away. Lucas, who was first elected to the Legislature in 2012, was allowed to keep his position; state law only prohibits those with felony convictions from holding elected office.

[disclosure: we own guns but don't carry and flash people with them and we do NOT drive after even so much a one glass of wine.]
January 22, 2024

I used to lurk here years ago, when DU was young

and I came lurking again in recent years, when Twitter started getting less and less civil. Have noticed that DU of today is a LOT different than from back in it's infancy and it is flippin disheartening to see. Is it the whole national trend or is it something else? I am truly understanding of your tendency to be here less lately. Sadly, I am feeling the same and that is bad because my recollection of DU was that it was a great place for sharing valid information and filled with a lot of very thoughtful people who came together with different perspectives which enriched all of us. Now? It's like the song says: Paranoia strikes deep

Anywho, I am glad to meet you here, JohnSJ. Glad to know there are still level headed folk here. As much as I would love to run from the degradation of discourse, I know it may be essential for calmer heads to stick it out and battle the knee jerking factions who often run on anger born of misunderstanding. If we allow volume to become more important than genuine concern and constructive questions, this site, and maybe this society, will become impotent to help make life better.

Again, good to 'meet' you here.

December 20, 2023

Karma, of the Instant variety, has been busy busy busy

A few days prior to the Colorado Supreme Court handing down a sour stomach to Trump, Instant Karma evidently did a trial run of magical powers on three Colorado teens who woke up and chose robbery for their day's activity.


A stolen, stolen getaway vehicle?

According to the release, just after 11 a.m., officers responded to Hi Lo Check Cashing after three armed, masked men robbed the business.

"Officers infiltrated the area and quickly chased down and arrested two of the three suspects," police posted in the release.

Officers said they later learned that as the trio was robbing the business, "a fourth criminal stole their getaway vehicle which may have already been stolen," police posted in the release.
September 5, 2023

Especially with Covid making a comeback & some schools already closing because of it

Idiots or narcissists bosses who are lonesome for audiences and people to push around?

People working from home are productive AND cut operational costs. Employees using their own space, their own heat/cooling, electricity, usually their own internet, often their own phones and printers, have to mean some cost savings. One can only guess it's bad bosses needing their personal needs met that would make such threats.

August 27, 2023

From Twitter: Ukrainian flag sent aloft from Kherson to temp occupied left bank region

A huge Ukrainian flag was raised in the air and sent from Kherson to temporarily occupied left bank of Kherson region.


OK, yeah, it brought tears to my eyes.

July 31, 2023

Years ago, I told husband who kept asking what I wanted for Christmas that I wanted a WIFE!

I had asked a small favor, that he pick up our car at my work place, a block from his, after work. We were having a little Christmas pot luck so I needed to take the car that morning with my contribution. We both normally walked to and from work.

There was going to be some 'Christmas cheer' with out pot luck supper and I DO NOT drive after one drink, period.

But the (then) spouse refused to walk the one block to pick up our car and drive home, instead walking the 8 blocks home and leaving our car at my job. He had already refused tp come to our pot luck, unlike all the other spouses.
This after I had attended THREE banquets related to his job. I had to make evening clothes for each banquet because we would be at the head table as he MC-ed all three banquets and we didn't have enough income to allow for buying lots of fancy clothes.

When I walked home from my job's pot luck, leaving the car in the parking lot, he was rearranging all the furniture in the house.

I snapped. Told him what I wanted for Christmas was A WIFE! Then I went on to list all the things HIS wife did around the house in addition to working outside the home just like him. Lord knows he didn't want to interrupt watching sports on TV to help around the house or care for the offspring.

He became enraged and charged me, but backed down when he realized if he lifted a hand against me it would be the end of him. He stormed out and stayed out all night. I called a friend to scout around town for him, to no avail. He walked a couple miles and checked into a hotel. Called his mommy on me and complained how mean I was. She listened and told him he was a jackass and to go home and apologize. He was furious at HER after that. Note, she also worked all her adult life, so knew the score.

Ten years later, we divorced. Life was better alone, and I did a lot of work on ME. Met the best man ever and life with him was amazing. Empathy and support is a better thing to base marriage on.

If you are not being heard, not being supported emotionally in a marriage, it is not a marriage and you deserve better!

November 4, 2022

'White Lives Matter' is now a protected trademark

A wise, anonymous someone bought trademark rights to the phrase, protecting it from being used for monetary gain without the oky-dokey. Then, that person gave the rights to a pair of radio hosts in Phoenix, asking that any monetary gains they might make be shared with certain worthy organizations.

Now, anyone trying to sell a White Lives Matter shirt or use the phrase for monetary gain will be handed a cease-and-desist letter by two Black radio hosts who own the trademark.

Ramses Ja and Quinton Ward are the hosts of Civic Cipher, a radio show based in Phoenix. A listener of the show reached out to them and told the hosts that they had acquired the trademark to White Lives Matter but thought protection of the phrase was better left in the hands of Ja and Ward.


Thinking some big left leaning law firm with oodles of resources might look into helping Ramses Ja & Quinton Ward enforce their power over monetary use of the phrase. Pro Bono for the greater good and a helping of F-U to the white supremacists and pandering pols.
June 3, 2022

Amid all the horrors involving guns, I would like to remember the fake electors AZ GOP pushed

A pal of mine in an Arizona borderlands county, retired educator and driven activist, is having a difficult time getting his local newspaper and local officials to ask hard questions about those people who pretended to be electors. Please indulge me by reading part of his message:


I am a retired Cochise College instructor (faculty emeritus), who is concerned that no local media has thus far investigated and reported on the role of one of our local public official’s role in what some national media have called potential crimes of forgery, conspiracy, and racketeering. One of Arizona’s “fake electors,” falsely naming themselves the “duly elected and official” state’s electors is the chair of the Cochise County Republican Party, Robert Montgomery. I recently confronted Montgomery and asked him about his role in this apparent conspiracy and election fraud. He told me, “It never happened.”

Concerned that no local law enforcement seemed to be investigating, much less prosecuting, Montgomery, I have contacted the Cochise County attorney, Brian McIntyre, via email and voicemail, several times, with no response. I have reported this apparent crime to the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office, via its official online form, with no response. I contacted the office of the Arizona Attorney General, which responded that it was referring these matters to federal authorities. I called the local office of the FBI, which took my report but has not contacted me for any follow-up.

My biggest concern is that the voters of Cochise County need to know that the chair of its Republican Party was involved in this apparent crime, which included misrepresenting their votes, along with all other Arizona voters. Thus far, Montgomery has not been held accountable legally nor via the local media.


Here is a quick little who's who about the fraudsters who tried to take away the voice of Arizona voters.

My pal has a whole list of citations on the illegal efforts of these insurrectionist wanna-bees, including photos of documents signed by the chairman of the County Republican Party in his county. Cochise County GOP Chair Montgomery tried to deny my pal's assertions and just blow him off, but you know how educators are, they come armed with facts and proof. Alas, to no avail.

Nobody in local media or government is doing anything, save trying really hard to shut down local discussion, near as we can observe. Democracy here is at risk from the fraternity of good ol boys who prefer sweeping truth under the rug.

Do we or don't we have laws? Why haven't we read about investigations of the signers of these fake elector forms that had been sent, claiming that they, and not the electors the voters of AZ voted for, should cast ballots in the selection of the president? Sure seems giving these criminals pass is just begging for more fraud in the future. And of course, it's not just about this stunt pulled in AZ; it happened in other states.

I know there are other pressing issues. I know we all are tired and it's hard to keep up with the dizzying barrage of attacks on American democracy along with major problems like mass shootings, virus mutations, harsh economic realities. A lot of the events in government and soft coups taking place are like carpet bombing the public with problems until we just give up paying attention. It's impossible for us all to keep juggling all the balls the GOP is tossing, but we can pick a few issues to work on. My pal would really appreciate it some more would keep some light on the fake electors that Kelli Ward put together here in Arizon. It might be a good idea to check the names on the list of AZ fraudsters and compare it to any prominent GOP members in your county. It might be a good idea to ask local news media and prosecutors what they are going to do about these people. Keep regularly applying pressure and let them know we won't ignore or forget the violation of our election.
June 2, 2022

Newbie here, pleased to meet you all

Blue girl in a red state we are turning purple. If favor of wearing masks and getting vaxed. Advocate for the mixing of the generations as opposed falling for the Right's divide and conquer method.

Been active on Twitter for years. Tried a couple other discussion boards over the years. Have lurked here from time to time. This site looks extremely well planned and designed. Still stumbling my way around, checking it out.

Am an old woman, lifelong liberal with progressive leanings. Have lived in rural America, urban America, suburban America, the beach, inland mountain, and the desert southwest. I really think we need to build bridges between those worlds so the populations have a better understanding of how the other groups live and how our various interests need to be considered. Fighting between the populations only serves the powers pushing the Right's agenda.

Got me a big dog, a pair of old cats, and a rocking chair. Putter a bit in the garden, but scaled down my efforts due to old age, which sorta sucks, but beats the alternative. Interested in herbs, comedy, some sci-fi and nature. Used to hike and miss it now.

Any-who, glad to meet you folks. Looking forward to learning from everybody and maybe offer some questions, resources, insights and observations that are useful.

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Member since: Thu Apr 14, 2022, 02:44 PM
Number of posts: 2,421
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