MANative's JournalJust got devastating news - UPDATE
My dear friend and business partner was diagnosed with a liver disease that will take her life in two to three months if she does not have a transplant. She is a 55 year-old single mother of a ten-year-old daughter, and has no health insurance. Her doctor told her that without health insurance, no hospital will allow her to be treated. He told her to go home and get her affairs in order. I'm gutted over this. I've known this wonderful woman for nearly 15 years, and she is smart and kind and as beautiful inside as she is outside. She doesn't deserve this.
UPDATE: "T" and I have been wading through all of your wonderful ideas and suggestions throughout the day, making phone calls, faxing things all over the place, and we have at least three solid things in process thanks to my DU friends. We are actively working on the Obamacare piece, SSI/SSDI, and the Mayo Clinic. She has also scheduled an appointment with another doctor on Tuesday for a second opinion. She was overwhelmed at the level of caring and helpfulness from this community. I told her, of course, that this is what's at the heart of being a Democrat! She and I are both very hopeful that she will now be able to get the care that she needs. She gratefully accepts your warm wishes and hugs, and sends them back with gusto. I'll add mine to that sentiment.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Massachusetts
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Member since: Wed Nov 16, 2005, 01:36 PM
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