The results are in from the October photo contest (http://www.democraticunderground.com/10023882576)
and the winners are....
First place:
Thursday Group by postatomic
Second place:
Storytime with Grandpa by Mz Pip
Third place:
Old Stories by cynatnite
Top Ten Finalists:
Fifty Shades of Grey by LauraPourMeADrink
The following is based on a true story ... by MichaelSoE
"Rusting Away: Saga of the American Steelworker" by JohnnyRingo
The story teller by alfredo
undaunted by teamster633
The Inca: Mysterious Circular Terraces of Moray by mnhtnbb
When I Was Your Age.... by groundloop
Host's Choice (because I love street photography, black & white, and books):
Saturday at The Strand by Johnny NoShoes
Stay tuned and check out the Photography Group (http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=forum&id=1036) for news from postatomic about when, where and how to enter the November contest.
Thank you for voting and let's give a huge round of applause for all our photographers. It was a tough theme this month and everyone rose to the challenge. Great job!
The theme of this contest is Tell Me a Story...
Description of Theme: Storytelling, both oral and written. Books. Reading. Tall Tales. Legends.
Creative processing techniques were allowed but not required.
Contest will run for 72 hours, ending on Monday (Oct 21) evening.
Please feel free to comment and help keep this thread kicked!
Note: Skinner has authorized this contest be run in GD.
Thank you to all the photographers who submitted their work for this fun and exciting contest.
Old Stories
Storytime with Grandpa
The Inca: Mysterious Circular Terraces of Moray
Thursday Group
"Rusting Away: Saga of the American Steelworker"
The following is based on a true story ...
When I Was Your Age....
Fifty Shades of Grey
The story teller
Thread 3The theme of the September contest is Tell Me a Story...
Description of Theme: Storytelling, both oral and written. Books. Reading. Tall Tales. Legends.
Photo enhancement is allowed but not required.
The top two vote getters in each thread will advance to the finals along with the next four highest vote getters overall.
Preliminary Round will run for 72 hours.
Finals will be posted shortly thereafter and will run for 72 hours.
Please share your comments and help to keep this thread kicked!
Thread 2: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10023858643
NOTE: Skinner has authorized this contest be run in GD.
Storytime with Grandpa
The Inca: Mysterious Circular Terraces of Moray
Giants in Literature
Being Yourself is Allowed.
My Castle
Thread 2The theme of the September contest is Tell Me a Story...
Description of Theme: Storytelling, both oral and written. Books. Reading. Tall Tales. Legends.
Photo enhancement is allowed but not required.
The top two vote getters in each thread will advance to the finals along with the next four highest vote getters overall.
Preliminary Round will run for 72 hours.
Finals will be posted shortly thereafter and will run for 72 hours.
Please share your comments and help to keep this thread kicked!
Thread 3: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10023858644
NOTE: Skinner has authorized this contest be run in GD.
Old Stories
The story teller
Saturday at The Strand
"...and it was this BIG!"
The following is based on a true story ...
I can hear you now
When I Was Your Age....
Thread 1The theme of the September contest is Tell Me a Story...
Description of Theme: Storytelling, both oral and written. Books. Reading. Tall Tales. Legends.
Photo enhancement is allowed but not required.
The top two vote getters in each thread will advance to the finals along with the next four highest vote getters overall.
Preliminary Round will run for 72 hours.
Finals will be posted shortly thereafter and will run for 72 hours.
Please share your comments and help to keep this thread kicked!
Thread 3: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10023858644
NOTE: Skinner has authorized this contest be run in GD.
"Rusting Away: Saga of the American Steelworker"
Friday night at the Barnes & Noble
The Reading Dead
Fifty Shades of Grey
Thursday Group
Please use this thread to post your comment on the photo submitted for the October Photo Contest.
Submit your photos here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/103622278
Thank you.
The theme for the October Photo Contest is "Tell Me A Story..."
Description of Theme: Storytelling, both oral and written. Books. Reading. Tall Tales. Legends.
This is not a blind entry contest. Post your photo in this thread. A separate thread is posted for comments.
Comment thread here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/103622279
Entries will be accepted until Monday October 14 or until 30 entries are received. Prelims will be posted in GD shortly after.
Creative uses of photo manipulation techniques are accepted but not required.
Maximum pixel length is 800 pixels per side and a maximum of 300k file size.
Please read the Preliminary or the gathering of contest rules pinned at the top of this forum.
An entrant to this contest, by submitting a photograph, is giving permission for that photograph to be copied to Demopedia or to a linked Gallery and included in a DU Calendar that will display the photographs entered for this contest for the purpose of publicizing future contests and/or commemorating current and past contests. The entrant retains all other rights to the photograph being submitted. Neither Demopedia and/or a linked Gallery may use any photograph submitted for any purpose other than to display the photograph being submitted by the entrant, and neither gains any real or implied ownership rights to the photograph.
Thank you.
Photo of the Day (Week 1) - Warning: Graphic images
Hi everyone. I've missed all of you. I've been getting back into photography after a break and have agreed to do a photo-a-day project. Here's the first week's efforts. Some are snagged in low-light conditions on my phone. I'm hoping to get out with my good camera more often, but that's not an option to carry every day.
Coming soon: Community gardens
Pig heads at the local market
Cherries (They look disgusting, don't they?)
I Voted!
Chestnut blossoms
That's it for this week. It was a bit hit or miss. Next week's photos already look more promising.
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Gender: FemaleHome country: England/Canada
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Member since: Sun Jan 20, 2008, 02:27 PM
Number of posts: 10,525