They delayed the vote for a full fledged investigation......a revolution is starting to cover the land.
A Velvet Revolution!!!!
We got proof that they purged the voters off the rolls, and Clint Curtis finished the fraud program for Tom Feeney. Just roll out the source code, roll out the numbers, and you have got proof he used it in 2004 to do the rigging.
There's also plenty of proof this bunch of lunatics were behind it all, and funded every operation!"Lauch Faircloth has always been openly opposed to allowing all Americans to vote. Lauch Faircloth has alwasy been openly opposed
to allowing all Americans to vote. He is a leader of CNP, the
Christian reconstructionists who believe only Christians should be allowed to vote. How can a voting machine company have so many executives line up behind a candidate who is opposed to counting all the votes? ""The corporate officers are as thick as thieves with the Republican hard right religious nut division. For those who have been lucky enough to forget, Senator Faircloth was the protege of Jesse Helms in NC. It looks like the board and the directors were all putting up money for a Faircloth victory when Edwards took that senate seat. I wonder if they conspired to put things right.....?
"Don't just scan over the following list of Diebold's board and officers - look for patterns. Why were they all so set on Faircloth, Voinowhasit and DeWine? This looks too bizarre for words. Did they have some litmus test that required donations to these ultra right wing loonies?" what are we waiting for??? Get the Grand Jury together get the evidence in place get the formal prosecution rolling......With a still functional judicial system, we can take these fascists down.