63splitwindow's JournalDon the Con totally annihilates another of his original hate-base platform planks
One of the primary reasons his hate-base claimed they supported him originally was because he was self-funded and accused the other Rethug candidates of being bought and paid for by super PACS. With that in mind, get a load of this:
source: CNN
Trump adds deputy campaign manager for stretch run
" (CNN) Donald Trump's campaign is undergoing more top-level changes, just two weeks after Trump reshuffled his campaign leadership.
The Republican nominee hired David Bossie, the president of the conservative political advocacy group Citizens United, as deputy campaign manager to help steer his campaign in the final months of the election, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway confirmed to CNN Thursday.
The campaign's hire of Bossie adds several decades of national political experience to Trump's presidential bid, which has faced several weeks of gloomy poll numbers.
..." (emphasis added)
more at: http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/01/politics/donald-trump-campaign-changes/index.html
Don the Con secretly filmed interviewing potential new surrogates while in AZ yesterday...
Absolute kudos to The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell tonight
He is definitely the calm voice of reason and clarity regarding Don the Con's speech last night. If you missed it, you can see it at his website: http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word
What the majority of Arizonans REALLY think about Don the Con
source: Editorial board, The Republic | azcentral.com 6:44 a.m. MST September 1, 2016
Our View: Sigh. Old Trump is baaack, making Phoenix look bad
Editorial: Donald Trump played nice for the Mexican president, then unleashed his immigration venom in Phoenix.
Arizona has heard this all before
In the Trump universe, illegal immigration is the nucleus of all that ails the United States. Its the catalyst of crime and the bane of every police department. Its the great drain on national resources and an urgent threat to our national security.
Weve seen this all before in Arizona. Russell Pearce and Joe Arpaio, Andrew Thomas and Paul Babeu. Phoenix is the test market for border demagoguery and so Trump naturally brought his own brand of this toxin to the place that has swallowed the most.
Our state eventually came to its senses and dispatched Brand Pearce and his Senate Bill 1070 immigration law. We will now wait and see if the American people do the same with Brand Trump"
more at: http://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/editorial/2016/09/01/trump-immigration-rhetoric-phoenix/89709898/
Has Don the Con ever said anything about Russian mobsters in US?
source: Radio Free Europe
Radio Liberty
Russian Gangs Of New York
"When journalist Alexandre Grant began covering crime some 25 years ago, gangsters and roughnecks who'd decamped from the teetering Soviet Union roamed New York City's Russian-speaking neighborhoods, menacing emigres with extortion rackets and brazen contract hits.
That scene is largely gone -- a good thing, to be sure, for entrepreneurs who once shuddered at hearing the Russian equivalent of "Nice place you got here. Be a shame if something happened to it."
Grant, though, betrays a certain nostalgia for that brutish era, one bereft of cookie-cutter cybercrimes that land Russian-speaking criminal groups in authorities' crosshairs nowadays.
more at: http://www.rferl.org/content/russian-gangs-new-york/26685455.html
Let's face it, Russia isn't sending us their best...
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton to Trump: Extreme rhetoric not welcome here
source: AZCentral
" Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and local immigration activists sent a stern message to Donald Trump ahead of his highly-anticipated speech Wednesday: Your "extreme rhetoric" isn't welcome here.
Stanton called the Republican presidential candidate's attempt to clarify his position on immigration a signal of a floundering campaign.
He spoke at a morning press conference alongside state Rep. Rebecca Rios, D-Phoenix, and two young people who are so-called "dreamers" immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children who have been protected from deportation under President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA.
more at: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/08/31/donald-trump-immigration-phoenix-arizona-policy-speech-mexico/89615128/
WARNING- at link is also some Arpaio nonsense you wade through to get to this
Trump, in Mexico, insists on America’s right to build a wall Read more: http://www.politico.com/
Who the eff ever said we didn't have the RIGHT to build a wall? Straw man much Con Man? If he only had a brain...
How many times did Don the Con say "OUR HEMISPHERE" ?
His base gonna be spinnin' that one real fast. Sounds "Hemispheric" as opposed to nationalistic to me.
In Don the Con's PRIVATE meeting with Mexico President Peña Nieto tomorrow I certainly hope that
it is recorded in some way so that there can be no dispute as to what is said. You know that Don the Con will fabricate some grandiose version of what he will "accomplish" at the meeting.
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