Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., the oldest of the four Kennedy brothers, was the one being groomed for a life in politics by Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. A very brave and conscientious young man, he was a delegate at the 1940 Democratic convention where he cast his vote for an opponent to FDR -- because that's how he had pledged. Here's a little bit about his wartime service:
After completing two tours as pilot of a US Navy PB-4Y (modified B-24 Liberator) on anti-submarine warfare patrol over the North Atlantic from 1943-44, Joe, Jr. volunteered for a top-secret mission in which he would pilot an experimental remote-control version of the 4-engine bomber. Code named APHRODITE, the program required state-of-the-art science, engineering, and warfare yet required most of all the highest degree of bravery imagineable.
The objective was to knock out NAZI submarine pens and the V-2 sites along the western coast of Europe. At the time, the V-2 -- history's first ballistic missiles, developed by Werner von Braun and his team at Peenemünde -- were almost unstoppable as they delivered their deadly payloads to London. The allies were worried that if the Nazis continued developing their super-weapons, the V-2’s descendants could soon be delivering bombs — possibly atomic — to New York City. APHRODITE / ANVIL was to stop the rockets at their source.
Joe Kennedy’s plane was among a dozen or so Liberators and B-17 Flying Fortresses modified for a very early version of remote control flight. The aircraft, basically, became history's first guided missiles. Their entire fuselages were stuffed with TNT, Torpex and gelignite. The Army Air Force flew B-17s and the Navy were in the Liberators, which IIRC were to be armed by a rather elaborate, if not negligently dangerous, electronic arming panel.
Like something out of Buck Rogers, the Navy equipped the airplane with a primitive 2-channel remote-control pilot. One radio signal could make the stick move forward and backward to make the plane dive and climb; another signal could make the stick move left and right to make the plane bank towards one or another direction. In some of the aircraft, an early video camera would send an image to technicians in the Mother Ship, where the remote pilot sat before a tiny TV monitor.
Kennedy’s job as pilot was to get the ship airborne from its airfield in Great Britain, point it toward Europe, help arm the flying bomb, and bail out over the English countryside. Sounds simple, but it was anything but. Once aloft, Kennedy and the other volunteer pilots and bombadiers were to turn on the radio-guidance controls, arm the flying bomb, and bail out at about one thousand feet. The Mother Ship would follow two miles or so back and then fly it over the English Channel and guide it down into the rocket launch sites.
The tragedy was that the Navy ship used a rather primitive arming panel. FWIW, the co-pilot refused to fly and instead the Navy sent aloft the engineer who designed or installed the system. Over the English countryside, the ship exploded, killing the two flyers and changing American political history.
Joe's younger brother John Fitzgerald Kennedy then became the heir to the family's political ambitions. Robert Francis Kennedy served as Attorney General of the United States and as a Senator devoted to ending war in Vietnam. Edward Moore Kennedy served as a Senator of the United States for 47 years, taking an active role in progressive and liberal legislation.
History shows JFK made an outstanding President. He saved the world from nuclear annihilation during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He stretched mankind’s reach to the moon, never living himself to see the impossible accomplished. He even used the NAZI rocket scientist who developed the V-2 to do so, the same von Braun who the allied air command sent his lost brother, Joseph, to destroy.