Shipwack's JournalWHEN this is over, I don't want to hear a single Democrat...
... say that we need to look forward, not backward.
I want to prosecute every single M-Fer no matter their office, wealth, or age.
Examples must be made.
Forgiving the transgressors did not work:
After the Civil War.
After Watergate.
After the second Iraq war.
And too many other instances.
What do I want?
I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. [gives a mockingly cheerful finger waggle] Can you and your associates arrange this for me....?
Anyone else think that businesses will see tariffs...
... as an opportunity to make make more money?
When supply chains were disrupted, they increased prices by the amount of inflation and then some extra, even if they had no cost increases.
I think they're going to do the same thing now, and blame the tariffs.
Got hung up on by someone soliciting donations to support the police
I forget the name, but they said they want to help elect legislators that will support and protect law enforcement.
Me: "Are you going to support Republicans that support the release of the January 6th terrorists?"
(I usually ignore unknown numbers, but I'm job hunting right now and don't want to miss any recruiters.)
"It's Time for a Democratic Barry Goldwater"
- Oliver Willis
In 1964, conservatives began their takeover of the Republican Party. They were rebelling against a Republican establishment that they viewed as risk-averse, stodgy, and unwilling to push the boundaries of American politics and saw them as particularly afraid of pushing conservative ideas against the centrist consensus.
Contrast this with the Democratic Party at its crisis points. After Reaganism took over, Democrats decided their problem was the left and Clinton moved to the center. He won and while he had some achievements (most notably the economy), he surely did not advance America to the left to the degree that other Democrats like Johnson and Franklin Roosevelt had. And under Clinton the right continued to amass power, eventually taking over the House in 1994.
Even worse, cautious liberalism is a poor counter to the extreme conservatism descending from Goldwater that now runs the Republican Party. Conservatives are inspired, not just by demagogic leaders like Trump and G.W. Bush, but by the ideology of their movement that foolishly says government must be run like a business while also crushing the rights of women, minorities, and the LGBTQ community. Against that tide, liberalism has become a movement of protecting institutions and norms. This is has been particularly egregious under the leadership of people like Biden, Obama, and Sec. Hillary Clinton.
Thats why there needs to be a Democratic equivalent of the Goldwater movement, or at least the Tea Party movement that began an insurgency within the GOP after John McCain lost to Obama.
Musk should be made Time's "Person of the Year"
Jimmy Kimmel pointed out the best reason why Musk should get this honor: it would infuriate Trump.
Trump has desired this award for literally decades. He even has a fake Time magazine cover on display in the Mar-a-Lago dining room.
If Musk got the award instead of him, it would definitely end any sort of influence Musk had in the Trump Administration.
If you're a fan of Thom Hartmann
The website "Humble Bundle" is selling a collection of his books in electronic format. 10 ebooks (PDF and ePUB formats available) for a suggestion donation of $15, though you can pay more or less. A portion of the proceeds go to the charity Worldreader, which is dedicated to bringing ebooks to children. You can change how large a portion goes to the charity.
It ends November 26th, 2024.
The books are:
The Hidden History of the American Dream
The Hidden History of American Democracy
The Hidden History of Neoliberalism
The Hidden History of Big Brother in America
The Hidden History of American Healthcare
The Hidden History of American Oligarchy
The Hidden History of Monopolies
The Hidden History of the War on Voting
The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America
The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment
If you're a fan of Thom Hartmann
The website "Humble Bundle" is selling a collection of his books in electronic format. 10 ebooks (PDF and ePUB formats available) for a suggestion donation of $15, though you can pay more or less. A portion of the proceeds go to the charity Worldreader, which is dedicated to bringing ebooks to children. You can change how large a portion goes to the charity.
The books are:
The Hidden History of the American Dream
The Hidden History of American Democracy
The Hidden History of Neoliberalism
The Hidden History of Big Brother in America
The Hidden History of American Healthcare
The Hidden History of American Oligarchy
The Hidden History of Monopolies
The Hidden History of the War on Voting
The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America
The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment
Ok, time for triage. How much can we ship to Ukraine?
There are many things that are about to go south right now here in the US. I dont think that President Biden can do anything permanent between now and January 20th (except possibly student debt relief?) to mitigate any Trump policies.
Except maybe Ukraine. At this point, as Commander in Chief, could he start sending Ukraine the big items on their wish list? He doesnt have to worry about blowback at this point, or even congressional and constitutional niceties thanks (ha!) to the Supreme Courts ruling that he can do whatever he wants as long as its part of his official duties*.
I dont know what the answer is. Maybe the answer is nothing. I do know, however, that after the inauguration, not one bullet, not one spare part, not one iota of intel is leaving this country to go to Ukraine.
*Yes, yes, I know. The unspoken part of that ruling is that it applies only to Republican presidents.
Should local Democrats give Republican candidates time to speak?
This has been bugging me for a week. I've finally written the county chair of the local Democratic Party organization, but I wanted to get some other feedback.
Due to my work schedule, I can't attend my local meetings for the county Democratic Party. I still try to keep up with local issues, though. Last week I got my monthly party email, and saw this:
Jeff is running in the Republican Primary to be the next sheriff of the Bastrop County Sheriff's Department. He will relate the changes he would like to make in the department.
WTF? A Republican is being platformed at the Democratic Party County meeting? Even if we aren't running anyone to oppose the Republicans (and it appears we aren't, if I'm reading our primary ballot correctly) I see no reason to give him eyeballs.
Am I just ignorant on how things are run at the local level, or does anyone else find it odd? This is Bastrop County, by the way.
Should local Democrats give Republican candidates time to speak?
This has been bugging me for a week. I've finally written the county chair of the local Democratic Party organization, but I wanted to get some other feedback.
Due to my work schedule, I can't attend my local meetings for the county Democratic Party. I still try to keep up with local issues, though. Last week I got my monthly party email, and saw this:
Jeff is running in the Republican Primary to be the next sheriff of the Bastrop County Sheriff's Department. He will relate the changes he would like to make in the department.
WTF? A Republican is being platformed at the Democratic Party County meeting? Even if we aren't running anyone to oppose the Republicans (and it appears we aren't, if I'm reading our primary ballot correctly) I see no reason to give him eyeballs.
Am I just ignorant on how things are run at the local level, or does anyone else find it odd? This is in central Texas, by the way; I think I'll cross post this in the local state board.
Profile Information
Name: David LangdonGender: Male
Hometown: Texas
Home country: United States
Current location: Elgin, TX
Member since: 2002
Number of posts: 2,440