roomtomove's JournalA refutation
Is anyone else addressing the "obvious" problems? Not to the extent Sanders does, if at all. Hillary's proposals are primarily a response to Sanders.
Free college is a commendable idea. I'm glad he brought it up. Let's figure out how to do it, rather than debunk it.
Glass Steagal was the major cause of the bankster problems. To deny that its reinstatement won't help fix the problem displays sheer ignorance of the issues.
Look up Bernie's voting history before blabbing nonsense.
2. Look up Bernie's voting record. It appears you are a little annoyed at Bernie because he didn't recognize you.
3. I would diss the Dems too for their abysmal performance. In fact he has caucused many years with the Dems. so you would criticize him strictly because he is an "outsider'???? You may as well vote Republican then, at least you will have a president who can "work" with Congress.
4. "Huge numbers of his supporters come off as racist, white privileged elitists." >>>>> this is the type of anecdotal evidence made popular by the Republicans, i.e......I knew a guy......or........ It's f...g cold in NY during winter...there is not global warning....
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Member since: Sat Dec 4, 2010, 08:51 AMNumber of posts: 235