Tarzanrock's JournalTotal "surrender" to Putin and Russia
I see that the Turd has completely capitulated to the Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin; unconditionally surrendered to Putin; and, has sold-out Ukraine and its people to the Russian dictator as well as our NATO allies. This took the Turd less than 30 days to surrender to Russia and its dictator without even a shot being fired. Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, IKE, Jack Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bu$h I and Jimmy Carter are each and all rolling over in their graves. It's almost unimaginable that this surrender monkey/traitor would sell out Ukraine and all our European allies. The Turd will be forever remembered as the most heinous and most evil American ever! The odious, abominable, heinous despicability of this is well beyond any description. May this criminal Motherfucker live in universal infamy for eternity!
How to fight Republican Fascism!
It's pretty simple. Don't patronize any Republican Nazi businesses. Don't purchase anything which Republican Nazis manufacture and/or sell. Don't shop in or at their stores and businesses whether they are department stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, jewelry stores, drive-in fast food restaurants, auto repair shops, ice cream parlors, etc. Don't hire them, don't employ them, don't give them jobs. The same goes for their families and their family members. A complete economic boycott of Republicans and their businesses. Stop purchasing their products, goods and services from their businesses and their corporations. Money is their god. It's the only thing which greedy Republican Nazis worship and understand and care about. You take it away from those greedy, selfish, racist, misogynist rat bastards. You only patronize businesses which support Democratic economic policies and those which support the Democratic Party, the Democratic economic agenda and our Republic and our Constitution. For example, you need spices for cooking -- buy those spices from Penzey's. Bill Penzey is strong suppoter of Democrats. https://www.penzeys.com/
Spend you entertainment monies in restaurants and bars which support Democrats and the Democratic Party and Unions. Change your automobile insurance -- buy it from Progressive Insurance, a supporter of Democrats. Stop paying other insurance companies who support the Turd and the Turd's rotten Fascist ilk. If you own Telsa stock -- dump it and replace it.
Always, encourage all your family members and friends to do this as well. It's the only effective way to fight these heinous Nazi assholes. I view this as a patriotic duty!
The most deranged, psychotic inaugural address ever ...
... coming at you, America. You can't even begin to imagine what an insane, deranged, psychotic rant will be forthcoming when that convicted felon/rapist gets his motor up and running during his inaugural address. You can take it to the bank that the Turd is already totally pissed off that his little celebratory parade had to be canceled.
It's Trump's fault.
There was an internet outage with Spectrum this evening in Los Angeles. It's Trump's fault. Trump failed to make America great again. Everything which goes wrong from now on out is Trump's fault. Pass it on!
Harris-Walz and a straight Democratic ticket all across the board will soon get my vote!
Harris-Walz and a straight Democratic ticket all across the board will soon get my vote! I am going to enjoy casting my vote in this election more than in any other elections in which I have voted since I have been eligible to vote. This ballot kills Fascists! Fuck you, Republican Nazi Party and your woman-hating, racist, anti-American, undemocratic Fascism! Rot in Hell, Assholes!
California BallotTrax
From:[email protected]
To: [Redacted]
Fri, Oct 4 at 8:50 AM
Hello [Redacted],
This is a message from the California Secretary of State on behalf of Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters. Your ballot for the upcoming November 5, 2024, General Election has been mailed to you. If you haven't received your ballot within 7 business days, please contact us.
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"Wheres My Ballot?" is a service of the California Secretary of State through your county election office. This service is powered by BallotTrax, 9501 Northfield Blvd | Denver, CO 80238.
The ball is now in Just Dumb Vance's hands.
If that fucking Nazi dirtball, Just Dumb Vance, had even any scintilla of "decency;" a molecule of American "patriotism;" a gram of basic "honesty;" a half-ounce of deontological "duty" anywhere in his entire body -- that piece of shit would immediately call for and demand that the Turd-Traitor "resign" and quit the Republican campaign to be President or else he would be forced to "resign" himself in light of these new revelations by the Special Prosecutor in today's Federal Court filing. The ball is now in Just Dumb's hands. Be a patriot, asshole!
Has anyone seen any "numbers" concerning the audience who watched the debate?
Are there any "numbers" as to the viewership of those who watched the debate? How many millions of Americans watched or listened to the debate?
A description of Donald Trump by Nate White. Narrated by Anthony Davis.
A description of Donald Trump by Nate White. Narrated by Anthony Davis.
One real interesting legal point in the Debate
One very interesting legal point in the debate tonight happened when Biden brought up the Turd's criminal felony convictions and the Turd answered by claiming that he "did nothing wrong" and that Judge and the Prosecutor were Democrats who purposefully rigged the judicial system against the Turd. The Turd further falsely told the American people that his criminal convictions were all done at the behest of Joe Biden. This utter lack of any remorse nor contrition for his 34 Felony convictions is not going to sit well with Judge Merchan who is going to sentence the Turd on July 11 -- less than 2 weeks from today.
You don't get convicted by a unanimous Jury for committing 34 Felony crimes and then go out and tell a hundred million Americans that you "did nothing wrong" and that the Court, the Judge and Prosecutor all conspired to purposefully "rig" the trial against you at the behest of the President of the United States without there being "legal consequences" to that defamatory lie uttered to a hundred million people which was made and uttered on national television. There will be "consequences" to this egregious, wrongful conduct.
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