whatchamacallit's JournalAny politician who fights the establisment and doesn't quit when they're told, is "the next Nader"
according to the conditionally democratic. Lame.
Yes I know what's at stake, and that's why I refuse to validate the corrupt party establishment
with my expected obedience any longer. I've become aware that continuing to add my microvolt of power to keep the machine alive is not, as the rulers would have you believe, contributing to a better world. Bernie's campaign represents a glimmer of hope for a true departure from the as-usual business of using politics to concentrate wealth and power through war, fraud, and advantage. Hillary's campaign represents the status quo. Save the preaching and shaming for those who can't see the walls of their prison. I'm clear.
Trump is a giant cartoon. I don't think he's actually trying to win. So what the hell is he up to?

"Bernie, for the sake of democracy please stop participating in it!"
"Sure, not all the people have spoken, but enough have for the desired result. Please be a good <insert ethnoreligious tag here> and do the right thing for... Hillary."
"I'm glad Hillary is wooing Wall Street and Bush supporters...
... she's going to need every penny she can get to stop horrible republicans... like her... eh... close friends Trump and Bush".
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