and the Sanctity of the "Preborn"
December 4, 2002
By Bob Nichols
Why are fetuses and embryos more important than non-born
again humans outside the womb? Or, what is it that makes the
"pre-born" sacred and the "post-born" unworthy of unconditional
Christ-like love and caring?
A part of the answer is that the Christian Radical Right
believes in the anti-gospel doctrine of Original Sin. This
was not part of Jesus' teachings, but invented a few centuries
later by a helpful "Saint" Augustine.
So "pre-born" embryos and fetuses are sinless, just like
Jesus, and then are sinful at the moment of birth and are
believed to be going straight to hell. Unless, of course,
they are among the 144,000 saved ones (see the Book of Revelation
for the predicted total) who have been "born again" and have
"Jesus as their personal savior," whatever that means. The
Christofascists stand in trembling ecstasy ready to be raptured
up when Armageddon erupts in the MidEast - and soon, they
hope. Dialing up global thermonuclear war is their fondest
But they are also totally ignoring Jesus' life, his ministry
and his teachings: unconditional love of friend and enemy,
unending mercy to the "least of these," forgiveness 70 X 7,
non-judgementalism, release to the captives not just visiting
them in jail, total prohibition of violence, the clear condemnation
of excess luxury wealth for his followers - and more.
Christofascists are consumed by their constant conservative
desire for absolute, authoritarian certainty rather than truth.
Their grasping belief in the pre-Christian view of God as
a vengeful, arbitrarily violent Yahweh sets them up perfectly
to follow the commands of any authoritarian leader. These
triumphant and confidant sounding leaders are always God-ordained
and are granted strict unconditional obedience from the sheep
in the pews. The Christofascists leaders are all too willing
to be judges, juries, and executioners of the unsaved non-believers.
This makes them very dangerous to the rest of us. That is,
if we are not born again as they define it right down to the
last dotted "i" and crossed "t." The Christofascist Christian
Fundamentalists seem more certain of the existence of Satan
than of the Christ-like merciful God that Jesus revealed.
Because we are sinful unbelieving "pagans" we will be condemned
to the mythical hell fires and suffer the mythical eternal
damnation we abundantly deserve. Thus, we will get no mercy
from them in the "endtime" battles to come. So, the Christofascists
are giving Christianity a bad name, yet again. Recall
the Scope's Monkey trial of 1925 when they embarrassed themselves
into near oblivion over creationism.
It is quite clear that the Bush administration is into brutal
economic and military domination. What the Bushistas are espousing
demonstrates very few core differences from those of Hitler's
economic and military policies of the 1930s. Except ours is
a more subtle, sophistocated, post graduate school form of
fascism. Our own form puts the real premium on close, friendly
"co-operation" by government with big corporations.
The appropriate politico-religious term for the Compassionless
Christianity of Constatine, Augustine, the Crusaders, Torquemada
and the Grand Inquisitors, Stalin, Hitler, most of the Christian
bishops, Tom DeLay, Trent Lott, Jerry Falwell, and the other
anti-Christic pro-war types is Christofascism. It is a religion
that goes 180 degrees contrary to the teachings and model
of Jesus and his manifesto in the Sermon on the Mount (read
Matthew 5, 6 and 7).
Theirs is a powerful political movement that brainwashes
its followers into being bothered only by selected hot button
single issues like Roe vs. Wade, school vouchers, "death to
fags", condemnation of non-Christians, xenophobia, and pro-Armageddon
foreign policies. They conveniently ignore the great social
problems of poverty, hunger, war, racism, environmental degradation
and other types of violence.
The most frustrating thing about all this is that these anti-intellectual
fundamentalists and their absurdities are given free rein
by the press to take "the moral high ground" by being concerned
about the "un-born."
The psychology behind the so-called sympathy for the fetus
needs to be understood; and it is this: all their punitive
and conservative political agenda items are pro-death.
That means: pro-mass slaughter in war, pro-capital punishment,
death to gays, lesbians and adultresses while totally ignoring
what must be done for the sustainability of the human race.
Remember, they know they will be safely in the mythical
bosom of Jesus after the mythical Rapture saves them from
the mythical Armageddon, so they couldn't give a rip about
those of us who are "Left Behind."
And a major unspoken (think: plausable deniability) reason
behind their anti-choice stance is not sympathy for the fetus;
rather, they want punishment for the woman who sinned by having
filthy sex.
Filthy sex acts are often performed out of wedlock and therefore
represent a huge dilemma for the pregnant woman and her unplanned
pregnancy. She knows that she may not be able to adequately
care for the baby. But, she has been brain-washed to think
that she will feel guilty if she chooses even a first trimester
termination of the pregnancy. And thus, she is essentially
coerced to have the baby against her will. This even if there
is no future for either of the victims of the pregnancy. The
Christofascists demand, like Torquemada, the suffering of
sinners. Christian mercy is not important to them, their devil,
or their punitive god.
Between the Time of Jesus and the time of Constantine, Christofascists
developed punitive politics, punitive theologies and punitive
parenting methods from the Old Testament Book of Leviticus.
The punitive parenting of punitive conservative Christian
parents comes from the "Spare the Rod/Spoil the Child" injunction
in the pre-Christian scriptures. Note that the anti-gospel
doctrine of biblical inerrancy completely overshadows and
conveniently crushes the beautiful, highly ethical Sermon
on the Mount.
The Bushistas are worthy sucessors to Herr Goebbels with
the magical propaganda machine Karl Rove inherited. The creation
of a totalitarian mass psychology is a fact. The terrorist
wing of the Repug party has control.
They must be stopped. We must own and control our own media
just to start. All across America, progressive and radical
people are starting to think and say the same thing.
Bob Nichols is a writer working in Oklahoma. He can be reached
at [email protected].