TheOther95Percent's JournalHearts a'Plenty. Want a Heart?
I've posted two giveaways already and here is a third. If you would like a heart, please reply to this thread or kick for visibility. Thanks much.
Are you heartless? I'm giving away 20 hearts.
If you would like to join in the fun and don't already have a heart, reply to this message and I'll give you one.
I have 10 hearts to give away...
Tell me the best thing about Trump NOT being pResident or the best thing about Joe being President and receive a star.
Hypothetical Regarding Pardons in the Event Trump Dies
So I've been mulling this over. Should Trump lose the election - as I strongly believe he will - I predict he will issue pardons for himself along with all of his family and friends. What happens though if he should be incapacitated or die between now and January 20. I don't see Pence issuing pardons for any Trumps. He's too ambitious for that and these pardons have very little upside for him. President Perv's children and enablers are worried for a reason.
Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio Featured on "Finding Your Roots" Tonight
Hubs wandered in and out of the den practically demanding to know why I am watching one of my favorite programs being desecrated by the likes of Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Here is a recap of his comments:
At the end of the show, each participant is given a family history chart going back as far as the ancestry can be traced. Hubs said of Paul Ryan, "I hope his earliest ancestor is listed as Satan." On Marco Rubio, "I just know he's got slave owners in his ancestry." This was confirmed later on in the program. Hubs remarked, "That bastard Rubio would still own slaves if he could."
On the big reveal of Paul Ryan's Jewish ancestry, Hubs smirked and said, "I'm going to make him a yarmulke that says schmuck." along with "Oy vey! What did it have to be Paul Ryan? Why couldn't it be Beto?" and since I'm doing a bit of research into Hubs' family history (Hubs family fled pogroms in Russia) , "If you find out I'm related to Paul Ryan, don't tell me."
I have 7 hearts left to give. If you do not have any and want one, reply to this message
First come, first served. You can give me your favorite name for the Cheetoh Bandit.
My Commander in Crap Christmas Tree
I ordered 20 Trump toilet brushes and hung them (with festive ribbon, of course) from our Christmas tree. I would post a photo but I can 't figure out how to do it.
I need Help - Need List of Fox News Advertisers
I don't care what show. I'm going to write any advertiser that this white woman with a bigly amount of disposable income isn't going to buy products from any company that supports a "news" network that promotes the ludicrous idea that I hate white men (presumably, even my husband).
It's time for me to tell advertisers that I will not buy anything from companies that spend money underwriting shows that promoting hatred and bigotry. In fact, I'll go out of my way to buy from a competitor.
If you want to give me some G-rated sentences to include in my letter so much the better!
Fuck them all!
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Member since: Wed Apr 21, 2010, 02:56 PMNumber of posts: 1,035