Edited on Tue Mar-29-05 10:38 AM by TruthIsAll
These are the FACTS:
V2004 122.26 million voted in 2004
V2000 104.77 voted in 2000 G2000 50.999 voted for Gore B2000 50.456 voted for Bush O2000 3.315 voted for Other D 3.667 died (8.7 per thousand annual death rate)
So there were NetN 17.490 New voters, net of deaths
Since GD 1.785 Gore voters died BD 1.766 Bush voters died OD 0.116 Other voters died
then there were TN 21.157 New voters
And we must have MG 49.214 Maximum no. Gore 2000 voters MB 48.690 Max no. Bush 2000 voters MO 3.199 Max no. Other 2000 voters MT 101.103 Max Total no. returning voters
MinNew 21.157 Min number of New voters
Assume the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM OF 21.157 million New Voters:
The total 2004 vote was comprised of: V2004 = 122.26 = MB + MG+ MO + MinNew
KV= Kerry Vote = MG + Kerry % of New Voters BV= Bush Vote = MB + Bush % of New Voters
and KV = 49.214+ .54* 21.157 =60.639 BV = 48.690+ .45* 21.157 =58.211
So, according to the Bush-favored Final Exit poll, in which Kerry won 54% of New Voters, Kerry won the election by 2.428 million votes.
This is a MINIMUM MARGIN, because the earlier, believable exit polls gave him 57%-59% of New Voters.
This analysis assumes all Bush 2000 voters voted for Bush and all Gore 2000 voters voted for Kerry. It is a very conservative assumption, since much of the evidence had former Bush 2000 voters going for Kerry this time, not the other way around...