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Sun Nov-13-05 08:52 PM Original message |
Republican Sex Scandals |
Edited on Thu Dec-11-08 04:25 PM by NobleCynic
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alabama Attorney General Troy King, known for his vocal opposition to gay rights and attempt to outlaw sex toys, was caught by his wife having gay sex with the local homecoming King from Troy University (Troy King caught with the Troy king???): via "Wonkette": Anti-Gay Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay - July 11, 2008 (A) prominent anti-homosexual Republican attorney general has apparently been caught having homosexual sex intercourse with his homosexual gay male assistant. Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed. Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Former Pawlenty, Huckabee Spokesman Caught In Sex Sting A two-day prostitution sting in St. Paul netted 35 men, including a longtime Republican operator in Minnesota politics. Peter Hong, 41, of Minneapolis, was one of 19 men picked up Wednesday afternoon after police say he responded to an ad for sex put out in newspapers and online by the St. Paul Police Department’s vice squad. The Carleton grad was a campaign spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty in 2002 and congressional press secretary to Sen. Rod Grams, R-Minn., for much of the 1990s. He also served as the Bush-Cheney Minnesota campaign spokesman in 2004. His most recent political stint was as presidential campaign spokesman for Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Hong is currently self-employed and “Always Searching for the Next Big Thing!” according to his profile on the business-networking Web site LinkedIn. (more...) Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri MO Republican Indicted, Charged With Sexual Assault Of 14 Yr Old Girl - Aug 7, 2008 JEFFERSON CITY -- Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended. The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl’s mother and Muschany -– who is married and has two children -- were romantically involved, the woman said. A Cole County grand jury returned an indictment today charging Muschany with the Class C felony of "deviate sexual assault." The indictment identifies the victim only by initials. It says that on May 17, Muschany "had deviate sexual intercourse" with the girl, "knowing that he did so without" her consent. Muschany, 42, was booked into the Cole County Jail today at 2:50 and he was released after posting a $5,000 bond. If convicted, Muschany faces a fine of up to $5,000 and a prison term of up to 7 years. (more...) Montana Nebraska Nevada Nevada's Republican Governor, Jim Gibbons, was accused of assaulting cocktail waitress Chrissy Mazzeo in October of 2006 a few weeks before his election to the position of governor. The waitress dropped the charges later citing intimidation and threats. http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Oct-26-Thu-2006/news/10448591.html">Las Vegas Review Journal In 2008, Jim Gibbons's wife, Dawn, filed for divorce citing an extra marital affair that the governor was participating in as the cause. The scandal expanded as their divorce took a turn for the worse when Dawn Gibbons threw Jim Gibbons out of the Governor's mansion and barricaded herself within. http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/30/divorce-turns-ugly-for-nevadas-governor/">New York Times http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/06/poor_poor_dawn_gibbons_first.php">TPMMuckraker New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 Congressman Vito Fossella (NY-13) turned out to be such a strong believer in family values that he had two families -- his "official" one in New York, and a mistress (plus their love child) in Virginia. When these facts came to light in 2008, Fossella was pressured by Republican leaders into renouncing a re-election attempt. North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sun Nov-13-05 08:52 PM Response to Original message |
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Sun Nov-13-05 08:54 PM Response to Original message |
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A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. |
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Sun Nov-13-05 09:02 PM Response to Original message |
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A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado SCHWARZ, Larry Jack: Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Rocky Mountain News article With his political career over, he went to work in the hard-core pornography industry for Platinum X Pictures, owned by his daughter, porn starlet Jewel De'Nyle (Stephany Schwarz). Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois RYAN, Jack (R) pressured wife to have public sex in sex clubs. <http://www.slate.com/id/2102857/> Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. |
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Sun Nov-13-05 09:05 PM Response to Original message |
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A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. |
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Sun Nov-13-05 09:05 PM Response to Original message |
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A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. |
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Sun Nov-13-05 09:07 PM Response to Original message |
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A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. |
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Sun Nov-13-05 09:13 PM Response to Original message |
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A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. |
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Sun Nov-13-05 09:14 PM Response to Original message |
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A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. |
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Sun Nov-13-05 10:51 PM Response to Original message |
9. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Endangered Specie
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Mon Nov-14-05 12:28 AM Response to Original message |
10. added Ryan from Illinois |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Wed Nov-16-05 02:11 AM Response to Original message |
11. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Wed Nov-16-05 02:25 AM Response to Original message |
12. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Wed Nov-16-05 02:35 AM Response to Original message |
13. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Wed Nov-16-05 02:55 AM Response to Original message |
14. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Wed Nov-16-05 03:21 AM Response to Original message |
15. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Wed Nov-16-05 03:46 PM Response to Original message |
16. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Wed Nov-16-05 03:49 PM Response to Original message |
17. Edit to item added |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? |
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Southpaw Bookworm
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Wed Nov-16-05 11:16 PM Response to Original message |
18. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. |
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Thu Dec-29-05 04:44 PM Response to Original message |
19. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. |
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Sat Mar-18-06 01:34 PM Response to Original message |
20. Unexplained edit |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. |
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Mon Jun-05-06 02:13 PM Response to Original message |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption |
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Thu Jun-29-06 08:36 AM Response to Original message |
22. Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sat Aug-05-06 02:10 PM Response to Original message |
23. Roy Blunt (R-MO) adulterous affair |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Fri Sep-29-06 07:32 PM Response to Original message |
24. Mark Foley (R-FL) |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Fri Sep-29-06 07:44 PM Response to Original message |
25. FReeper responses |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors (IM's now in addition to the emails) Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Fri Sep-29-06 08:30 PM Response to Original message |
26. Mark Foley |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors (IM's now in addition to the emails) Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sat Sep-30-06 06:47 AM Response to Original message |
27. Mark Foley |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY (HASTERT AND CO.) KNEW! They Knew About Foley FL-16: The Foley IMs AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sun Oct-01-06 07:39 AM Response to Original message |
28. Mark Foley |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Fri Oct-06-06 06:36 AM Response to Original message |
29. Bob Livingston (R-LA) |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sat Jul-28-07 09:04 AM Response to Original message |
30. Michigan Young Republican pleads guilty to rape |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sun Jul-29-07 11:34 AM Response to Original message |
31. PI article |
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus.
A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sun Oct-14-07 11:54 AM Response to Original message |
32. Larry Craig |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Wed Nov-14-07 09:54 AM Response to Original message |
33. Ozwald Balfour (R-Utah) |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Fri Nov-30-07 11:31 AM Response to Original message |
34. WI Party Chairman fondles 16yo boy, buys beer,/mj, masturbates on shoes |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sat Dec-08-07 10:21 AM Response to Original message |
35. Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Mon Jan-28-08 04:39 PM Response to Original message |
36. "Clean Movie" Maven Arrested For Sex with two 14-yearolds |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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![]() |
Tue Apr-15-08 04:50 PM Response to Original message |
37. add: Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sat Jul-12-08 11:49 AM Response to Original message |
38. Addition of anti-gay gay Republican Troy King, Alabama AG |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alabama Attorney General Troy King, known for his vocal opposition to gay rights and attempt to outlaw sex toys, was caught by his wife having gay sex with the local homecoming King from Troy University (Troy King with the Troy king???): via "Wonkette": Anti-Gay Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay - July 11, 2008 (A) prominent anti-homosexual Republican attorney general has apparently been caught having homosexual sex intercourse with his homosexual gay male assistant. Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed. Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Sat Jul-26-08 06:14 PM Response to Original message |
39. Former Pawlenty, Huckabee, Bush Spokesman Caught In Sex Sting |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alabama Attorney General Troy King, known for his vocal opposition to gay rights and attempt to outlaw sex toys, was caught by his wife having gay sex with the local homecoming King from Troy University (Troy King caught with the Troy king???): via "Wonkette": Anti-Gay Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay - July 11, 2008 (A) prominent anti-homosexual Republican attorney general has apparently been caught having homosexual sex intercourse with his homosexual gay male assistant. Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed. Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Former Pawlenty, Huckabee Spokesman Caught In Sex Sting A two-day prostitution sting in St. Paul netted 35 men, including a longtime Republican operator in Minnesota politics. Peter Hong, 41, of Minneapolis, was one of 19 men picked up Wednesday afternoon after police say he responded to an ad for sex put out in newspapers and online by the St. Paul Police Department’s vice squad. The Carleton grad was a campaign spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty in 2002 and congressional press secretary to Sen. Rod Grams, R-Minn., for much of the 1990s. He also served as the Bush-Cheney Minnesota campaign spokesman in 2004. His most recent political stint was as presidential campaign spokesman for Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Hong is currently self-employed and “Always Searching for the Next Big Thing!” according to his profile on the business-networking Web site LinkedIn. (more...) Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Fri Aug-08-08 12:42 PM Response to Original message |
40. MO Republican Indicted, Charged With Sexual Assault Of 14 Yr Old Girl |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alabama Attorney General Troy King, known for his vocal opposition to gay rights and attempt to outlaw sex toys, was caught by his wife having gay sex with the local homecoming King from Troy University (Troy King caught with the Troy king???): via "Wonkette": Anti-Gay Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay - July 11, 2008 (A) prominent anti-homosexual Republican attorney general has apparently been caught having homosexual sex intercourse with his homosexual gay male assistant. Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed. Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Former Pawlenty, Huckabee Spokesman Caught In Sex Sting A two-day prostitution sting in St. Paul netted 35 men, including a longtime Republican operator in Minnesota politics. Peter Hong, 41, of Minneapolis, was one of 19 men picked up Wednesday afternoon after police say he responded to an ad for sex put out in newspapers and online by the St. Paul Police Department’s vice squad. The Carleton grad was a campaign spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty in 2002 and congressional press secretary to Sen. Rod Grams, R-Minn., for much of the 1990s. He also served as the Bush-Cheney Minnesota campaign spokesman in 2004. His most recent political stint was as presidential campaign spokesman for Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Hong is currently self-employed and “Always Searching for the Next Big Thing!” according to his profile on the business-networking Web site LinkedIn. (more...) Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri MO Republican Indicted, Charged With Sexual Assault Of 14 Yr Old Girl - Aug 7, 2008 JEFFERSON CITY -- Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended. The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl’s mother and Muschany -– who is married and has two children -- were romantically involved, the woman said. A Cole County grand jury returned an indictment today charging Muschany with the Class C felony of "deviate sexual assault." The indictment identifies the victim only by initials. It says that on May 17, Muschany "had deviate sexual intercourse" with the girl, "knowing that he did so without" her consent. Muschany, 42, was booked into the Cole County Jail today at 2:50 and he was released after posting a $5,000 bond. If convicted, Muschany faces a fine of up to $5,000 and a prison term of up to 7 years. (more...) Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Jim Lane
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Tue Aug-19-08 05:07 PM Response to Original message |
41. add Vito Fossella's adultery |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alabama Attorney General Troy King, known for his vocal opposition to gay rights and attempt to outlaw sex toys, was caught by his wife having gay sex with the local homecoming King from Troy University (Troy King caught with the Troy king???): via "Wonkette": Anti-Gay Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay - July 11, 2008 (A) prominent anti-homosexual Republican attorney general has apparently been caught having homosexual sex intercourse with his homosexual gay male assistant. Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed. Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Former Pawlenty, Huckabee Spokesman Caught In Sex Sting A two-day prostitution sting in St. Paul netted 35 men, including a longtime Republican operator in Minnesota politics. Peter Hong, 41, of Minneapolis, was one of 19 men picked up Wednesday afternoon after police say he responded to an ad for sex put out in newspapers and online by the St. Paul Police Department’s vice squad. The Carleton grad was a campaign spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty in 2002 and congressional press secretary to Sen. Rod Grams, R-Minn., for much of the 1990s. He also served as the Bush-Cheney Minnesota campaign spokesman in 2004. His most recent political stint was as presidential campaign spokesman for Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Hong is currently self-employed and “Always Searching for the Next Big Thing!” according to his profile on the business-networking Web site LinkedIn. (more...) Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri MO Republican Indicted, Charged With Sexual Assault Of 14 Yr Old Girl - Aug 7, 2008 JEFFERSON CITY -- Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended. The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl’s mother and Muschany -– who is married and has two children -- were romantically involved, the woman said. A Cole County grand jury returned an indictment today charging Muschany with the Class C felony of "deviate sexual assault." The indictment identifies the victim only by initials. It says that on May 17, Muschany "had deviate sexual intercourse" with the girl, "knowing that he did so without" her consent. Muschany, 42, was booked into the Cole County Jail today at 2:50 and he was released after posting a $5,000 bond. If convicted, Muschany faces a fine of up to $5,000 and a prison term of up to 7 years. (more...) Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 Congressman Vito Fossella (NY-13) turned out to be such a strong believer in family values that he had two families -- his "official" one in New York, and a mistress (plus their love child) in Virginia. When these facts came to light in 2008, Fossella was pressured by Republican leaders into renouncing a re-election attempt. North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Thu Dec-11-08 04:24 PM Response to Original message |
42. Unexplained edit |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alabama Attorney General Troy King, known for his vocal opposition to gay rights and attempt to outlaw sex toys, was caught by his wife having gay sex with the local homecoming King from Troy University (Troy King caught with the Troy king???): via "Wonkette": Anti-Gay Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay - July 11, 2008 (A) prominent anti-homosexual Republican attorney general has apparently been caught having homosexual sex intercourse with his homosexual gay male assistant. Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed. Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Former Pawlenty, Huckabee Spokesman Caught In Sex Sting A two-day prostitution sting in St. Paul netted 35 men, including a longtime Republican operator in Minnesota politics. Peter Hong, 41, of Minneapolis, was one of 19 men picked up Wednesday afternoon after police say he responded to an ad for sex put out in newspapers and online by the St. Paul Police Department’s vice squad. The Carleton grad was a campaign spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty in 2002 and congressional press secretary to Sen. Rod Grams, R-Minn., for much of the 1990s. He also served as the Bush-Cheney Minnesota campaign spokesman in 2004. His most recent political stint was as presidential campaign spokesman for Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Hong is currently self-employed and “Always Searching for the Next Big Thing!” according to his profile on the business-networking Web site LinkedIn. (more...) Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri MO Republican Indicted, Charged With Sexual Assault Of 14 Yr Old Girl - Aug 7, 2008 JEFFERSON CITY -- Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended. The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl’s mother and Muschany -– who is married and has two children -- were romantically involved, the woman said. A Cole County grand jury returned an indictment today charging Muschany with the Class C felony of "deviate sexual assault." The indictment identifies the victim only by initials. It says that on May 17, Muschany "had deviate sexual intercourse" with the girl, "knowing that he did so without" her consent. Muschany, 42, was booked into the Cole County Jail today at 2:50 and he was released after posting a $5,000 bond. If convicted, Muschany faces a fine of up to $5,000 and a prison term of up to 7 years. (more...) Montana Nebraska Nevada Nevada's Republican Governor, Jim Gibbons, was accused of assaulting cocktail waitress Chrissy Mazzeo in October of 2006 a few weeks before his election to the position of governor. The waitress dropped the charges later citing intimidation and threats. http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Oct-26-Thu-2006/news/10448591.html">Las Vegas Review Journal In 2008, Jim Gibbons's wife, Dawn, filed for divorce citing an extra marital affair that the governor was participating in as the cause. The scandal expanded as their divorce took a turn for the worse when Dawn Gibbons threw Jim Gibbons out of the Governor's mansion and barricaded herself within. http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/30/divorce-turns-ugly-for-nevadas-governor/">New York Times http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/06/poor_poor_dawn_gibbons_first.php">TPMMuckraker New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 Congressman Vito Fossella (NY-13) turned out to be such a strong believer in family values that he had two families -- his "official" one in New York, and a mistress (plus their love child) in Virginia. When these facts came to light in 2008, Fossella was pressured by Republican leaders into renouncing a re-election attempt. North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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Thu Dec-11-08 04:25 PM Response to Original message |
43. Editted to add Jim Gibbons under Nevada |
Another page in serious need of update:
This new topic is awaiting edits. It was started by achtung_circus. A | C | D | | F | G | H | I | | K | L | M | N | O | P | | R | S | T | U | V | W | Alabama Alabama Attorney General Troy King, known for his vocal opposition to gay rights and attempt to outlaw sex toys, was caught by his wife having gay sex with the local homecoming King from Troy University (Troy King caught with the Troy king???): via "Wonkette": Anti-Gay Alabama A.G. Caught Being Gay - July 11, 2008 (A) prominent anti-homosexual Republican attorney general has apparently been caught having homosexual sex intercourse with his homosexual gay male assistant. Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed. Alaska Arizona Carey Lee Cramer, the man who created an anti-Al Gore TV ad using his 9 year old stepdaughter was indicted on May 11 2005 with multiple counts of molesting his stepdaughter and another young relative. The ad "made national news because it accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving nuclear technology to China in return for campaign contributions." "The commercial showed a young girl picking daisy petals and ends with a nuclear blast, a remake of a 1964 ad by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign against Republican Barry Goldwater." http://www.themonitor.com/SiteProcessor.cfm?Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=7544&Section=Local Arkansas California Jeffrey Ray Nielsen (CA) Pleads Guilty To Molesting Young Boys. A former GOP congressional aide has pleaded guilty to molesting two male teens, including the 13-year-old son of a family with whom the staffer lived while working on Capitol Hill. 37-year-old Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, who has worked previously for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), as well the Republican chair of California's Orange County, agreed to two felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, reports the Associated Press. A jury had deadlocked at an earlier trial this year -- in which Nielsen was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a 14-year-old boy he met on the internet -- and prosecutors were prepared to bring additional charges in a retrial. The plea deal is expected to bring a sentence of three years in state prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. (follow link for more) --- John Schmitz elected to US House of reps as a conservative John Bircher, makes a career decrying America's moral decrepitude.. Turns out he has a SECOND family on the side. "Schmitz acknowledged that the boy was his, as well as the child's older sister, but he said "'I do not and will not support him financially. It is her responsibility to take care of him.'" http://firedoglake.blogspot.com/2005/05/great-moments-in-republican-family.html JJackFlash Colorado Connecticut Former Republican Waterbury Mayor Philip Giordano, convicted of sexually abusing two preteen girls inside City Hall and other locations, was sentenced in 2003 to 37 years in federal prison. Giordano was convicted of violating the civil rights of the two girls by forcing them to have oral sex with him in City Hall, his law office, home, and elsewhere. The girls were ages 8 and 10 at the time. He also was convicted of conspiring with a prostitute who is the mother of one girl and aunt of the other, and with using an interstate device, a cell phone, to arrange the liaisons. http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2002/Giordano.htm http://www.nbc30.com/news/2268479/detail.html?topstories&id=56414,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/19/waterbury.mayor.ap/ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Mark Foley (R-FL) ![]() 16 Yr Old Says Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) Sent Him "SICK" E-mails The Republican House leadership has known about Foley for a year The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander (news, bio, voting record), R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen's parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, "We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem," a reference to the House's Republican leaders. – ABC News AP has a list of Repuke "excuses" for Foley's not being fired earlier ABC NEWS releases entire chat transcripts of Foley and underage boy "Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing/Exploited Children" Hastert Knew About Foley in 2005! Has " Kids in Cyberspace" On Site (Pic) Repubs put pedophile chair of House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Kids FOLEY'S CRUDE, SEXUAL IM'S TO MINORS HERE (Also, Could be Prosecuted!): MORE ON FOLEY: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IM'S (NEW!!!!) Sludge posts Foley chat transcripts: "Do I make you a little horny?" Foley says he'd love to "grab the one-eyed snake" Foley's site: before it gets deleted (and you know it's gonna get deleted) Mark Foley - The RW spin - he was gay, being an R is immaterial WAIT, it Gets BETTER!!! re: Foley I did it for you..... Responses from Freeperville about Foley BREAKING-FOLEY RESIGNS - CAUGHT SENDING CREEPY E-MAIL TO UNDER-AGE PAGE Just heard on the radio Foley submitted letter of resignation to Hastert Looks like Mark Foley (r) Fla. Just Quit! Foley resigns. Freepers blame... democrats!!! Freepers Rep. Mark Foley drops out of race (Fox: also resigned) – a whopping 1300 replies! Blog: The Sexually Explicit Internet Messages That Led to Fla. Rep. Foley's Resignation Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Foley resigns from Congress over e-mails Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors - IM's now in addition to the emails Foley submits resignation to Congress (scandal with 16 year old boy) Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16 Foley's district: the Florida 16th BlogActive on Schultz: "Everyone knew Dryer, Foley were gay." Check this website out: "STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA" Other Discussions Daily Kos: ABC has Five Congressional Pages, Foley In Emotional Breakdown: Updated with new Info Daily Kos: PredatorGate Cover-Up: Reynolds Confirms Hastert Involved, Kildee Confirms No Investigation Happened Daily Kos: Republican House Underage Sex Scandal: Thread III TMP: BLOCKBUSTER STORY out of Roll Call Breaking scandal: Republican Rep. Mark FOLEY RESIGNS! Daily Kos: Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew Daily Kos: THEY AMERICAblog Georgia Neal Horsley: an extreme right-winger who outed himself on Hannity and Colmes. When Alan Colmes asked him "You had sex with animals" Horsley replied: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/06/bizarre_sex_habits_of_the_extreme_rightwing.php#more Hawaii Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pled guilty to "Disorderly Conduct" after engaging in activity indicative of solicitation for gay sex in the mens bathroom of the Minnesota airport (link). There have been other allegations that Senator Craig has solicited gay sex from other men prior to his 2007 arrest, but to date, those allegations can not be verified. Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the 2004 race because of revelations from his ex-wife, Jeri Ryan. She alleges, in unsealed court documents, that he tried to have her perform various explicit acts in sex clubs around the world, some of them with BDSM leanings. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/25/politics/main626069.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/22/ryan.divorce/ http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-ryan22.html Henry Hyde: Illinois Rep. who headed the House Judiciary Committee decided "whether the adulterous affair President Clinton carried on with a White House intern, and his efforts to keep it hidden, should be referred to the House of Representatives for impeachment proceedings." But apparently Henry had conducted a little business of his own. Fred Snodgrass "says Hyde carried on a five-year sexual relationship with his then-wife, Cherie, that shattered his family. Hyde admitted to Salon Wednesday that he had been involved with Cherie Snodgrass, and that the relationship ended after Hyde's wife found out about it." http://www.salon.com/news/1998/09/cov_16newsb2.html Indiana Iowa Mike Hintz: the man Bush introduced (on 10/4/04) to promote his tax plan; "It's a special day for Mike and Sharla, not because they're with the President or with Chairman Grassley, but because it's their 13th wedding anniversary. (Applause.)" http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041004-7.html (but what a difference a month makes)"A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with sexual exploitation by a counselor. Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years. Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old woman in the church youth group this spring. Church officials fired Hintz immediately." http://www.kcci.com/news/3976822/detail.html Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan ![]() Minnesota Former Pawlenty, Huckabee Spokesman Caught In Sex Sting A two-day prostitution sting in St. Paul netted 35 men, including a longtime Republican operator in Minnesota politics. Peter Hong, 41, of Minneapolis, was one of 19 men picked up Wednesday afternoon after police say he responded to an ad for sex put out in newspapers and online by the St. Paul Police Department’s vice squad. The Carleton grad was a campaign spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty in 2002 and congressional press secretary to Sen. Rod Grams, R-Minn., for much of the 1990s. He also served as the Bush-Cheney Minnesota campaign spokesman in 2004. His most recent political stint was as presidential campaign spokesman for Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Hong is currently self-employed and “Always Searching for the Next Big Thing!” according to his profile on the business-networking Web site LinkedIn. (more...) Mississippi Missouri Abigail Perlman (Mrs. Roy Blunt) Featured In "Second Wives Club" Article ...even self-professed family-values Republicans like House Majority Whip Roy Blunt--who married his second wife a mere six months after the divorce from his first was final--tend to be forgiven for their personal indiscretions come election time. Apparently, the voters of the 7th district of Missouri are a forgiving people, because they overlooked the Congressman's adulterous affair at election time. Later in the story, Blunt's legislative actions on behalf of Perlman, who was at the time Blunt's mistress, and her employer Altria are prominently featured as a no-no even by D.C.'s lax standards But by far the most notable--and notorious--power union of recent times is that of Roy Blunt and Abigail Perlman, director of government affairs for Altria. Since his 1996 election, Blunt's swift rise in the House has been credited to his close ties to K Street--ties undoubtedly strengthened by his friendly relations with the go-to gal for Altria, which just so happens to be one of Blunt's top campaign con-tributors. Perlman, meanwhile, could not have asked for a more energetic cham-pion of her employer's interests than her congressional beau. In 2002, within hours of being named majority whip, Blunt quietly inserted a provision benefit-ing Altria-owned Philip Morris into the Homeland Security Act. Unfortunately for the couple, the measure was pulled as soon as colleagues discovered it, and when Blunt ran unsuccessfully to replace Tom DeLay as majority leader earlier this year, the boondoggle provided his opponents with much ammunition--highlighting the complications that can arise from having a power wife. Fired Up! Missouri MO Republican Indicted, Charged With Sexual Assault Of 14 Yr Old Girl - Aug 7, 2008 JEFFERSON CITY -- Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended. The alleged victim is the daughter of a state employee. The girl’s mother and Muschany -– who is married and has two children -- were romantically involved, the woman said. A Cole County grand jury returned an indictment today charging Muschany with the Class C felony of "deviate sexual assault." The indictment identifies the victim only by initials. It says that on May 17, Muschany "had deviate sexual intercourse" with the girl, "knowing that he did so without" her consent. Muschany, 42, was booked into the Cole County Jail today at 2:50 and he was released after posting a $5,000 bond. If convicted, Muschany faces a fine of up to $5,000 and a prison term of up to 7 years. (more...) Montana Nebraska Nevada Nevada's Republican Governor, Jim Gibbons, was accused of assaulting cocktail waitress Chrissy Mazzeo in October of 2006 a few weeks before his election to the position of governor. The waitress dropped the charges later citing intimidation and threats. http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Oct-26-Thu-2006/news/10448591.html">Las Vegas Review Journal In 2008, Jim Gibbons's wife, Dawn, filed for divorce citing an extra marital affair that the governor was participating in as the cause. The scandal expanded as their divorce took a turn for the worse when Dawn Gibbons threw Jim Gibbons out of the Governor's mansion and barricaded herself within. http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/30/divorce-turns-ugly-for-nevadas-governor/">New York Times http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/06/poor_poor_dawn_gibbons_first.php">TPMMuckraker New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York "Oswego's Republican mayor, John Gosek, was charged with trying to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls; five days later, he resigned as mayor." http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1131529228296390.xml&coll=1 Congressman Vito Fossella (NY-13) turned out to be such a strong believer in family values that he had two families -- his "official" one in New York, and a mistress (plus their love child) in Virginia. When these facts came to light in 2008, Fossella was pressured by Republican leaders into renouncing a re-election attempt. North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA, Bruce Barclay. (added - April 15, 2008) On March 31st, police, investigating the allegation of rape by the 20-year old Marshall McCurdy, obtained a warrant to search Barclay’s home. They didn’t find evidence of rape. But they did find videotapes of hundreds of sexual encounters with men that Barclay had filmed on high-tech surveillance cameras. The cameras were hidden inside AM/FM radios, motion detectors and intercom speaker systems, among other places. There was also one at his business office. <...> On April 10th, the rape charges were dropped. One of the videos found during the search showed Barclay and McCurdy engaging in (apparently) consensual sex. (Story via TPMMuckraker.) Rhode Island South Carolina Susan Smith kills her kids in 1995. Newt Gingrich blames liberals. Turns out she was molested by her GOP bigwig-Christian Coalition stepfather for years. The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/year_in_review/us/smith.html (JJackFlash) South Dakota Tennessee The Bradley News Weekly reported that Tennessee state Senator Jeff Miller has been dating a woman even though his divorce to his wife is not yet final. In an attempt to retaliate, Miller threatened business owners who advertise in the Bradley News Weekly. Miller wrote a letter stating: "Myself and many other are going to be watching in the next several weeks to identify and remember those in this community that wish to subsidize the destructive nature of this type of publication in our community". The paper responded by calling Miller an "irresponsible little boy" and going on to explain their decision to report about Miller's actions by stating: "Your platform is that of a guy who believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage should be between one man and one woman. And your behavior doesn't support your platform. So we report it." Texas Utah (via "CBS News" - added 1/28/2008) "Clean" Movie Maven Arrested For Teen Sex (CBS) A Utah retailer of family-friendly tapes and DVDs - Hollywood films with the "dirty parts" cut out of them - has been arrested for trading sex with two 14-year-old girls. Orem police say Flix Club owner Daniel Dean Thompson, 31, and Issac Lifferth, 24, were booked into the Utah County jail on charges of sexual abuse and unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old. CBS Station KUTV in Salt Lake City reports that the shocking discovery came when a mother found a $20 bill in her daughter’s room last week and questioned her about where the money came from. The girl confessed that she and a friend had been paid for sexual favors by an older male. Lifferth was additionally charged with patronizing a prostitute and was also in possession of a prescription drug medication without a prescription. Thompson's Flix Club was one of several Utah-based video outlets that traded in edited versions of R- and PG-13-rated films, catering to clientele who wanted to watch hit movies without nudity, sex, language or graphic violence. (more) =========================================== (via "Salt Lake Tribune" - added 11/14/2007) A 3rd District judge this week scuttled Republican leader Ozwald Balfour's efforts to disqualify the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office from prosecuting him for allegedly groping, or attempting to grope, four women. Four sex assault cases filed against Balfour in 2005 were still unresolved last fall when he threw his support - and the free services of his two media consulting companies - to Republican district attorney candidate Lohra Miller. Months later, defense attorney Benjamin Hamilton arranged a meeting with the new D.A. to discuss the potential dismissal of the charges, arguing there was insufficient evidence. During the April meeting, Miller recognized Balfour's name, ended the discussion and delegated the cases to deputy prosecutor Alicia Cook, according to court documents. Hamilton asked a judge to disqualify the entire D.A.'s office and move the cases to another county. He pointed to Miller's January dismissal of an assault charge against a police officer - criticized as repayment for political support from police - and argued that experience would make her reluctant to resolve or dismiss his cases. But 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton rejected that argument earlier this week, and also refused to set separate trials on each charge. Balfour, 53, of South Jordan, is the founder of the Utah Republican Black Assembly. (...) During a 2006 preliminary hearing, the alleged victims characterized Balfour as a bait-and-switch artist. One woman testified Balfour came to her home in 2003 after she answered an ad about learning Web design. She said Balfour dropped his pants, began rubbing against her and tried to put his hands up her skirt. Three other alleged victims claimed they were assaulted on Jan. 21, 2005, at Balfour's studio, International Media Services, at 340 W. Whitney Ave. (1410 South), during purported interviews for acting jobs. One woman testified Balfour tried to get his hands under her shirt after taking her to a dark room adjoining his office. Another woman said Balfour told her, "Show me how a love scene goes," then kissed her neck and grabbed her breast. A third alleged victim said he unzipped her jacket and tried to lift her shirt. Vermont Virginia Washington Spokane Mayor Jim West, 53, a rabid anti-gay politician, was found to be trolling gay chat rooms and having sex with teenage boys he befriended there. He also offered to find these boys jobs with the city of Spokane in exchange for sex. For 25 years, West used his positions of public trust (sheriff's deputy, Boy Scout leader and powerful politician) to develop sexual relationships with boys and young men. ![]() Seattle Post-Intelligencer article West Virginia Wisconsin Brown County Republican Party chairman faces sex charges Fleischman's attorney denies allegations October 13, 2007 The chairman of the Republican Party in Brown County faces criminal charges for allegedly fondling a 16-year-old Ethan House runaway and providing the boy with beer and marijuana late last year. Donald Fleischman, 37, of Allouez, was charged last month with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child. He was summoned to Brown County court for his initial appearance on Sept. 28. He is free having posted a signature bond as his promise to return to court. (more) (Nov.29, 2007 follow up:) (...) Then, this past September, Brown County prosecutors accused county GOP chairman and treasurer Donald Fleischman of masturbating on a 16-year-old boy’s feet, and supplying the boy with marijuana and beer in 2006. Prosecutors dropped the charges weeks later after the boy failed to show up at a hearing. But Fleischman already had resigned his party positions. (...) Wyoming The Talk Box is for comments. Please include your username. BlueIris: Just the scandals that have already been mentioned are making my skin crawl. Is there a worse human being on the planet than Josh Schmitz? Southpaw Bookworm: To these can be added the examples from http://www.armchairsubversive.com/. REPUBLICAN SCANDAL SITES Republican Hypocrisy Revealed Republican Sex Offender Showcase The Record of Republican Corruption Republican Political consultant Carey Lee Cramer In the News Cramer found guilty on 4 of 13 charges Man behind anti-Clinton ad convicted: Found guilty of child molestation GOP Strategist A Child Molester Political consultant convicted of child molestation charges Republican Political Ad Maker Charged With Molesting Teens DU Threads Guilty on 4 counts -wingnut 2000 dirty trickster CRAMER -walks on 9 counts |
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