AZ Jim
AZ Jim's JournalI am sickened and ashamed
To be American now. I am in my 80's, served in our military, never missed an election, never arrested, always paid my debts, have a 800 + credit score, held a top secret clearance with DOD and I am sick at what we have become with trump. He is a liar and coward and why people support the bastard is beyond me. I am glad I am closer to the crypt than the crib now. I pity my Great and great great grand-kids.
We don't need Republicans
We are doing a great job making Clinton and Sanders look like terrible candidates ourselves. Will be kinda hard to backup on some of the charges (read half truths) when we have to get behind the nominee before the General election. I'm just sayin.....
The most critical issue for 2016
America absolutely cannot afford two things: (1) Not to have a veto power in the white house to protect our oldest, poorest and weakest from the radical tea party fanatics and (2) another far right appointment to the supreme court (remember Ruth Ginsberg will have to resign soon). A vote for the Republican party (any of them) means more lock step march toward completely making this a nation of Kings and paupers.
Profile Information
Name: JimGender: Do not display
Hometown: Arizona
Member since: Sat Jan 9, 2016, 02:44 PM
Number of posts: 70