New Orleans Strong
New Orleans Strong's JournalHas anyone noticed...
That every cable newz show on the electric teevee machine yesterday was about a "perceived threat" to kidz(!) in Los Angeles? Hoax!? What? Not one second to kidz! in Flint, Michigan, with lead poisoning? An, um., um um um Mmm actual threat? Sounds like an actual threat doesn't sell ads. Ever despair about All The Things? Google it. I suck at links and pasting and such. Moran, me... Lead poisoning, I suppose.
Well. Trump did this... BUT!
Not a word about a f&cking retired Lt. Col. on Fox calling the President of the United States of America a "Total Pussy ". On air. Pleeze, pleeeeeeze discuss.
For fun!!!! Oh! Lotsa fun!!
Name some of "The really cool things" Jeb! would be doing if he weren't doing the - (weakest ever) run for the presidency?
Waiting, and this should be delicious -
Being here then and then being from New Orleans this week
The press circus is already too much. I am guessing that there are 10,000's people living in this town who are about to find out they have PTSD. The press is brutal. Just brutal. The feeling here is that the press can descend upon a town and torment its most tormented residents - we were actually called "refugees!
Can't tell you how much I love this city, but this was a manmade and lied about disaster. And can't W. just fly over us and look out the window?
My. I love New Orleans so much -
Watching Trump on MSNBC right now.
Has it occurred to anyone else that perhaps the big right wing hero is not Ayn Rand? Their heroes are actually the main characters from Sinclair Lewis novels. The Trumpster has just about invalidated Burt Lancaster's Wow! performance as Elmer Gantry. Geeze... And everyone wants seconds. And I may have just mixed a metaphor. You'll forgive if you saw it -
I dunno. Just watched eulogy 4 times...
Don't want to set off nuclear warheads, but remember that Nobel Prize? Wow. And wow. That! - is a leader of the free world. That was the President of The United States of America. Just...Yay. We voted for THAT. And not for THAT... Jelly. Just jelly. He went there. And there. Then, the President of the United States of America went there! Then he kissed two beautiful girls.
A week? Yes?
and then a part of America so, so went there...
Has anybody noticed...
That Liz Cheney may actually be Tonya Harding? I mean, has anyone ever seen them together? Ever? L.C. dropped out of the race in WY and it coincided with a Tonya anniversary - and, well, Yeesh... Seeing pictures of them both recently made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
I realize that these are by no means slow news days, but - anyone else see it?
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Member since: Tue Oct 1, 2013, 07:33 PMNumber of posts: 212