Capt. Obvious
Capt. Obvious's JournalI just did a little digging on this youth caucus
It actually has surprisingly accurate predictions for the following caucuses and elections.
Mock results
2014 results
Feel good about this Sanders supporters.
Thanks to Nate Silver I just took a trip down memory lane with Peggy Noonan
But to the election. Who knows what to make of the weighting of the polls and the assumptions as to who will vote? Who knows the depth and breadth of each partys turnout efforts? Among the wisest words spoken this cycle were by John Dickerson of CBS News and Slate, who said, in a conversation the night before the last presidential debate, that he thought maybe the American people were quietly cooking something up, something we dont know about.
I think they are and I think its this: a Romney win.
Romneys crowds are building28,000 in Morrisville, Pa., last night; 30,000 in West Chester, Ohio, Friday It isnt only a triumph of advance planning: People came, they got through security and waited for hours in the cold. His rallies look like rallies now, not enactments. In some new way hes caught his stride. He looks happy and grateful. His closing speech has been positive, future-looking, sweetly patriotic. His closing ads are sharpthe one about whats going on at the rallies is moving.
There is no denying the Republicans have the passion now, the enthusiasm. The Democrats do not. Independents are breaking for Romney. And theres the thing about the yard signs. In Florida a few weeks ago I saw Romney signs, not Obama ones. From Ohio I hear the same. From tony Northwest Washington, D.C., I hear the same.
Is it possible this whole thing is playing out before our eyes and were not really noticing because were too busy looking at data on paper instead of whats in front of us? Maybe thats the real distortion of the polls this year: They left us discounting the world around us.
I suspect both Romney and Obama have a sense of whats coming, and its part of why Romney looks so peaceful and Obama so roiled.
Maybe thats what the coming Romney moment is about: independents, conservatives, Republicans, even some Democrats, thinking: We can turn it around, we can work together, we can right this thing, and he can help.
Three year old Schadenfreude still tastes delicious.
Nate snarkily called someone Peggy Noonan and linked to this memorable piece.

And when they get hidden
it spawns the Watch Your Back threads in said groups where the protected community commiserates over the unfair stalking by enemies as well as trading tips on how to avoid juries stacked by your enemies as well as increasing your chances at getting called for an enemy's jury.
Election candidate wants gay people jailed, adultery made illegal and rock bands outlawed
The devout Christian says her campaign will focus on moral issues including society's "dangerous" homosexual agenda.
She also wants to outlaw rock music, saying it fuels sexual anarchy and drug use.
"I don't consider myself extreme - not at all," she said. "It is society that has moved. Not so far in the past, most people would have shared my views.
"My views only seem extreme because society has moved away from God's principles."
Mrs White said she opposes feminism "with all her might", and says it is to blame for the recession.
"Feminism is responsible for many of the social ills we see all around us," she added.
"They [feminists] are responsible for the economy - they destroyed the whole concept of a family wage with the father as the bread-winner and the stay-at-home mother. They make women feel they have to be out in the workforce."
Mrs White is also "absolutely opposed to the homosexual agenda" in today's society. If I had the power, I would certainly re-criminalise homosexuality, along with adultery," she added.
She said anyone involved in homosexual or adulterous practices should be jailed.
C'mon people. Cut off the bark and the tree will die.
Do you think Hillary Clinton is going to run?
All of the teeth gnashing on this site over her potential candidacy and she has not yet declared, and as far as I know started the obligatory exploratory committee.
Is it just accepted wisdom that she's in?
I'm going to plant my flag here: I don't think she will be the Democratic nominee next year but unlike others, I think she will not be the nominee because she will not run.
CPAC Website Apparently Mixed Up Two Black Republicans

A screengrab of the mixup tweeted by Washington Post reporter Ben Terris on Wednesday morning showed that, at least on the CPAC mobile site, Carson's entry displayed Scott's portrait.
All black conservatives look alike apparently.
That sounds a bit like sarcasm
Re: Firefighters
43. a) you have no idea.
b) I've also never had a job in which I'm paid to sleep.
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