One principle of capitalism is that government cannot compete with private industry. This is the principle that the Republicans like to point it.
And it's true... with caveats.
The government cannot compete with private companies... if the industry is competitive. Government agencies can't compete with the innovation that for-profit companies can generate.
If the industry is not competitive, if it's not innovative, then the government can compete very well with the private industry.
Consider the Post Office. Moving mail from Point A to Point B. No private company could match that. However, the government could not match FedEx and UPS in the innovation department when hand-held barcode readers and wireless internet access made express delivery and real-time tracking a reality. The USPS eventually followed suite, but had UPS and FedEx not led the field a few years ago it's not likely the USPS would have bothered to put in such a system. After all, the recipient can just call when they get the package, right? What's the fuss???
The Republicans are screaming that a public option would destroy the private health-insurance industry.
This is true. It is true because the health-insurance business it not competitive and not innovative.
And if it is not competitive and not innovative, then the business should have, long ago, faded into a quiet, safe, and marginally profitable segment of the US economy. Like, say, paper clips. Or Scotch tape. Or SD televisions.
After all, insurance companies work in US dollars... which have been around for about 220 years. They take dollars and they put out dollars. The same dollars that Washington got his false teeth repaired with, the same dollars that Lincoln used to pay for train fare, the same dollars that I used last night to buy 69-cent tacos at Taco John's.
But it hasn't. It's been artificially inflated through monopolistic business practices. The entire industry works diligently to make the process much more complicated than it actually is, simply because they can then profit from the infrastructure they've created to deal with the complexity.
After all, one thing that's not commonly mentioned by the Republicans is that the LAST thing business was to do is compete for business! Why on God's green earth would anybody want to compete? Do you really think that when Burger King opens up a restraint across the street from McDonald's, the owner of the McDonald's says "Oh goody, competition!"
The owner says "Oh, shit. Competition."
Competition serves the customer, which is every single person in this country. And it why business hates it. Monopolies are far more profitable and stable than the free market, which is why businesses destroy the free market as soon as possible.
It is our duty to keep the markets competitive through laws (such as regulation and taxation) and to make sure that industries that are mature and stable stay where they belong... secure and mildly profitable. Nobody makes a fortune on paper clips now... but when the idea was first introduced, it was patented and there was much innovation it the design and production of them.
The health-insurance industry has proven that they will not stay secure and mildly profitable, as a mature, non-innovative industry should and must be. Therefore, it's time to move this mature industry to non-profit status.