TRoN33's JournalI want to say apologize for my dirty jokes about militiamen.
I wanted to take back what I said about the reference to the prison rape of militiamen. I allowed my anger toward the right wingers in general to get better of me. I'm glad that jury voted 7 out of 7 to hid my post.
I'm sorry about offending joke and I wanted to say thank you for wake me up about it.
I still love DU and I hope it will welcome me back.
Why is Netanyahu in France standing in the front of 'Unity March'?
He looks like he is desperately to be in center of attention while countless Palestinans are suffering being under siege by Israel armed forces.
Oh it's in...
North-fucking-Carolina. This part is the bitter coldest story regarding the hospice stories. If I ever decide to make a trip to North Carolina, I'll make sure it's drive-through in less than a day!
Paul Ryan Tells Poor People to Blame President Obama
In an interview with NBC News, Rep. Paul Ryan claimed that Obamas policies are the reason why people in poverty are poor. Ryan tried to convince the poor to blame Obama, not Republicans for their struggles.
I can't comprehend the size of douche-bag Paul Ryan really can be!
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Member since: Sat Mar 30, 2013, 07:03 PMNumber of posts: 769