...details of the election fraud (a truly staggering mountain of details and evidence), and on arguing particular points of evidence, that we "fail to see the forest for the trees". We forget, or omit, or fail to sufficiently present the CONTEXT--the staggering mountain of lies, and crimes, in which the 2004 election fraud is embedded.
I've taken it on as my role to constantly point this out. For instance, it's not just that Kerry won the exit polls, it's that the Democrats massively beat out the Bushites in new voter registration in 2004, nearly 60/40, with most new voters voting for Kerry, most independents voting for Kerry, and most Nader voters switching to Kerry;
that Bush's dismal approval ratings for over a year have now sunk to 35% (!!!), with 60% to 70% of Americans disapproving of every major Bush policy, foreign and domestic;
that the election system itself was non-transparent, invalid and fraudulent, with major Bush supporters owning and controlling the electronic voting machines, and running them on secret, proprietary programming code, with a third of country having no paper trail;
that massive vote suppression against Democratic voters was committed by Republican officials and operatives in Ohio, Florida and other states;
that a UC Berkeley statistical team found 130,000 to 260,000 "phantom votes for Bush" in 3 of Florida's biggest Democratic counties (in electronic vs. other methods of voting);
that a DU analyst found a similar problem in No. Carolina (an inexplicable 9% edge to Bush in electronic voting);
that electronic touchscreens changed Kerry votes to Bush votes in 87 of 94 reported incidents, and that the reports describe the difficulty of catching this change and of changing it back;
that a Johns Hopkins research team found serious insecurity in electronic voting systems
...etc., etc., etc.
Kerry won the exit polls!
TIA's recitation of ALL of the supposedly inaccurate polls, all saying Kerry was winning or won, or that something is seriously wrong with the official result--all lined up in a row like this--all now being naysayed and denied, except for the one impossible final exit poll, which was twiddled to CONFIRM the official result--makes a powerful cumulative case, and gives us a meaningful context in which to review individual facts.
One could do the same thing with all the polls that show Bush's dismally low support--so low before the election that Zogby said he couldn't win; at 49% on his inauguration day (unprecedented!), sinking like the Titantic and now at its likely most real level, 35% (the popularity level of rightwing extremism, state religion, oil companies and tax cuts for the rich in the US). The cumulative effect is powerful. Bush is not just unpopular, he's extremely unpopular. Bush is not just lacking in majority support, and not just lacking in any mandate whatsoever, he is lacking in legitimacy as a public official and head of government. And the dislike of Bush is not just personal, it extends to all of his policies.
So: Where DID Bush's margin of victory come from? Karl Rove's "invisible" get-out-the-vote campaign? (Har-har.) Who voted for him? Where is that support NOW? And by what right are he and his "pod people" in Congress pursuing extremist policies, such as privatizing Social Security, piling up federal debt and threatening to invade other countries?
It's a cumulative picture--a context of illegitmacy, and wrong and undemocratic behavior. One or two of these facts is a political argument. But the sum total of it is something else again. It is the very picture of tyranny.
And it has kinship to TIA's list above which forms an overall picture of lying and deceit--all aimed at suppressing this truth: that Kerry won the election, and is the true representative of the majority.
Anyway, thanks TIA! This is a very compellling and useful compilation!