BornADemocrat's JournalFlorida changed its COVID-19 data, creating an 'artificial decline' in recent deaths got almost universally skewered here for pointing this out 2 weeks ago.
Florida cases highest since pandemic began, deaths unexplainably dipped to lowest since beginning
What's the deal here? I don't see any other states with this pattern - what gives? I assume DeSantis is behind this, but I doubt monoclonal antibodies are helping this much?
Link to data:
Didn't realize that criticizing DeSantis would upset people here.
Edit: I updated graphs to make it more clear and changed title.
15% of all new cases in USA
0.8% of all new deaths in USA
Another who died of a "medical emergency" great loss
250k cases, 3500 dead
Just another day at the office
Ugh, we just hit 300,000 deaths, or 100 9/11's is insane that people are attempting to downplay this.
We lost our newly elected (Republican) Speaker of the NH House this week.
$140 for an appt, $170 for a test, 5 days and counting for results?
We have no coordinated system for dealing with this pandemic in this country. It's a colossal disaster.
We are slow at work, so my coworker is working part time. She has no health insurance. She moonlights as a bartender so she can pay the rent. As you might expect, she was exposed to a person with Covid at her bartending job. 9 days after exposure, she got a call that she was exposed to a person who tested positive (they have 4 positive tests and counting currently.) She immediately gets a doctor's appointment ($140) and they recommend a test (next day, $170). She got the lab test due to the well published lack of accuracy of the quick-test (assuming the quick test was even offered.)
Currently I am in quarantine 5 days later waiting patiently for her result. By the time the result comes in, it'll be pointless. I have had to curtail ANY interaction with people (shopping, bringing mom stuff etc) since last Tuesday. IF she tests positive, then that puts a whole new set of events into motion (all essentially too delayed to make any difference.)
Am I wrong to be livid at how utterly inept our system is 9 months into this pandemic? Why are poor people who are barely making ends meet paying for tests? Why are doctors charging $140 just to give permission to take a test? Why are results so delayed as to have essentially no usefulness? Our entire company is on hold waiting for this result. We're honestly not much better than a 3rd world country at this point, it's no wonder our response to this pandemic has been a disaster. Obviously we would be much batter off if we had an actual coordinated government response, which starts at the top. Worst president ever. Biden can't get into office fast enough.
A nice round number

I've been watching & waiting for it to tick up to an even 51.0%

5.8 million vote lead achieved, 6 million soon.
Biden's lead in PA up to 82k those idiots in MI came to their senses. Things are looking up.
OK, I'm done with ignoring the hanger-on zombies
I've taken to pointing and laughing, then yelling "haha, your [expletive] lost!" when I see the houses with the x-tra large posters with the losers name on them.
Also, in the DD covfefe line this morning I had a "women for Rump" (and two other stickers) person in front of me. I yelled loudly "haha, your guy lost!".
I'm done with ignoring them. Yes, I don't really care that they're pathetically displaying loser items in public (it's kind of funny), but I do think they should know that many people consider them poor sport losers.
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