ginny skinny
ginny skinny's JournalSo at lunch break today I saw some posts saying Lady Gaga did a great job at the inauguration...
So I thought maybe I should check it out and found it online. Unexpectedly, before she even started, as soon as I saw the Marine escorting her to the stage...I started bawling. That was the moment for me when it finally seemed real. After all this shit that's gone on that was the moment for me to finally feel some hope after these long four years.
Second impeachment. Add this to the silver linings list...
President Biden and Vice President Harris.
Won both (!) GA senate seats, against the odds.
Cop killer Trump Terrorists lured to D.C. where they photograph each other for later prosecution. Being rounded up now.
Trump delivers grievous wound to the Republican party.
Pence gets a wakeup call.
Merrick Garland as AG. The guy that helped prosecute the Oklahoma City bombings.
Pelosi tags Donnie with our history's first two time impeachment.
Much to be thankful for!
I am in a rage posting, doom scrolling, shit spiral...
I slept in late and from the time I woke up and turned on the Sunday morning political shows I have been toggling between my various message boards and click, click, clicking posts that fuel my rage. I hope I can last through inauguration day without my freaking head exploding.
I was planning a dry (alcohol free) January, like I did last year. It was a good way of calibrating my alcohol consumption. Had all intentions of doing it again this year. Then Jan. 6.
Dry February maybe...
Liar Tweets Tonight, post election update.
Here's another fun music video that you may or may not have seen.
The Day Democracy Died to the tune of American Pie. Pass it along!
Has anyone been watching "Dictator's Playbook" on PBS?'ve caught bits and pieces but I hope to go back and watch the full episodes when I get a chance. I've watched most of the Mussolini and Franco episodes and saw a pretty good chunk of the Amin episode last night. It's almost too much to bear. Lot's of parallels.
Explain why Tim Kaine and Martin O'Malley are not getting much 2020 consideration.
I have not heard much enthusiasm for these guys. Admittedly I didn't pay much attention to them in 2016 but I found them to be good spokespeople for the Dems after the election. What do I need to know about them? I've seen a lot of Tim Kaine on PBS the last few days, is he positioning?
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Crazy Ass, Trump Lovin' Indiana
Home country: USA
Member since: Tue Dec 20, 2016, 07:40 PM
Number of posts: 182