Nashville City PaperNashville’s anti-gay bias ordinance was adopted less than 24 hours ago
(Tuesday), and already the state legislature is taking steps to nullify it.
Without debate, the House Commerce Subcommittee voted for legislation Wednesday to bar all Tennessee cities from enacting their own policies against gay, lesbian and/or transgender discrimination. The action was taken by voice vote, with no lawmaker offering audible opposition.
... When lawmakers voted against the similar bill a month ago, they said they were against state government telling cities what to do. The Family Action Council’s David Fowler said social conservatives managed to overcome that opposition by narrowing their proposal to the gay issue.
... Fowler defended his organization’s video, saying it did not intend to paint gays or transgender people as child molesters. If Nashville’s ordinance were allowed to stand, “you don’t know whether a person’s in (the women’s restroom) lawfully or not in there lawfully.”
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