LAS14's JournalWhat do you do with celery????
I have five favorite recipes that use celery. I don't always want to cook them all at the same time, so I'm often left with 3/4 of a bunch of celery. I need more celery recipes. What are your favorites? Just to avoid duplication, my five are....
Apple celery salad
Sherried tuna on rice
Potato salad
"This is the country I've served and defended... And here, right matters."
I had sort of expected to see this plastered all over the MSM, but had trouble finding it at all yesterday. Today this comes from a NYT opinion piece.
I kept thinking of the gold star father at the Dem convention (sorry I can't remember his name). These are the true faces of immigration in the U.S. Who, in their right mind, would want to reduce our access to such people?
I guess "in their right mind" is the key....
Edit: Here's an excellent statement of Vidman's impact.
Billionaires give Elizabeth Warren a political gift before she can even tax them -- their anger
Sorry, someone sent me the whole article. I don't have a link.
Everytime Warren looks like she might disappoint she reminds you that she's grounded in reality and has a really clear vision. GO ELIZABETH!
By Jazmine Ulloa Globe Staff,November 16, 2019, 10:09 a.m.
After Bill Gates overestimated how much he would pay under her proposed wealth tax, she added A Calculator for the Billionaires to her website to help him and others figure it out. When a hedge fund manager got emotional in a TV interview in which he blasted Warrens plans, her campaign started selling mugs emblazoned with the words: Billionaire Tears. And after the attacks from the ultra-wealthy only seemed to amplify, she released her sharpest response yet: a TV ad that calls on billionaires to share the wealth and slams four of them by name and net worth.
Warren is ratcheting up her attacks on billionaires in a strategy that political analysts say could help her in two ways in her race for the Democratic presidential nomination: by diverting voters from criticism of her ambitious policy plans by moderate Democratic candidates and by boosting her primary chances as she vies with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for support from the partys liberal wing.
I think its great for Warren, Brad Bannon, an unaligned Democratic strategist, said of her battle with some of the nations richest people. When all is said and done, theres only going to be two Democrats left standing, and one of them is going to be progressive and the other centrist. . . . Her job right now is to make sure she and not Sanders is going to be the progressive favorite.
If we're all limited to $2500 (real people), how do rich donor parties benefit candidates? nt
Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed
I can't find how the justices voted. They simply declined to hear the case. I once heard how many had to agree for them to decide that way. Anyhoo, can't find it on Google. Does anyone know?
Do we know where Gabbard's new supporters come from? nt
Is there an optimum length of stay when looking for air fare deals?
Now that we're retired we can wait until "a deal" shows up to go to, say, Hawaii. I'd like to know what length of stay to specify to increase my chances of finding a good price. Is there such a thing as optimum length of stay?
It just dawned on me. (Senate trial)
When the Senate trial begins, Republicans will be calling all sorts of "witnesses." Is there any reason why half the time won't be taken up with questions like "And why did the president think that the Bidens needed to be investigated?" This will bring up that scurrilous book that started the false stories. And "Why did the president think the hacking originated in Ukraine?" Same story.
It would matter little that the answers can be torn apart with logic. We all have seen how damaging it is simply to ask the question. "What did John Kerry really do on that river in Viet Nam?"
So far all the MSM have been really good about shutting down chatter about false stories. But McConnell won't be good at all.
This was a new thought to me. Have pundits beaten it to death and I just didn't notice? Has this been discussed on DU?
Need travel advice.
Now that we're retired we're looking forward to taking advantage of travel deals. We don't have scheduling restrictions. I thought I could just look for deals to a particular spot (right now it's Hawaii) without specifying dates. But I can't find a way to do it. Actually, I was at and DID see a list of flight deals without having put in dates, but I can't reproduce that for the life of me.
Ideal would be to get e-mails when good deals crop up.
Can any of you help?
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