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Washington Times illegal alien fund & Moon’s billions that moved us right

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Cell Whitman Donating Member (872 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 04:00 PM
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Washington Times illegal alien fund & Moon’s billions that moved us right
Edited on Wed Aug-23-06 04:02 PM by Cell Whitman
Gorenfeld has a post up with some history of the anti-immigrant Washington Times and their illegal alien fund. He links to an article by the Southern Poverty Law Center which reports that Moon’s propaganda unit helped to wildly inflate the numbers and importance of the Minutemen.

Then he reports this from the WT history:

Time and space forbid a detailed discussion of the liberties taken with immigration law by the True Father as he's shipped cult members and truckloads of foreign cash across U.S. borders. And besides, as the editors of the newspaper love to remind us, the paper enjoys some editorial independence from its owners. (me: hahaha)

But then there's the newsroom alien fund described in a 1988 issue of the magazine Regardie's: The Business of Washington. Former Timesman Edmond Jacoby writes of a colleague, metro reporter Mike Davis, who conducted a private investigation after stumbling upon mysterious pay stubs left around the office by staffers at the Times's National Press Building office.

Every stub was for a "large direct deposit" made to a savings account. The savings account numbers were all the same.

His curiosity piqued by the mystery, Jacoby got in touch with Kate Tsubata, editor of Times sister publication The World & I. "Oh, that's for the illegals," she reportedly told him. "We used to do that in New York, also."

It was a savings account, Jacoby discovered, "from which cash was withdrawn to cover the living expenses of illegal aliens."

Then via a message from a little birdie :7 -- Gorenfeld’s post continues with an account from a member of Moon’s “church” who writes about a paycheck revolt at the Moon Times. Seems some members had the audacity to believe they should be paid for their labor.

Once the founding members of the Washington Times were settled in DC (first in the basement of the church, later in several group homes on Capitol Hill), the real work of creating a newspaper from scratch began in earnest...

A diabolical plan was hatched to save our souls from being corrupted by the filthy lucre that the satanic DC government said must be paid to us. We would get the legal minimum wage (roughly $15,000/yr. if I recall the amount correctly) -- AND THEN WE WERE TO SIGN OUR PAYCHECKS BACK TO THE CHURCH IMMEDIATELY! They even tried to make it as easy as possible for us by letting us endorse the checks just as we received them; in return we'd get some allowance. I think it was $20 a week.

Right away the DC government said, "Oh no you don't. That ain't legal." So a letter was drafted that each members was supposed to sign saying something to the effect that as missionaries the Unification Church provides all our room and board and therefore WE DON'T WANT TO BE PAID and "voluntarily" choose to "donate" our paychecks back to the Unification Church. Col. Pak launched a major effort to get every Unification Church member at the Washington Times to sign this letter. It was Code Red. more....

Then there is this from Robert Parry’s article “The Bush-Moon Cash Conduit”

In an interview with me in the mid-1990s, Pretorious said Asian church members would bring cash into the United States where it would be circulated through Moon's business empire as a way to launder it. At the center of this financial operation, Pretorious said, was One-Up Corp., a Delaware-registered holding company that owned many Moon enterprises including the Manhattan Center and New World Communications, the parent company of the Washington Times.

"Once that cash is at the Manhattan Center, it has to be accounted for," Pretorious said. "The way that's done is to launder the cash. Manhattan Center gives cash to a business called Happy World which owns restaurants. ... Happy World needs to pay illegal aliens. ... Happy World pays some back to the Manhattan Center for 'services rendered.' The rest goes to One-Up and then comes back to Manhattan Center as an investment."

More on all this at Gorenfeld’s and…'s a quote from former Moon follower Ron Paquette via the BBC Moon documentary "Emperor of the Universe."

"Not paying your taxes, withholding payroll taxes, paying people under the table cash so you didn’t have to pay the government money, that saved Father money, so therefore it was OK. It was doing God’s will because anything that supported Moon or supported the agenda was doing God’s will."

Please click here for info on the origins of some of – Moon's money - the BILLIONS that moved America right and theocratic

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Karenina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 04:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. A picture is worth a thousand words. Here are three...

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WhiteTara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 05:16 PM
Response to Original message
2. I'm glad to see that Moon is being brought
into the light of day. If there was ever a servant of satan, Moon's the guy. Monkey is just a stooge
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Cell Whitman Donating Member (872 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 08:20 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Liberals don't take him seriously and therefore he continues to win
Edited on Wed Aug-23-06 08:26 PM by Cell Whitman
seems like when he is brought up we can't get past the crowning or the "is jeff gannon the missing kid from the call boy ring" stuff. Just distractions.

If you search most liberal sites for references to him or his organization you will find little and mostly NOTHING. Liberals think they expose him by calling it the "Moonie Times"...they have no clue, NONE.

Someone posted that the WT doesn't have much influence, that is how bereft of historical and present knowledge the left has.

This goes much, much deeper and no one really gets it. If they did, I assure you, there would be several posts discussing him on every board and regular posts on the big blogs but now, everyone sits around and ignores it or waits for Gorenfeld's next installment. I made a post here asking people to request that TV news shows put Robert Parry on TV and I got a couple replies no rec and someone asked if he was ugly or had a bad voice. i.e. they knew NOTHING about the subject.

The right isn't going to talk about it. Rush isn't going to tell his cult following that without Moon's BILLIONS they wouldn't be in power. The left? They either throw up their hands, think he is clown,feel like what's thge use so why learn the details - complain because a post is too long about one gets it, yet. In fact the world is years and years behind understanding what he has done and is doing NOW. He laid a hook in the USA in the 80s and he is doing the SAME thing to the planet NOW and no will take the time to read and study and see it. The world is blind.

The man is working to undermine the Catholic Church's celibacy policy via his ACLC(Black preachers) and you have Cardinals meeting with his "peace" fronts. Not saying the UN or the RCC couldn't use some changes but Moon?

What do you see here:

Moon's fornt had a "peace" conference in the Middle East which was endorsed by Abass. He is NO DOUBT involved in some capacity in our negotiations with North Korea, recently the president of one African nation asked Moon to use his "great influence to help Africa."

When you are BLIND to what and how he changed America, you will likley never see what he is doing doing to the planet.

The world is blind, blind.

Hell, I know I don't make for interesting posts but fucking Bush farting at least got one rec.
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WhiteTara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 12:59 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. most liberals support the devil spawn
by eating sushi. He owns True World Foods, the largest supplier of sushi. Certainly put an end to my raw fish eating days when I found out. I tried to find his list of publications owned before I replied last night, but it was late, I was tired and so no go. Here is an interesting website to go to.
out to scare hell out of anyone who loves truth and liberty.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 01:31 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. The Bush family has always cleared the way for RevMoon on his endeavors
The fiend now controls most of this nation's fishing industry and has been buying up control of fresh water sources. He now owns all the land above the world's largest aquifer - just in time for the world's water wars.
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