for hits reserve, may be one of biggest domain name sales ever.
An auction for is attracting attention at Sedo. The domain has 63 bids and a current price of $2,505,000 USD as of the time of writing. That’s a whole lotta pizza — about a quarter million medium pepperoni pizzas. Although bids are still subject to verification, this sale could enliven the entire domain name market. The auction ends on April 3.
Other domains in the current Sedo Great Domains auction are also receiving bids, and many of them have met their reserves and still offer attractive investment opportunities. is just a dollar shy of $50,000 but the reserve of $50,000-$200,000 has not been met. My guess is the latest bidder is not interested in the domain, but realized he could place this bid without triggering the reserve. I personally don’t think this domain is worth near the high end of the reserve range, but perhaps $75,000-$100,000.