speaktruthtopower's JournalSubstance Please!
It is a sad statement that the political consultants apparently think Trump's tasteless private remarks make him unelectable more than his proposal to cut taxes when the country is 20 trillion in debt...and he has a plan to fit it.
I guess we're never going to hear the debate on how to handle that, given the latest low blow that came out today (see Drudge).
Trump Rebound? An Outlier?
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2016/white_house_watch_oct13Could Trump's crash and burn ultimately hurt?
A lot of voters are going to split the ticket..which may mean a close win is better than a big win.
Puzzling Question
Why didn't this tape with Billy Bush come out when Trump was still in a race with Jeb?
What all Americans Should be Lamenting...
is one more political debate where public perception and media analysis from even the elite press is based almost entirely on style over substance.
What would happen..
if Pence has a good debate, and Trump decides to drop out in the next few weeks?
Put aside partisanship for a moment and give me your honest opinion
Will there be an outrageous moment tonight that people will talk about for decades to come?
The best approach...
Would be for Hillary to start with a self-effacing recollection of her husband's first hundred days, the travel office imbroglio etc., and then turn to Trump and say "I learned the hard way by trial and error how to do this job right...why should the country take a chance on you when you have far less experience in government than we did"?
In real life..
do you think Hillary and Trump dislike each other? After all she was at his wedding.
If Trump Quits
will his supporters be angry at the "liberal press" and turn out in droves for his replacement or stay home?
Profile Information
Member since: Sun Jan 31, 2016, 10:26 AMNumber of posts: 800