Mesopotamia (present day Iraq) is actually where agriculture began - but today in Iraq - former US dictator L. Paul Bremer already outlawed seed re-use of “protective kinds” - so Iraq farmers once they buy Monsanto’s seeds will get stuck with buying them from Monsanto once and for all. here :
Is it possible that Iraqi farmers think back fondly to the good old days
before the Occupation and before Order 81? Even Saddam Hussein allowed them
to save seeds for the next year's crop. Is Monsanto a worse master than
Saddam? Imagine what would happen if there was a successful worldwide
movement of resistance, an international Save the Seed Campaign. Farmers and
consumers in the U.S. need to stand in solidarity with the farmers and
consumers in Iraq. If you have a stamp or coin collection, forget it.
Instead, it might be better to
start collecting seeds. Maybe soon, one good old-fashioned seed that was
made by Mother Nature will be more precious than your most prized gold coin.
Just one more thing... if you save seeds, keep it a secret. The Seed Police
have been on patrol. They are looking for you. these terminator seeds ? If so I thought their use had been outlawed.