I totally agree with your perspective, as you can see from my list of "lemons" that have been swallowed by the American public. Unfortunately, starting with the "magic bullet theory", we face the fact that the establishment got away with executing a President of the US in cold blood, and since that time have felt free to intervene as necessary to control the country, and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do to stop them.
------------------------------------------------------------ Who Are the REAL Conspiracy Theorists ?
- Those who believe the Warren Commission’s “magic-bullet-theory” that a single bullet flew an impossibly complex trajectory, caused extensive physical damage, and ended up in pristine condition on a stretcher, and who believe in all the other incredible amounts of BS that “proved” Oswald was acting alone.
- Those who believe the North Vietnamese attacked the US on the high seas in Tonkin Gulf, which provided LBJ with his excuse to fight an obscene and genocidal war in Vietnam
- Those who believe that the intifada against Bill Clinton by Scaife and his crew was genuinely motivated by concerns over Whitewater real estate investments by Bill Clinton as governor of Arkansas, and that they eventually stumbled upon Monica Lewinsky by accident, and were obligated by the US Constitution and the “rule of law” to impeach President Clinton
- Those who believe that in the 2000 Presidential election, George Walker Bushitler really receieved 537 more votes than Vice President Al Gore in Florida, which just happened to be controlled by Bushitler’s brother and Cruella Katherine Harris.
- Those who believe there was no conspiracy in the US Supreme Court to stop the counting of ballots in Florida, and there was judicial grounds and justification to award the Presidency to the AWOL cokehead, George Walker Bushitler.
- Those who believe that the US government was unaware of all the warnings about Al Qaeda prior to 9/11, and that hijacked airplanes able to roam the skies over NYC and Washington DC at will, and that there were no defenses in the White House, the Capitol Building, or the Pentagon to prevent the use of a hijacked airliner as a weapon.
- Those who believe that during the 9/11 attacks, the air traffic controllers and NORAD followed the procedures they had exercised in the past regarding aircraft violating their flight plans.
- Those who believe that the AWOL cowardly cokehead commander-in-thief, George Walker Bushitler, and his staff, were really so clueless as to allow him to continue smirking and reading stories about a goat at the very moment when hundreds of Americans were being burnt alive and blown to bits in the WTC.
- Those who believe the physical damage to the Pentagon is consistent with a loaded 757, piloted by an incompetent, was able to fly in a trajectory a few feet off the ground, enter the Pentagon thru a small spider hole, and then self-destruct and vaporize in such a way that there would be no recognizable debris either outside or inside the building, and that the witnesses who testified that the aircraft resembled a missle were are lying or hallucinating.
- Those who believe that since 9/11 was allowed to happen without any defenses, that George Walker Bushitler was suddenly catapulted from a less than 50% favorability rating to 90%, and was able to imprint himself in the American psyche as a strong and valiant leader, and was able to enforce a lockdown on civil liberties and dissent in every area, both foreign and domestic policy.
- Those who believe that George Walker Bushitler and Tony “The Poodle” Blair genuine had documentation and strong evidence of WMD in Iraq, and invaded Iraq because it was an imminent threat to the security of the US and Great Britain.
- Those who believe that exit polls have been extremely accurate in the past, but suddenly became totally unreliable during the 2004 Presidential election, in a manner that favored George Walker Bushitler in very critical state. In fact, the greatest voter shifts for Bush in this election vs. predictions from the exit polls occurred by "chance" in four states: after California, they are Florida (450,000), Pennsylvannia (378,000) and Ohio (338,000)